Learning Log C – Part 2
Course Aim
Tutor / Day/Time / Venue
Your Learning Log will:
- help you to know what you are learning
- check what you can do at the start,duringand at the end of the course
- describe the learning support that is right for you
- record learning and celebrate achievement
Your learning Log is shared with your tutor and will be used to plan your learning.
There is support to complete your Learning Log.
A copy of your learning log may be collected in at the end of your course.
Planning your learning
Tick and date the boxes to show what you know at the start of the course. This is an important part of Initial Assessment.
What you will learn on the course. (our group learning outcomes) / This is new / I am making progress / I can do this / Date / / Date / / Date
1 / .
Your tutor and ‘supporter’ will talk to you about your progress and learning achievements.
Use this chart to keep a record of your progress. Review how you are getting on during the course and at the end of the course.
Tick and date when you achieve or are making progress towards a learning outcome..
Record of learning– add the date of each lesson
Learner comment / Tutor commentDate
What else would you like to learn?
Personal learning goals can be added throughout the course.
Remember to date and tick as you make progress.
My personal learning goals / I am making progress / I cando this / Tutor comment
/ Date / / Date
List other ways you are recording and celebrating learning. For example, you may be keeping a resource book, a sketch book, practical work, taking part in an exhibition or taking photographs of your work. You may like to add a photo or a drawing here.
End of course review (you and your tutor’s comments)
Think about what you have learned on the course and what you want to learn or do next.
How many of the group learning outcomes and personal goals have you have achieved? / None / Some / Most / AllOn this course I have learnt to…..
Tutor comment
Learner signature:______Date: ______
Tutor signature:______Date: ______
This Learning Log is for you to keep.
You may wish to take it along to your next course.
You will be able to share your achievements.
It will also help you to plan your future studies.
Learning Log C Part 2