Department of Bands

February 2014

Thank you for your interest in the University of Pittsburgh Colorguard. We encourage everyone to support the University and no better way than through the Varsity Marching Band program.

The colorguard performs at all the Panther home football games and various University and civic events.

A short routine will be taught and the students will be evaluated on skill, style, performance proficiency, and appearance.

The University of Pittsburgh Varsity Marching Band is always looking for new talent to join the ranks of the University of Pittsburgh Colorguard. We look forward to seeing you at the auditions. The audition date will be in April 12, 2014 from 11:00am-2:00pm at the Cost Center Complex. Report time will be at 10:30am. If you are interested in leadership roles, please email me directly. Interviews for leadership positions will follow auditions. For any questions, please contact me, Mark Yohe at .

The address for auditions:

Cost Center Complex

350 Robinson St

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Hail to Pitt!

Mark Yohe

University of Pittsburgh

Colorguard Coordinator

Department of Bands

Most frequently asked questions:

How many girls do you pick? There is not set number of squad members each year. Selection is based on ability and talent of each individual.

What is the time commitment of being a member? The Colorguard practices Monday through Friday from 6pm – 8pm. Some additional practices may be called if routine is not completed in normal practice time. On weeks that there is no game – practice schedule is less.

What trick do I need to know?

 Advanced understanding of basic drop spin

 Advanced understanding of body movement while spinning

 Ability to perform in time while marching

 Tosses (horizontal, basic 7-count toss, and 45 degree tosses)

What is the cost involved if I am selected as a Colorguard?? Each member is responsible for purchasing practice attire, game bags, and any other items specified by the Auxiliary Directors and captains. A good estimate is $300 to start. After staple items are purchased your first year, the consecutive years are much less.

Do I have to audition each year? YES, every member must audition each year. Being a former member does not automatically guarantee you a spot on the next season’s squad. We want all members to keep up on their skill level.

Are individual routines mandatory?? No, the individual routine is not judged. It gives you a chance to show the judges what you can do. Some people have trouble learning the colorguard style, and the individual routine gives you the chance to demonstrate your style to the judges. The individual routine should demonstrate your best spinning and dance style. Any props can be used, but remember we are a colorguard.

Department of Bands

Golden Girls Colorguard



CITY______STATE ______ZIP______


Tell us a little about yourself:

YEAR WILL BE AT PITT Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior +1 +2











Please mail the following items to:

Dr. Brad Townsend

Pitt Band Office

P.O. Box 7436

Pittsburgh Pa. 15213


 Above completed application, by April 5, 2014.

 A current full body photo of you in a black leotard or performance uniform.

 A sealed letter of recommendation.

 Signed Auxiliary Contract (Attached)

Department of Bands

January 2011

The University of Pittsburgh Auxiliary Units are a visual as well as athletic representation of the University of Pittsburgh. By signing this form and accepting a position to represent the University of Pittsburgh, you agree to uphold the Appearance and Performance Standards set by the Auxiliary Directors. These standards include but are not limited to: performing all required choreography, maintain exemplary physical condition, and adhere to the uniformity of the group as set by the Auxiliary Directors. Any violation of these standards may result in probation or dismissal from the group at the discretion of the Auxiliary Directors and the Director of Bands.


SIGNATURE______DATE ______