Minutes of WS&EBA meeting 14 October 2015
Present: Micaela Beckett, Jaye Jones, Julia Holtom, Barbara Wigley, Alison Kent (chair)
Apologies: Val Roberts, Shelagh Dean
The minutes of the previous meeting 2nd July 2015 were agreed to be correct.
Matters Arising
Brockwell. This bridleway has intimitdating loose dogs in the property through which the Definitive line goes - AK has reported it to ENPA so far no information is forthcoming.
East Harwood. Agressive guard dogs next to bridleway - AK to ask ENPA for advice
Lower Court Farm, Treborough. AK has reported to ENPA. They have resigned it.
Thorne Lane - still very slippery. AK to follow up
Wydon Farm - Sue Appleton is still trying to get the diversion agreement.
Kendle Farm–ENPA waiting for landowners choice of diverted route.
Lype Common - several gates very difficult on this bridleway. BW to report to Ione Wilcock.
AK Talked about deadline of 1/1/2026 for claiming historical paths.
JH said that Hazel Riley had written a new book on Exmoor’s old coaching roads.
Treasurer's Report
There are currently 56 members ( two new since the last meeting)
£838.99 in the bank (£10 more than at last meeting)
Error - was given as £829.99 - should havebeen £828.99 ,see Mins 2/7/15.
Two escorted rides had been held, and two had to be cancelled because of bad weather.
Christmas Cracker Ride–Sunday 6th December at Haddon Hill
JJ will be away. Offers of help on the day please!
AK to be Organiser – plan route and notify landowners.
Marking - AK (Friday) BW & Ian, JH & Jeremy (Saturday)
BW to enquire if there are any trail bikers able to help.
First out on the day - SD, who knows the area and can check the marking
Last out on the day - JH
Mince pies provided by MB
Entry fees £15 adults, £10 children. Family of four (2 x adults, 2 x children) £40
Children under 14 to be accompanied by an adult (18 or over) Max 2 children per adult.
Start time between 09.39 - 10.30.
Put in a 'short cut' for anyone who is slow and likely to finish very late.
CPs in Orange mobile signal if poss. BW has several phones which can be used.
BW to provide number bibs
SD's husband to do parking
Advertise on website and FB, Wessex & SW EGB websites & Forum (BW)
MB to do posters - e mail to AK for confirmation before printing etc.
AGM – Thursday 12 November 7.00pm at Moorland Hall. Wheddon Cross.
JH confirmed our guest speaker will be Peter Green, MRCVS. to speak on 'The Origin of the Domestic Horse: what we know so far'
MB to do poster.
Food, tea & coffee.
No raffle this year.
AGM at 7.00 pm. Talk at 8.00 pm
JH to confirm PG's expenses.
JJ to organise light refreshments. No wine this year.
Date, time etc. of next meeting - to be decided at AGM (some time in January 2016