The International Research Foundation

for English Language Education



(last updated 19February 2015)

Bley-Vroman, R., & Joo, H. R. (2001). The acquisition and interpretation of English locative constructions by native speakers of Korean. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 23(2), 207-219.

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Chin, C. (2002). Native English-speaking teachers’ perceptions of learning and teaching EFL in Korea. English Teaching, 57(2), 113-135.

Cho, B. E. (2004). Issues concerning Korean learners of English: English education in Korea and some common difficulties of Korean students. The East Asian Learner, 1(2), 31-36.

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Choi, S. (2000). Caregiver input in English and Korean: Use of nouns and verbs in book-reading and toy-play contexts. Journal of Child Language, 27(1), 69-96.

Choi, S., & Bowerman, M. (1991). Learning to express motion events in English and Korean: The influence of language-specific lexicalization patterns. Cognition, 41(1), 83-121.

Choi, S., McDonough, L., Bowerman, M., & Mandler, J. M. (1999). Early sensitivity to language-specific spatial categories in English and Korean. Cognitive Development, 14(2), 241-268.

Choi, I. C. (2008). The impact of EFL testing on EFL education in Korea. Language

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Collins, S. G. (2005). ‘Who's this Tong‐il?’: English, culture and ambivalence in South Korea. Changing English, 12(3), 417-429.

Davis-Wiley, P., & Wiley, S. G. (2001). English as Korea's second language: Teaching the teachers how to teach English in South Korea's elementary schools. International Education, 30(2),41-49

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Flege, J. E., Birdsong, D., Bialystok, E., Mack, M., Sung, H., & Tsukada, K. (2006). Degree of foreign accent in English sentences produced by Korean children and adults. Journal of Phonetics, 34(2), 153-175.

Han, S. (2005). Good teachers know where to scratch when learners feel itchy: Korean learners' views of native-speaking teachers of English.Australian Journal of Education, 49(2), 197-213.

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Heldenbrand, B. (2003). Drama techniques in English language learning. Korea TESOL Journal, 6(1), 27-37.

Hwang, P. (2008). The expansion of English language education in South Korea.ESL

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Ingram, J. C., & Park, S. G. (1997). Cross-language vowel perception and production by Japanese and Korean learners of English. Journal of Phonetics, 25(3), 343-370.

Jeon, M. (2009). Globalization and native English speakers in English programmes in

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Jeong, Y. K. (2004). A chapter of English teaching in Korea. English Today, 20(2), 40-46.

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Jung, S.K., & Norton, B. (2002). Language planning in Korea: The new elementary English program. In J.W. Tollefson (Ed.), Language policies in education: Critical issues. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Kang, K. H., & Guion, S. G. (2006). Phonological systems in bilinguals: Age of learning effects on the stop consonant systems of Korean-English bilinguals. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(3), 1672-1683.

Kang, M. K. (2010). The second modernization failed: Discourse politics from ‘new Korea’ to ‘globalization.’ In P. Gilroy, L. Grossberg & A. McRobbie (Eds.), Without guarantee: In honor of Stuart Hall (pp. 181-192). New York, NY: Verso.

Kim, D., & Margolis, D. (2000). Korean student exposure to English listening and speaking: Instruction, multimedia, travel experience and motivation. The Korea TESOL Journal, 3(1), 29-54.

Kim, D. K. (2000). A qualitative approach to the authenticity in the foreign language classroom: A study of university students learning English in Korea. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, 5(1), 189-205.

Kim, S. H. (2003). Korean cultural codes and communication. International Area Review,

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Kim, M., McGregor, K. K., & Thompson, C. K. (2000). Early lexical development in English-and Korean-speaking children: Language-general and language-specific patterns. Journal of Child Language, 27(2), 225-254.

Kim, S. S. (2000). Korea’s Segyehwa drive: Promises versus performance. In S. S. Kim (Ed.), Korea’s globalization (pp. 242-281). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Kim, Y. (2006). Effects of input elaboration on vocabulary acquisition through reading by Korean learners of English as a foreign language. TESOL Quarterly, 40(2), 341-373.

Kwon, O. (2000). Korea’s English education policy changes in the 1990s: Innovations to gear the nation for the 21st century. English Education, 55(1), 16-24.

Kwon, J. (2004). Expressing refusals in Korean and in American English. Multilingual Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 23(4), 339-364.

Lee, J. S. (2002). Interpreting conversational implicatures: A study of Korean learners of English. The Korea TESOL Journal, 5(1), 1-26.

Li, D. (1998). “It's always more difficult than you plan and imagine”: Teachers' perceived difficulties in introducing the communicative approach in South Korea. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4), 677-703.

Liu, D., Ahn, G. S., Baek, K. S., & Han, N. O. (2004). South Korean high school English teachers' code switching: Questions and challenges in the drive for maximal use of English in teaching, TESOL Quarterly,38(4),605-638.

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Mitchell, R., & Lee, J. H. W. (2003). Sameness and difference in classroom learning cultures: Interpretations of communicative pedagogy in the UK and Korea. Language Teaching Research, 7(1), 35-63.

Nah, K. C., White, P., & Sussex, R. (2008). The potential of using a mobile phone to access the Internet for learning EFL listening skills within a Korean context. ReCALL, 20(3), 331-347.

Nassaji, H., & Swain, M. (2000). A Vygotskian perspective on corrective feedback in L2: The effect of random versus negotiated help on the learning of English articles. Language Awareness, 9(1), 34-51.

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Paik, J. (2008). Learning English, imagining global: The narratives of early English education experiences in South Korea. International Journal of Learning, 15(10), 71-78.

Park, G. P. (1997). Language learning strategies and English proficiency in Korean university students. Foreign Language Annals, 30(2), 211-221.

Park, Y. Y., & Oxford, R. (1998). Changing roles for teachers in the English Village Course in Korea. System, 26(1), 107-113.

Park, K. J., & Nakano, M. (1999). A study on pragmatic functions of apology expressions among Japanese and Korean Learners of English. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 3, 225-272.

Park, G. P. (2004). Comparison of L2 listening and reading comprehension by

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Park, G. P., & Lee, H. W. (2006). The characteristics of effective English teachers as perceived by high school teachers and students in Korea. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7(2), 236-248.

Park, H., Byun, S., & Kim, K. (2011). Parental involvement and students’ cognitive outcomes in Korea: Focusing on private tutoring. Sociology of Education, 84(1), 3-22.

Park, J. K. (2009). ‘English fever’in South Korea: Its history and symptoms. English Today, 25(1), 50-57.

Park, J. S. Y. (2010). Naturalization of competence and the neoliberal subject: Success stories of English language learning in the Korean conservative press. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 20(1), 22-38.

Sheldon, A. (1985). The relationship between production and perception of the /r/-/i/contrast in Korean adults learning English: A reply to Borden, Gerber, and Mils Ark. Language Learning, 35(1), 107-113.

Shim, R. J. (1994). Englishized Korean: Structure, status, and attitudes. World Englishes, 13(2), 225-244.

Shim, R. J. (1999). Codified Korean English: Process, characteristics and consequence. World Englishes, 18(2), 247-258.

Shin, H. (2007). English language teaching in Korea: Toward globalization or globalization? In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), International handbook of English language teaching (pp.75-86). New York, NY: Springer.

Song, J. (2010). Language ideology and identity in transnational space: Globalization, migration, and bilingualism among Korean families in the USA. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(1), 23-42.

Song, J. J. (2011). English as an official language in South Korea: Global English or social malady?. Language Problems & Language Planning, 35(1), 35-55.

Song, M. J., & Suh, B. R. (2008). The effects of output task types on noticing and learning of the English past counterfactual conditional. System, 36(2), 295-312.

Su, M. H. M. (2005). A study of EFL technological and vocational college students' language learning strategies and their self-perceived English proficiency. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 2(1), 44-56.

Suh, J. S. (1999). Pragmatic perception of politeness in requests by Korean learners of English as a second language. IRAL-International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 37(3), 195-214.

Suh, S., Kim, S. W., & Kim, N. J. (2010). Effectiveness of MMORPG‐based instruction in elementary English education in Korea. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(5), 370-378.

Sungwon, Y. (2007). Globalization and language policy in South Korea. In A. B. M. Tsui

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Tsukada, K., Birdsong, D., Bialystok, E., Mack, M., Sung, H., & Flege, J. (2005). A developmental study of English vowel production and perception by native Korean adults and children. Journal of Phonetics, 33(3), 263-290.

Walker, D. (2010). Rhetorical perception of Korean university students: Is linear better? Asian Journal of English Language Teaching, 20, 185-206.

Wang, M., Koda, K., & Perfetti, C. A. (2003). Alphabetic and nonalphabetic L1 effects in English word identification: A comparison of Korean and Chinese English L2 learners. Cognition, 87(2), 129-149.

Yeni-Komshian, G. H., Flege, J. E., & Liu, S. (2000). Pronunciation proficiency in the first and second languages of Korean-English bilinguals. Bilingualism Language and Cognition, 3(2), 131-149.

Yim, S. (2007). Globalization and language policy in South Korea. In A. Tsui, & J. Tollefson (Eds.), Language policy, culture and identity in Asian contexts (pp. 37-53). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Yoo, O. K. (2005). Discourses of English as an official language in a monolingual society: The case of South Korea. Second Language Studies, 23(2), 1-44.

Yook, C., & Lindemann, S. (2013). The role of speaker identification in Korean university students' attitudes towards five varieties of English. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(3), 279-296.

Zhou, M., & Kim, S. (2006). Community forces, social capital, and educational achievement: The case of supplementary education in the Chinese and Korean immigrant communities. Harvard Education Review, 76(1), 1-3.


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