
Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade

1 - box baggies, sealable gallon / 1- box baggies, slider gallon / 1 - box baggies, sealable gallon / 1 - box baggies, sealable gallon
1 - pkg. 12X18 construction paper,
assorted, socount / 2 - box baggies, slider quart / 1- box baggies, sealable quart / 1 - box baggies, sealable quart
1-set watercolors, 8 count / 3 - composition notebooks / 5 - composition notebook, black marble, 100 count / 2 - composition notebook, black marble, 100 count
2-spiral notebooks, 80 count / 1- Index cards 3x5 / 1- pkg. 9X12 construction paper,
assorted, SO count / 1- pkg. 9X12 construction paper,
assorted, SO count
2- box crayons, 8 count / 1- pkg. 9X12 manila, 50 count / 2 - pkg. dry erase markers, 4 count / 1- pkg. dry erase markers, 4 count
4 - folders with pockets and brads
{blue, green, red, yellow) / 1 - clear view 1" binder / 2- box crayons, 24 count / 1-box crayons, 24 count
2 - bottle white glue, 4 oz. / 4 - box crayons, 24 count / 2 - eraser, pink pearl / 4 - eraser, pink pearl
2 - glue stick / 2 - plastic folders with pockets and
brads / 8 - folders with pockets and brads
(2 @ blue, green, red, yellow) / 8 - folders with pockets and brads
(2 @ blue, green, red, yellow)
1- pkg. markers, washable, wide tip,
8 count, classic colors / 2 - box of tissue / 2 - pkg. index cards / 1- pkg. 3x5 index cards
1- box 2.5 ozdixie cups / 18 - glue stick / 10 - glue stick / 6 - glue stick
1- pkg. 12Xl8 manila paper, 50
count / 2 - erasers, pink / 1- pkg. markers, washable, wide tip,
8 count, classic colors / 1 - pkg. markers, washable, wide tip,
8 count, classic colors
6-#2 pencils / 1 - clear view zipper pencil bag / 1- pkg. 9X12 manila paper, SO count / 3 - pkg. 9Xl2 manila paper, 50 count
1- scissors, blunt point / 3 - pkg. dry erase markers, 4 count
fine point / 1- pkg. 12Xl8 manila paper, 50
count / 1- pkg. 12X18 manila paper, 50
1- box tissue / 6-#2 pencils / 1- pkg. notebook paper, wide rule,
200 count / 2 - pkg. notebook paper, wide rule,
200 count
1- bottle hand liquid sanitizer / 2 - bottle liquid hand sanitizer, large / 36 - #2 pencils / 24 - #2 pencils
1- Headphones / 1- ruler, metric inches / 1-pencil box
2- bottle liquid hand soap, 7.5 oz
pump / 2 - bottle liquid sanitizer
1- scissors, sharp / 3 - spiral notebook, 70 count
3 - box tissue / 1 - scissors, sharp
1-pencil box / 3 - box tissue
2 - spiral notebook, 70 count / 1- Headphones or Earbuds
1 - pkg. 12 x 18 construction
paper, assorted, SO count
1- Headphones
1 - 1" 3 ring binder clear view

3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade

1 - 2" 3-ring binder / 1 - 2" 3-ring binder / 1 - 3"- 3 ring binder
1- composition notebook, black
marble, 100 count / 4 - composition notebook, black
marble, 100 count / 2 - pkg. 9X12 construction paper,
assorted, SO count / 1 - pack of 3x3 sticky notes
1- pkg. 9X12 construction paper,
assorted, SO count / 1- pkg. 9X12 construction paper,
assorted, 50 count / 1 - box crayons, 24 count / 4 - Jumbo book covers (stretchy)
2- box crayons, 24 count / 1- box crayons, 24 count / 1 - pkg. pencil top erasers / 1- box crayons, 24 count
2 - eraser, pink pearl / 2 - eraser, pink pearl / 1 - bottle hand sanitizer / 1 - pkg. 5 tab colored index dividers
3-folders with pockets and brads
(blue, green, red) / 8 - folders with pockets and brads
(2 @ green, red, blue, yellow) / 1- bottle white glue, 4 oz. / 2 - eraser, pink pearl
1 - bottle white glue, 4 oz. / 4 - glue stick / 4 - glue stick / 3 - spiral notebook, 5 subject
4 - glue stick / 1- pkg. 9X12 manila paper, SO count / 1- headphones or earbuds / 1 - canvas zipper pencil bag
1 - pkg. markers, washable, thin tip,
8 count, classic colors / 1- pkg. 12Xl8 construction paper,
SO count / 1- canvas zipper pencil bag / 2 - glue stick
2 - pkg. 9X12 manila paper, SO count / 3 - pkg. notebook paper, wide rule,
200 count / 4 - pkg. notebook paper, wide rule,
200 count / 1-100 count pkg. multi-color paper
1- pkg. 12X18 manila paper, SO
count / 1- pkg. washable markers, 8 count / 24 - #2 pencils / 1 - 25 count sheet protectors
2 - pkg. notebook paper, wide rule,
200 count / 24 - #2 pencils / 1 - pkg. colored pencils, 12 count / 2 - pkg. notebook paper, wide rule,
200 count
48 - #2 pencils / 2 - pkg. colored pencils, 12 count / 4-pens, red / 36-#2 pencils
1- 4 count of dry erase markers / 1- pkg. 10 count red pens / 1 - ruler, metric inches / 1 - pkg. colored pencils, 24 count
1- pkg washable markers, 8 count / 1- pkg. dry erase markers, wide tip
4 count / 8- spiral composition notebook, 70
count / 12 - pens, red
1 - roll of paper towels / 2- pkg. 8 dividers / 1- pkg. of markers 8 count / 24 - pens, black
1- 3x5 index cards / 1- 4x6 index cards / 3 - boxes tissue / 3 - box tissue
1- bottle sanitizer, 8 oz / 2 - bottle sanitizer, 8 oz / 1 - 1" three ring binder / 1- bottle hand sanitizer
6 - spiral composition notebook, 70
count / 1 - ruler, metric inches / 1 - ruler, metric inches / 4 - spiral composition notebook, 70
1 - scissors, sharp / 1 - scissors, sharp / 1 - scissors, sharp / 1- scissors, sharp
1-box freezer storage bags, sealable
1 quart / 1 - box sealable baggies
boys-gallon/ girls-quart / 1 - clipboard
3 - box tissue / 3 - box tissue / 1-Headphones or Earbuds
1 - 3 ring zipper pouch / 1- pencil bag with zipper
1-Headphones or Earbuds / 1 - roll paper towels
1 - 1" binder clear view
1- Headphones or Earbuds

Please do not label supplies. When a student has used these supplies, they should be replaced as requested by the school Revised 4-25-17