Resources for RE (and links to computing)

Uses for information and communication technology in RE

Oldham Council working in partnership 1

With Oldham SACRE 2014 - 2019

  1. Pupils should be given opportunities to apply and develop their ICT capability through the use of ICT tools to support their learning in all subjects (at Key Stage 1, there are no statutory requirements to teach the use of computing in the programmes of study for the non-core foundation subjects). Teachers should use their judgement to decide where it is appropriate to teach the use of ICT across these subjects at Key Stage 1. At other key stages, there are statutory requirements to use ICT in all subjects, except physical education).
  2. Pupils should be given opportunities to support their work by being taught to:
  3. find things out from a variety of sources, selecting and synthesising the information to meet their needs and developing an ability to question its accuracy, bias and plausibility;
  4. develop their ideas using ICT tools to amend and refine their work and enhance its quality and accuracy;
  5. exchange and share information, both directly and through electronic media;
  6. review, modify and evaluate their work, reflecting critically on its quality, as it progresses.

In the context of religious education,SACRE supports ICT developments in RE through its strategic plan. In RE pupils can enhance their ICT skills by:

  • making appropriate use of the internet or CD-ROM sources to investigate, analyse and evaluate different aspects of religious belief and practice, ultimate questions and ethical issues;
  • using email or video conferencing to communicate and collaborate with individuals in different locations, enabling associations to be made between religions and individual, national and international life;
  • using multi-media and presentation software to communicate a personal response, the essence of an argument or stimulus for discussion;
  • using writing support and concept mapping software to organise thoughts and communicate knowledge and understanding of the diversity of belief and practice within and between religious traditions;
  • using equipment such as digital cameras and digital video to bring authentic images into the classroom to support discussion and reflection, and to enhance their understanding of the impact of religious belief and practice on the lives of local individuals and faith communities.

Websites for Religious Education:

The Agreed Syllabus recommends the internet for school RE, because it offers so much authentic and contemporary religious material, and much that is tailored to RE. As with any resource, it is important that teachers evaluate the suitability and usefulness of the resource before recommending it to pupils, and because the internet changes continuously, with many sites being temporary and evolving fast, teachers are advised to become familiar with the gateway sites for RE, which will:

a) evaluate sites

b) update links

c) add new sites

For this reason, the list of web sites is not extensive.

Websites for Religious Education: a very short list

The Agreed Syllabus recommends the internet for school RE, because it offers so much authentic and contemporary religious material, and much that is tailored to RE. As with any resource, it is important that teachers evaluate the suitability and usefulness of the resource before recommending it to pupils, and because the internet changes continuously, withmany sites being temporary and evolving fast,teachers are advised to become familiar with the main gateway sites for RE, which can be relied upon to:

a) evaluate numerous sites for RE use

b) update links as things move on

c) add new sites as they emerge

For this reason, the list of web sites is not extensive.

Gateway Sites or Portals

for RE

The BBC's Religion & Ethics Site

RS Web (GCSE and AS/A2 level)

Virtual Tours of places of worship

Virtual Reality Christian Resource

BBC Education Clips from the Broadband learning zone. This is a free, very extensive and often very good set of video materials for all ages. Indispensable.

Government Sites:

Department for Education

Exemplification of the standards set in the eight level scale can be found at links from:

Material in addition for KS3-4

Professional Associations & Resources

1. AREIAC (RE Advisers, Inspectors & Consultants)

2. RE Today Services

3. The RE Directory Online

4. NATRE: the National Association of Teachers of RE

5. Farmington Institute: study papers from serving teachers on all aspects of teaching and learning RE – free.

Religions on the web

The Bahá’i Faith



1. Buddhanet

2. Dharma the Cat: Buddhist spirituality and humour

3. Online Sacred texts

  1. Virtual Tour of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery(Near Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire)


1. Bible Gateway

2. Online Sacred texts

3. RE Quest

4. Educhurch

5. The Church of England,

6. Canterbury Cathedral

7. Catholic Online

8. The Society of Friends (Quakers)

9. The Anglican Church in Wales

10. The Church of Scotland

11.Baptist News and Views

12. The Salvation Army

13. Patron Saints Index

14. Christian Aid

15. Tear Fund



1. Gateway to the Hindu world

2. Vivekananda Centre, Supporting Schools

3. Hindu resources online

4. Hindukids

5. Neasden Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir

6. Online Sacred texts


  1. British Humanist Association
  1. Humanism for Schools


  1. IslamiCity - a vast Islamic resource

2. Online Sacred texts

3. Muslim Aid

4. Islamic Relief


1. International Sikh network

2. Sikh Kids

3. Sikhs

4. Online Sacred texts

5. Daily Hukamnama from Golden Temple

6. Sikh Resources (DTF Asian Books & Musicals)


  1. Judaism for Europe including ‘Ask the Rabbi’

2. Jewish ‘Yahoo’ type search engine

3. Jewish News ~ excellent gateway

4.Online Sacred texts

5. Visit the Western Wall

7. Rabbi Amy Scheinerman’s Web Site

8. Chanukah on the Net

9. Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre

10. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre

11. The Council of Christians and Jews

Revision / Study Support Sites

1. BBC Bitesize (GCSE)

  1. NATRE:

for lots of interesting examples of excellent RE work

3. ISTC (GCSE & AS/A2 Level)

4. RSWeb (GCSE & AS/A2 Level)

Oldham Council working in partnership 1

With Oldham SACRE 2014 - 2019