Agendas: Students must have their agenda with them at all times. It will be used to record behavior and track passes.

Attendance and tardy:Attendance is taken as soon as the bell rings. Any student not in their assigned seat at this time will be marked tardy. Any tardy will be noted using the color coded agenda system.

Dress Code:Please refer to the student handbook. Any dress code violations will be noted using the color coded agenda system.

Restroom/Break Policy:Students will only leave the room with teacher permission. Students must have their agenda to leave class. Students will be given four emergency passes per quarter. Any time a student requests to leave class, it will be recorded on the pass sheet at the back of the agenda. Any break needed after four passes in one quarter will result in a detention.

Homework policy:Homework is an integral part of learning. Any homework that is not completed by class time will be noted using the color code system in the agenda. If homework incompletion becomes an issue, it will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Make Up Work:Make up work can be found in the bins in the classroom as well as on the class website. Any time a student is absent they should visit the website to see and print what they missed. They should come to class with make up work completed if possible. When not possible, a student will be given one day grace period for each day absent.Paper copies will be provided when home access is not possible

Bullying policy:All reports on bullying will result in a direct office referral to be investigated.

Grading: Students willbe graded according to the district mastery grading system. Students willbe graded according to the district mastery grading system. Only assessments that demonstrate student learning will be counted in the final grade. Students who have not met mastery (70% or teacher discretion) will be allowed to complete a retake once they have submitted a retake form.

Behavior policy:All students are expected to follow school and classroom rules at all times. All disruptive behaviors will be noted using the following color scheme in the student agenda and handled according to this tiered system:

1st: (Yellow) Warning

2nd:(Orange) Lunch Detention

3rd:(Blue) 2 Lunch Detentions & Call Home

4th:(Purple) Office Referral/After School Detention

Student Shout Outs:Students can give "shout outs" to other students who have done something great for them. I will also add student shout outs as I see students doing the right thing.

Student Voice:Our class has a "Voice Box.” This is where students are able to confidently communicate to me. I will read them at the end of each day and address it in class the next day. Students can choose to include his/her name on the paper or not. No one else will ever be reading these except for me.

Team Incentives: Team incentives will be offered for students who meet the following criteria:

  • No more than 2 lunch detentions during the quarter
  • No after school detentions
  • No suspensions


1- 1 inch binder

1- two pocket folder

basic four operation calculator



graph paper

loose leaf paper

Class supplies needed: If you would like to donate any of the following classroom supplies they would be greatly appreciated!

Hand Sanitizer


Disinfectant Wipes



Colored Pencils


Glue Sticks

Paper (loose leaf and graph)

Post It Notes

Index cards

Six inch rulers