Fidelity Checklist
Middle School English Language Arts
Date: Grade/Lesson Focus: ______
Time: ______Number of students:
What Elements of English Language Arts were Targeted in this Lesson? Please circle the appropriate choice(s) below.
Spelling Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Writing Process Grammar / Usage
Listening Speaking Reflection
The checklist list may be used as a "look-for" by others and by teachers to self-evaluate their instruction.
Overall Planning: In long-range and/or daily planning, there is…1 / Evidence of using county approved curriculum throughout the year in long-range plans.
2 / A balance of literary and informational text within each unit in long-range planning.
3 / Inclusion of writing instruction (e.g., process writing, grammar and usage) within each unit in long-range planning.
4 / The implementation of “best practice” activities (e.g. think alouds, modeling, scaffolded instruction, flexible grouping, etc.) that address the posted indicators in daily lessons.
5 / Appropriate lesson pacing to keep students engaged and on task in the lesson.
Individual Lesson
Note: For students to be literate in any content, they should interact with the subject matter in each of these ways daily: reading to self, reading with someone, communicating learning (e.g. BCR’s, discussion, exit slip, etc.), word work, listening to reading
Introduction/Activating Prior Knowledge: 5-15 min. – (e.g., warm-up, homework/review, anticipation activity, etc.)
The Instructor will…
1 / Post and make clear the lesson’s objective(s), from the county content standards.
2 / Draw on students’ prior knowledge and build background knowledge.
Direct Instruction: 20-30 min. – (e.g., presentation, demonstration/modeling, guided note-taking, whole group, etc.)
The Instructor will…
3 / Give clear directions and explanations.
4 / Share models or model skills/techniques/strategies for the students.
5 / Increase student vocabulary skills through relevant and effective word study.
6 / Instruct / review before, during, and after reading skills and strategies.
7 / Engage students in developing and using graphic organizers as part of the writing process.
8 / Engage students with the writing process to compose original selections.
9 / Refine language skills through the study of grammar, usage, and conventions in context.
Guided Practice: Small Group/Independent Work: 15-30 min. – (e.g., guided reading/activities, re-teaching, centers, conferencing, etc.)
The Instructor will…
10 / Reinforce/require student application of before, during, and after reading skills and strategies.
11 / Engage students in responding to higher order questioning and providing relevant text support.
12 / Require students to read text on their instructional and independent reading levels.
13 / Engage students in developing and using graphic organizers as part of the writing process.
14 / Engage students with the writing process to compose original selections.
15 / Refine language skills through the study of grammar, usage, and conventions in context.
Assessment/Closure: 5-10 min.– (e.g,, class discussion, exit survey, fast feedback, quiz, homework review, etc.)
16 / Revisit/review lesson’s purpose and what was learned.
17 / Use formative and/or summative assessments to evaluate student mastery of lesson’s objective(s).
Classroom Management
Classroom Organization:1 / Classroom is arranged to enable active engagement.
2 / Materials are accessible/organized.
3 / Classroom displays (word wall, bulletin board, student work) reflect the current unit of study as well as a literacy-rich environment.
4 / Classroom library is established, accessible, and organized with a variety of texts.
5 / Portfolios are accessible, organized and updated.
Fidelity Checklist: Middle ELA
Fall 2007