2009 SRM Executive Committee
May 9, 2008 – Web Based Meeting
Participants: Tom Bartlett / Bob Alexander – Chairing Session
Abbott, Laurie
Brown, Joel
Chavez, George
Gamboa, Bernice
Graham, David
LaPlante, Valerie
Lefebrve, Pete
LaPlante, Valerie
Leiting, Ken
McDaniel, Kirk
Merkel, Dan
Radkte, Lesley
Torell, Allen
1) Welcome and Roll Call: Tom Bartlett
Tom Bartlett started the web based meeting at 9:00 am and welcomed the Committee members to the meeting, requesting a roll call from those attending via web-based / telephone.
2)Approval of notes from April 11: Tom Bartlett
Notes approved by committee.
3)Approval of Agenda: Tom Bartlett
Tom asked committee members if there were additional items to add to the Agenda. AV discussion was added.
4) Program-At-A-Glance: Dan Merkel
Tom distributed an updated version of the Program-At-A-Glance by an e-mail attachment prior to the May 9, 2008 meeting. Program-At-A-Glance was discussed with suggested changes from various committee members. Dan and Ken will update the “Program-At-A-Glance” based on suggestions and discussion and will forward to Tom Bartlett for Executive Committee distribution and posting on the web page. Committee members should regularly review the Program-At-A-Glance and give changes to Dan and Ken.
5) Sponsorships: Bob Alexander
Bob requested guidance from Tom and Lesley relative to sponsorship amounts and contacts. Bob has obtained a list of contacts and addresses for potential sposors from Lesley. Bob announcedDOW Chemical as thepotential sponsor for the convention bags.
6)Student/Youth Activities Committee:Laurie Abbott & David Graham
a)Decision papers – Tom announced that each committee is responsible for providing transportation needs/dates/times in detail to Don Ellsworth so that he can negotiate a transportation contract.
i)High School Youth Forum Activities:David(Attachment A)
- Monday, February 9, Youth Forum tour includes the Sevilleta returning by way of the Pueblo history with approximately 50 participants. Box lunches $10/person will be provided by the Socorro 4-H Council. David will obtain a invoice for lunches so that $-H Council can be paid by check during meeting.
- The Orientation Meeting will serve as the social gathering, preparing for presentation day.
- Professional Interaction Dinner scheduled at NYPD (Pizza Dept). Confirm price $12 /person 2-months prior to event.
- Student will pay Registration fee ($80) plus Student Luncheon ($18)
ii)Student Conclave Tour:Laurie (Attachment B)
- PetroglyphNational Monument scheduled. Park Range to provide a guided tour at no cost. Transportation Cost $500 / bus. Tour to Petroglyphs approved.
iii)Refreshments for Graders:Laurie (Attachment C)
- Committee approved to provide refreshments for graders at ~$193.
iv)Student Luncheon &Conclave Meeting:Laurie (Attachment D)
- Luncheon: $25/non-member; $18/student member. Pork Chile Verde 25.18/person. Cliff is waiting for input from each committee before contacting the Convention Center for Alternative Choices for special needs (meal allergies, vegetarian, religious considerations).
- Student lunch sponsorship – Laurie will work with Bob Alexander regarding sponsorship opportunities.
v)Student Conclave Meeting:Laurie (Attachment E)
- Business Meeting: Sunday, February 8, includes soft drinks, water, pizzettas and chicken wings. Anticipate ~75-100 attendees. $1,040.
vi)Tapping the Top:Laurie (Attachment F)
- EastPlaza Foyer – Convention Center. Water, lemonade, ice tea, snack attack approximate cost $2,216. Tom requested a revision to the cost and resubmit.
b)StudentActivities Budget:Laurie and David
- Cost of Student Awards covered by SRM.
- Laurie will review budget and submit to Tom. Tom will send to Michael Casados for inclusion into the 2009 budget.
- Registration material to designate a line item for University students ($2 dues for Student Conclave).
7)Publicity CommitteeJoel Brown
a)Publicity Plan: Joel will provide a publicity plan for the committee before the next meeting scheduled June 13, 2008. Committee’s idea is to provide and expand publicity to attract more people to attend. Important to publicize and include Pre-Convention Trail Boss in the October issue of Rangelands. Printing of Pre-Convention Trail Boss (3,500 copies) and Convention Program (2,000 copies) discussed. Possible vendors included American Solution for Business and Allen Press.
Important for printing quotes to include camera ready as well as the actual printing cost.
b)Decision Documents: To be submitted at a later meeting
c)Budget: To be submitted when more information is available
d)One-Page Flyer: Tom provided a one-page flyer (Attachment G) to be used with the “SRM Display” to attract sponsorships and interests in the conference. Lesleywill make black/white copies to send with the “Display” travel schedule.
8)Trade Show
a)Trade Show Contract with MXAV:Leslie Radtke
Tom asked for a contract in order for negotiations to move forward. Trade show will be scheduled to take of the Poster Session. Derek Bailey and Tom MacMahon will check into status of the poster boards.
b)Taste of New Mexico:Tom
Tom is waiting for responses from New Mexico Department of Agriculture
c)Budget:Budget for the trade show will depend on a possible contract with MX and also on the Taste of NM.
9)Program Committee:Kris Havstad / Allen Torell/ Kirk McDaniel
a)Decision Papers:
i)Plenary Session: Finalized. Speakers invited and confirmed. The official letters of invitation to be signed by Tom and mailed by May 16.
ii)Colors: Discussion to include Mexico and Canada.
iii)Program printing estimated at 2,000 copies. May need a few more for spares and replacements at the meeting.
iv)Plenary Session See Attachment H.
b)Budget: The budget is not yet finalized, nor ready to submit for consideration.
10)Local Arrangements / Host Activities:Ken Leiting / Dan Merkel
a)Decisions Papers
i)Technical Tours: Tours set – PlantMaterialsCenter and Sevilleta
ii)Entertainment: Flying J Wranglers at the banquet.
Trade Show: Mariachi – no trumpets
Dance: Wild Country Band
iii)Social tours: Susan is gathering information for the Santa Fe Tour. Cost to be determined after transportation cost is received. Attachment I
Tours include: Sunday – Acoma Attachment J; Tuesday – Santa Fe; Wednesday – Wineries Attachment K.
iv)Trade Show Mixer: Food estimates range from $10,000 to $15,500 depending on the type of food chosen. This topic to be reviewed (Attachment L). This will be discussedagain at the next Executive Meeting scheduled June 13, 2008.
v)Wild Women of RangeLaurie (Attachment M)
EastPlaza Foyer – no cost event / break even.
vi)Profession Issues BreakfastLaurie & Susan (Attachment N)
Breakfast scheduled – and approved.
vii)Other: AV equipment. Tom asked Lesley if AV prices were weekly or daily, and requested Lesley to makes changes on the AV sheet and resubmit to the committee.
a)Budget: Tom discussed the administrative budget with committee members.
b)Vests: David Graham received bids from Scully Wah makers($19.95 to $29.95) for the vests. Tom will send pictures of the logo to be used on the vests and acquire more input from David and come up with an estimate for individual costs.
12)Other Items
a) Hotel Blue contract was cancelled. Working on another hotel perhaps the Hilton or Marriott Fairfield.
13)Next Meeting
Friday, June 13, 2008, 9:00 a.m. Wooton Hall, WebCast.
NM Section Philmont Tour, Thursday, July 24, 20081:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Tom thanked committee members for their participation and concluded the Executive Committee meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 13, 9:00 a.m.
Meeting adjourned: 11:15 a.m.
Notes by Bernice Gamboa with modifications and attachments by Tom Bartlett
Attachment A HSYF Functions & Budget
High School Youth Forum Tour
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
A. Date/Time
Monday February 9, 2009
7 AM to 5 PM
- Description:
Students and Adult sponsors and volunteers (approximately 50) travel from Albuquerque to the Seveilleta Wildlife Refuge, return to Albuquerque via Historic Pueblos with official tour and information. Return to Hotel at 5 PM.
Noon Meal will be a box lunch served by the SocorroCounty 4-H council in Las Lunas area.
1 day with large bus $700.00
Box Lunches for 50 people @ $10 each $500
Total $1200.00
High School Youth Forum Orientation Meeting and Social
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
- Date/Time
Sunday February 8, 2009
4 PM to 7PM
- Description:
Students will be instructed on schedule, expectations, rules and a general socializing event.
50 bottles of water @ $3.00 $150
50 Assorted Soft Drinks @$3.00 $150
Snack Attack for 50 People @$6.00 $300
Subtotal $600.00
Tax and Tip$155.25
High School Youth Forum Presentation Day
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and
Tuesday February 10, 2009
7 AM to 5 PM
- Description:
Paper presentations all day
No longer a budget item because the convention center is providing water for the meeting rooms.
High School Youth Forum Professional Interaction Dinner
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
- Date / Time
Monday February 9, 2009
6 PM to 9 PM
- Description:
Students will leave hotel site and walk the 3 block distance to an offsite restaurant (NYPD Pizza) where they will have an “all you can eat” pizza dinner and hear talks by Range Land Professionals and return to Hotel
Approximately 50 people at $14 per person including Tax and Gratuity:
Total $700.00
High School Youth Forum Home Room setting
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
- Date /Time
Sunday February 8, 2009 4 PM to 11 PM
Monday through Wednesday Feb. 9-11 20096AM to 11 PM
Costs: Water available 40 Bottles per day Mon through Wed. @ $3.00
Subtotal $360.00
Tax and Tip$ 93.15
Student Registration: $80 40 students = $3200.00
Banquet $25 40 students = $1000.00
Student Luncheon$18 40 students = $ 720.00
Total $4920.00
If HSYF students do not attend banquet, income is $3920.
Tour $1200
Orientation $ 755
Professional Dinner $ 700
Home Room $ 453
Banquet (@$60) $1000
Student conclave (@$25)$1000
Total $5108
If HSYF students do not attend the banquet, estimated cost is $4108.
Attachment B Student Conclave Tour Decision Document
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
2:30pm -5:00 pm
Student Conclave Tour occurs after the Student Conclave Luncheon. We plan to take students to PetroglyphsNational Monument. The Park Service provides a ranger/guide at no charge, and parking is free to buses.
1. This tour could go to Elena Gallegos Campground and Trailhead. There are hiking trails, but not a visitor’s center, and no guides or interpretation is available.
TOTAL / One 50 passenger bus @ $500 / $500
There is no charge related to this event. Income would come from the student registration fees, and possibly subsidized by the Student Conclave budget (for which funds were first collected in 2008).
This event needs to be subsidized or sponsored.
It may be possible to provide several 15 passenger vans. Don Ellsworth suggested that BLM vans may be available at less cost, but we’d need to provide drivers.
Attachment C Refreshments for Plant ID Graders Decision Document
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
12:00pm -6:00 pm
Plant ID graders usually devote at least 5 hours grading, and refreshments are traditionally provided. Louisville budgeted $250 for this event.
Tax and Tip
TOTAL / 50 @ $3.00 / $150
There is no charge related to this event. Income would come from the student registration fees.
This event needs to be subsidized or sponsored.
Attachment D Student Conclave Luncheon Decision Document
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
12:00pm-2:00 pm
Student Conclave Luncheon for all High School Youth Forum (HSYF) students, Student Conclave members, advisors, members of the Board of Directors and SRM Executive Officers. The conclave conducts the second of its 2 business meetings at the end of the luncheon, in which next year’s officers are elected. The SRM meeting handbook indicates that AMPC traditionally finds a sponsor to underwrite a major portion of the cost of the luncheon for students. Tickets are sold to students at a nominal fee and non-students pay full price.
Room set-up requires large round tables only. No head table because board members and other non-students sit interspersed among the students. Podium, microphone, projector, laptop and screen have been requested. Attendance estimated at 100, including 40 from HSYF. HSYF students are required to attend this luncheon. All other attendance is voluntary.
1. This function could be held at one of the hotels instead of the Convention Center. Food rates at the Hyatt are higher than the CC.
2. Cold plated lunches are slightly less expensive than hot plated lunches.
Alternative 1: Pork Chile Verde w/ enchiladas (Concinero’s Combination Plate)
ITEM / COST DESCRIPTION / COSTHot Plated Lunch at CC / 100 $20 lunches plus 25.875% tax and gratuity = $25.18 per lunch / $2,517.50
For any of the alternatives:
ITEM / INCOME DESCRIPTION / INCOMEHot Plated Lunch at CC / 80 at student rate ($18) / $1,440.00
20 lunches at non-student rate ($25) / $ 500.00
Total / $1,940.00
Income generated will be lower than cost for all options. For 100 attendees (80% students/20% non-students), net cost is $577.50 for the cheapest hot lunch. $18 is a bit pricy for student budgets, but that was the student rate in Louisville and Reno.
This event needs to be subsidized or sponsored.
This budget assumes that all students, including HSYF, pay $18 per lunch.
AttachmentE Student Conclave Business Meeting/Mixer Decision Document
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
Sunday, February 8, 2009
5:00 pm-8:00 pm
Student Conclave Business Meeting also serves as a mixer for Student Conclave Members (primarily undergraduates). The conclave conducts the first of its 2 business meetings, and they requested drinks and pizza. The SRM meeting handbook does not indicate food provisions, but a Student Mixer was provided in Louisville. Students are not charged for this event. Room set-up requires theater seating with a panel table, podium, microphone, and projection system.
1. This function could be held at one of the hotels instead of the Convention Center. Food rates at the Hyatt are higher than the CC.
Bottled Water
Chicken Wings
Tax and Tip
TOTAL / 75 @ $3.00 each
75 @ $3.00 each
1 set (for 100) @ $200
1 set (for 100) @ $ 175
25.875% / $225
There is no charge related to this event. Income would come from the student registration fees, and possibly subsidized by the Student Conclave budget (for which funds were first collected in 2008).
This event needs to be subsidized or sponsored.
Attachment FTapping the Top Mixer Decision Document
Student Activities: Laurie Abbott and David Graham
Monday, February 9, 2009
5:00pm -7:00 pm
Tapping the Top Mixer hosts 200-250 people. The organizer requests soft drinks, and snack food. Louisville budgeted $3300 for this event.
Iced Tea
Snack Attack
Tax and Tip
TOTAL / 15 gallons @ $20 each
10 gallons @ $20 each
5 gallon jug with two refills
200 @ $6.00
25.875% / $ 300
$ 200
$ 60
$ 455.40
There is no charge related to this event. Income would come from the student registration fees.
This event needs to be subsidized or sponsored.
Attachment G
Society for Range Management
62nd Annual Meeting
February 8-13, 2009
AlbuquerqueConvention Center
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Society for Range Management (SRM) is a professional and scientific society whose international membership is involved in studying, conserving, managing and sustaining the varied resources of rangelands. SRM membership includes land managers, ecologists, ranchers, erosion control specialists, educators, and scientists. SRM has more than 3,500 members in 38 countries, dedicated to managing the world’s rangeland resources.
The 2009 Society for Range Management Annual Meeting in Albuquerque will:
- Provide opportunities for professional development and continuing education on the stewardship of rangeland resources.
- Provide participants with opportunities to experience cultures, foods, rangeland products, and other cultural elements of New Mexico rangelands.
- Provide participants with opportunities to discuss rangeland science. Presentations and tours will provide examples of how science is used to manage New Mexico rangelands.
The New Mexico Section expects from 1500 to 2000 to attend the meeting. Information concerning the meeting is available at the SRM meetings website ( This website provides links for registration, contains meeting information, and provides for paper submissions and symposia proposals.
The Society welcomes participation by many interests regardless of whether they are members of the Society. Co-Chairs of the meeting committee are Tom Bartlett (575-521-3166 or 575-649-2174) and Bob Alexander (505-470=5637).
Double Tree Albuquerque, 505-247-3344 or 800-584-5058
Embassy Suites Hotel, 800-362-2779
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque, 505-843-2647 or 800-233-1234
Plaza Inn Albuquerque, 505-243-5693 or 800-237-1307
Attachment H
Society for Range Management
62nd Annual Meeting 2009
February 8 – 12, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
Plenary Session (2 hours 55 minutes)
Monday, February 9, 2009
8:45 am Opening Welcome and Remarks
8:45-8:50NM Section Welcome / MC Gerald Thomas
8:55-9:05Welcome to AlbuquerqueMayor Martin Chavez
9:05-9:15Native America PerformanceDineh Tah Navajo Dancers