Wednesday, February 20, 2013

49th annual gun show a great success

2013 CHAS gun show another big success

Well, all the hard work is behind us for another year! The 2013 CHAS gun show was another big success due in large part to the contributions of all those CHAS members who volunteered their time to help out with the show. Around 2,000 people came through the doors at this year's show, held January 26 and 27 at the NorthlandsExpo Centrein Edmonton.

We were fortunate to have an excellent variety of displays at this year's show. This year's display winners included:
Best of Show - Allan Kerr
Judges Choice (Frank Barrigan Memorial) - Mounted Forces Association of Canada
Best Edged (Barry Menary Memorial) - Dave Corson
Best Cartridge (Ray Laitila Memorial )- Al Leander
Best Military (Stan Beaumont Memorial) - Paul McCormack
Best Historical (Ted Simmermon Memorial) - Ventura Memorial Flight Association
Thank you!
A special thank yougoes out to allvolunteers whohelped with all aspects of the show fromadmission and security to set up and tear down.

Our membership chair Wendywould also like to express sincerest gratitude to those who assisted with memberships at the show. No show is without hitches but withhelp it went pretty well. Even considering the computer/printer issues on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning we were able to process well over 100 applications and renewals. Thanks go to Gil, Clayton, Kevin, Jay, Bob, David, Forest, Gordon and the other Kevin for their time; andspecial thanks to Kai who stepped in on Sunday morning and provided invaluable IT to get the computer and printer talking again.

To view photos from the event please visit our Facebook page or

Volunteers needed for Sportman's Show display

Volunteers and displays needed for upcoming Edmonton Sportsman's Show display

The 2013 Edmonton Sportsman show is coming upMarch 14 to 17at Northlands Expo Centre. CHAS has a display at this event again this year and again we need volunteers to staff our booth.

The display will be featuring 2 themes:

1) Leagues: 3-gun, cowboy, silouette. We needone and preferablytwo members from each league (in gear) to answer questionsabout activities, requirements and commitments. A display of common guns used in these leagues is also required.

2) Good gun vs "bad" gun. CHAS will be highlighting guns in various formats running from full wood, sporterized, woodland camo and tacticool (for example) to show the public that black doesn't equal evil. This is a timely message. If you have a particular rifle or shotgun in various set-ups, or know of members that you can get together with to make up a display, please advise the show committee as soon as possible. A short (1/2 - 1 typed page) discription detailing the differences and similarities must accompany the display. You can also include details about what the gun is suitable and not suitable for, or some interesting facts about the guns.To supplement this, it would be great to have a cartridge display outlining commonly used ammunition with a bit of info on each. All guns will be locked and secured. Owners of the firearms must bring to and pick up their property from the show or arrange for someone to do so. Show organizers will not be able to do that for you.

To ensure that the booth is adequately manned at all timesa schedule has been established. Each shift requiressixpeople.

Wednesday, March 13 Set-up 08:00

Thurs 12-4:30 or 4:30-9

Friday 12-4:30 or 4:30-9

Saturday 10-4:30 or 3:30-8

Sunday 10-2:30 or 2:30 to end of show plus tear-down.

Please contact Al at or at 780-668-6234 or Paul McCormack at by March 1, 2013 to indicate what shifts you wish to volunteer for, which league you are representing and what display(s) you are providing. Please note that parking and admission cost will be paid for those who volunteer.

As a reminder, our club exists due to the contributions of our volunteers and volunteer involvement is a requirement of membership in CHAS. Thank you very much for yourassistance insupporting this display.

New Dominion Style league

Dominion Style Shooting League debuts

Part of Canadian Historical Arms Society
To all who wanted something new (or old as it were) in CHAS, we would like to present the Dominion Style Shooting League (DSSL). This league encourages all olden day enthusiasts to come out and enjoy friendly competitions.
We will host fun and challenging scenarios for all skill levels to enjoy. As always when dealing with these types of organizations SAFETY will be the key while ensuring a fun filled experience.
This league will be a modification of other Cowboy Action style leagues. As some of the rules will be used, we will try to add our own CHAS flare to it. This is not only for the skilled but also for the newcomers that would like to try something different.
Membership fees for this league are as follows*:
$20 per calendar year
DSSL Members: $10 per match
Non-DSSL Members $20 per match
*Must also be a CHAS member
When becoming a Member of DSSL you will have to choose an alias! Do you want to be “Rooster” or “Annie Oakley”? Also for these matches it is encouraged to come and dress the part! For the guys have fun being an olden day rancher, baron, cattleman, ranch hand etc. For the ladies have fun being a gunslinger, saloon girl, rancher’s wife etc. It is only limited by your imagination.
For dates and times of upcoming shoots feel free to go to our web site at and become a member of the site. There is no cost for membership to the site.
We will also post links to relevant local business web sites. Send a note to the site moderator and it can be posted under “Links of Interest”.
We look forward to having this an awesome first year and some fun shoots. Come out and join us!

Reminder RE: range sign in process

Genesee Range sign-in process

Please ensure that you are familiar with the sign-inprocess fortheGenesee Range and note that all members and guests, whether shooting or not, MUST be signed in at all times.

Step 1 - sign yourself into the book as a member, including the date, your name & membership number

Step 2 - sign your guest(s) in as YOUR guest(s), including the date, their name & your membership number as their host*

Step 3 - print your guest's name, your name & your membership number on one of the available envelopes** and enclose$10 which includes theNFA Liability Insurance Fee***

Step 4 - place the completed, sealed envelope (along with the enclosed, FULL amount of $10 in REAL Canadian money - NOT Canadian Tire money, Monopoly money, or what ever loose change you happen to have on you at the time!)in the provided lock box

Step 5 - proceed to the shooting station of your choiceand enjoy a safe, responsibleand pleasant day in cordial company


- Any guest who is under 18 years of ageANDis accompanied by an NFALiability Insuredparent or a legal guardiandoes not require separate liability insurance coverage. As minors, they are covered by the NFA Liability Insurance of their Parent or Legal Guardian. (If in doubt about liability insurance coverage, just pay the $10. Lunch at a fast food restaurant will cost moreand it's a small price for peace of mind.)

*Remember that, although you can take as many guests as you want per range visit, ONLY THREE (3) of your guests may shoot at any one time. WhileANY ofyour guestsare shooting, YOU are DIRECTLYand ATTENTIVELY SUPERVISING themand therefore CANNOT be shooting while they are doing so.

** You must use a separate envelope for each of your guests. Each must have the guest's name, your name and your membership number printed on it & each must contain the required $10 fee.

***If you don't pay this fee, NEITHER YOUR GUESTNOR YOUARECOVEREDshould your guestharm themselves,you, someone else, or cause damage toany property in any way. Theyand you are not covered by NFA Liability Insuranceand YOU as the host member will bear full financial liability.

CHAS 3-gun league readies for 2013

CHAS 3-Gun League ready for action

C.H.A.S 3-Gun League is a competitive 3-gun organization that operates within the Canadian Historical Arms Society. Our 3-gun organization was developed as an alternative to the exsting styles of 3-gun that are currently available for competitive shooter. C.H.A.S. 3-Gun focuses on shooting Practical Application Skills and Drills scenarios. Our mission statement involves running challenging, timed shooting courses that will challenge shooters of all skill levels. C.H.A.S. 3-Gun welcomes experienced shooters as well as people that are brand new to the sport or have never shot a firearm before. Our club boasts several experienced Range Officers that will aid new shooters to come out and have an enjoyable and safe experience.
The C.H.A.S. 3-Gun League will host safe and challenging courses of fire throughout the year, also displaying at gun shows and presenting information as it relates to our safe and fulfilling sport.

For more information visitthe web site at

2013 CHAS Three Gun League schedule
March 2013
Meeting 10 March 13
Shoot 16 March 13 ( Regular 3 Gun Shoot)
April 2013
Meeting 14 April 13
Shoot 20 April 13 (Regular 3 Gun Shoot)
May 2013
Meeting 5 May 13
Shoot 11 May 13 ( Sniper Shoot)
June 2013
Meeting 9 June 13
Shoot 15 June 13 (Zombie Shoot hosted by 3 Gun)
July 2013
Meeting 14 July 13
Shoot 20 July 13 (Regular 3 Gun Shoot)
August 2013
Meeting 11 August 13
Shoot 17 August 13 (Designated Marksmen Rifle Shoot)
September 2013
Meeting 15 Sept 13
Shoot 21 Sept 13 (Regular 3 Gun Shoot)
October 2013
Meeting 20 Oct 13
Shoot 26 Oct 13 (Regular 3 Gun Shoot)

One of world's top snipers opens local marksman academy

Sniper opens shooting school in Edmonton

February 12, 2013
By Kris Sims, QMI Agency
One of the world's best snipers has opened a gun academy in Edmonton.
Retired Cpl. Rob Furlong was a member of the five-man Sniper Cell with Third Batallion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based out CFB Edmonton when he set a world record for a long distance kill shot.
While on duty in Afghanistan in 2002, he took out a Taliban ambush from 2,430 m away, protecting the American soldiers nearby.
Now, he wants to help train soldiers and police officers to be the best of the best, and help civilians with their aim, too.
"With my experience in law enforcement and seeing the need for further training in the tactical world, we could bring a police agency up to speed with their snipers in a matter of weeks," Furlong told QMI Agency. "For civilians, we have a marksmanship class on how to handle firearms, use optics and teach them how to target shoot out to 400 metres."
Furlong and his team plan to travel throughout North America to help cops and soldiers hone their skills.
In recognition for saving the lives of his American brothers in Afghanistan, Furlong's sniper group was awarded the Bronze Star by the U.S. military.
The team was nearly ignored by the Canadian government of the time and were eventually given the "Mentions in Dispatches" by the Canadian military.

To learn more about the academy and view the upcoming course calendar visit

US ammo stockpiling impacts Canadian supply

US ammo stockpiling impacts Canadian supply

If you shoot on a regular basis, now is the time to stock up on ammunition. That's becauseconcern overfirearms law changes in the US have driven civilian ammunition stockpiling to unprecedented levels--and are going to mean higher prices and reduced supplies for Canadians as well.

A former CHAS member who now lives in Texas reports that ammunition costs at the weekend gun show in Austin saw 500 rounds of .223 calibre selling for$559 and 500 rounds of 9 mm for $199. Compare that with pricesin Edmonton on Saturday where 500 rounds of .223 calibrecould be purchased for $199 and 500 rounds of 9 mm for $135.
LastweekaCHAS member shopping atCabelas in Edmonton wastold thatthe storewill no longer be stocking pistol calibre ammunition in Canada because it cannot keep shelves stocked in its American stores.

While eastern European military surplus ammo as well as Chinese ammunition are still plentiful, and niche ammunition manufacturers in Canada also have competitive prices, expect ammunition coming from the U.S. tobecome much harder to find...and much more expensive.

Add to this the recent news that the US Department of Homeland Security has recently put out a tender to aquire 1.6 billion rounds in the next 5 years, and civilian ammunition supplies could become even tighter.

US Gun dealers report shortages of ammunition

USA Today
February 16, 2013
Gun shops are running low on ammunition from a run by customers fearful of potential gun-control legislation, according to gun retailers and customers. Retailers say much of the demand is from gun owners who are stockpiling in case certain weapons are banned.
Prices have more than doubled over past year in some shops, retailers are putting limits on the amount a customer can buy, and some common types of ammunition, such as .22-caliber long rifle shells, are hard to get.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents ammunition makers, retailers, hunters and sport shooters, attributes what it calls "spot shortages" around the country to rising popularity of sport-shooting and hunting, and to people who are "keeping firearms for personal and home defense."
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in December reported recently that hunting license sales were up 9% from 2006 to 2011, reversing a 25-year decline. Michael Hampton, Jr., executive director of the National Skeet Shooting Association and the National Sporting Clays Association, says participation in those sports, which includes up to 4 million participants in each sport, is growing 3-5% annually.
But retailers say much of the demand is from gun owners who are stockpiling in case certain weapons are banned, who believe that economic chaos may be coming, or who are driven by rumors of inevitable background checks or rising taxes on ammunition. Gun sellers and owners say a run on ammunition began shortly after President Obama was re-elected, and has intensified in the gun-violence debate since the December mass killing of 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Conn.
"We absolutely are in uncharted territory," said Larry Hyatt, of the family-owned Hyatt Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C.. "Our store is 53 years old, and we have never seen anything like this. We have had some spot shortages and busy gun times in the past. This is a level (of demand) never before seen."
He adds: "The political turmoil is intensifying it. People feel like this administration is very anti-gun, and they are going for the legal gun owner." Among the rumors he hears, he says, are that taxes on ammunition are going up and that background checks for ammunition purchases are coming.
"Whether true or not, this information is out there, and people are getting it while they can," Hyatt says.
He is limiting sales of .22-caliber to one box, and is running low on everything from holsters to cleaning brushes.
Mike Wastler, manager of Bart's Sports World in Glen Burnie, Md. says he is also having trouble getting guns and ammunition from manufacturers who are "producing 24/7."
He says that even before Obama's re-election there was rising demand from people worried about economic chaos. Sales "went crazy" after Obama proposed banning assault weapons, he says
Wastler says certain types of .22 shells are "non-existent" in his store, and that others, like 9 mm, and .40 and .45 caliber are "very, very short." So are replacements parts for guns, he says.
While there are proposals to ban assault weapons, outlaw certain types of armor-piercing bullets, restrict the number of rounds in magazines for some guns, and end online ammunition sales, Obama and leading anti-gun violence proponents on Capitol Hill have not proposed background checks for ammunition, or restricting the amount of sales.
The White House would not comment on the ammunition shortage, but Obama has asserted he is not out to infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., has introduced legislation that would effectively ban online sales of ammunition, would require ammunition sellers to have a license, and to report to federal authorities the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to a single person. But McCarthy also says on her web site that protecting the Second Amendment right to bear arms for legal gun owners is one of her top priorities.
Her spokesman, Shams Tarek, says gun-rights advocates "are putting out this fear that people are trying to take away their guns, put really onerous restrictions on them, when that is not the case."
The run on ammunition comes amid Internet discussion about recent purchases of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration.
Homeland Security solicited bids for up to 1.1 billion rounds of ammunition for over the next five years, but agency spokesman Marsha Catron says purchases may not run that high, and that most of it would go to required training for about 130,000 armed federal agents in various agencies. The DHS ammunition purchases have been steady since 2009.
Last year, after the Social Security Administration solicited bids for 174,000 rounds of .357 ammunition, the agency got so many questions from the public about why it needed that powerful of a bullet that its inspector general's office put out a statement explaining why.
The Social Security Administration has 295 armed agents that protect offices around the country, and that ammunition is standard issue for the arms they carry on the job, the agency said.
"Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately," read the Social Security statement. "They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees and customers."
Bid winner for the Homeland Security ammunition was ATK Armament Systems, a division of Alliant Technosystems Inc., and a major supplier of guns and ammunition for the military.
According to aIBISWorld, a market analyst, ATK Armament is expected to post a 10% increase in revenue, to $1.7 billion, in 2013.
"While most Americans have cut back on their purchases of cars, clothing and other luxuries … gun enthusiasts are working themselves into a frenzy over what another four years under the Obama administration may hold for gun laws,'' IBISWorld reported in October. "As a result, they are purchasing firearms and ammunition at record rates.''
Greg Pacholczyk, who shoots everything from pistols to the AR-15 that the Obama administration wants to ban, says he is not in a frenzy, but that if he is in a store that carries ammunition, he looks to buy. The Marriottsville, Md., resident says AR-15 semi-automatic rifles are very hard to find for purchase, and that ammunition for it is hard to find, too.
"Gun replacement parts — if you have to find something as simple as a firing pin for an AR-15," it is very difficult, he says. "You read on the blogs people are practically giving away their first born for a little piece of metal."
