2877 Creamery Road
New Hope, PA 18938
6th Grade Honey Hollow Field Trip
Date: Wedneday, October 22, 2014
Leave KV @ 9:15 and return at 1pm
Location: Tuckamony Farm on the Honey Hollow Watershed
2877 Creamery Road
New Hope, PA 18938
Cost per student: $7 (Please make checks out to Keith Valley Middle School)
Why Honey Hollow?
The students will have the opportunity to take part in an ongoing archeological dig at Tuckamony Farm. Our students will have the chance to work with Jerry Lomas, an archeologist at the site. They will be given instructions and the tools to take part in a “real life” archeological dig.
The site is located next to a 200+ year old farmhouse. Many archeological finds have been unearthed in the “midden” (trash pit) area used by the workers and families that lived on the farm long before trash trucks were invented. The kids have really enjoyed this hand-on experience and have even found some artifacts that were tagged and are now part of the collection at Honey Hollow.
Please keep an eye on the forecast for the day of the trip. The students are asked to wear clothing they won’t mind “getting dirty”. They are asked to wear long pants and sneakers for they will be working in an active archeological site. The mornings can be chilly so a sweatshirt or jacket is never a bad idea.
Lunch: Please pack a NUT FREE lunch.
The farm has picnic tables that are located near the dig site. I will provide materials for hand washing and the students will eat their lunch outdoors at the end of the dig. Again, please make sure that lunches are NUT FREE.
Please contact me if you should have any questions or concerns.
I thank you for your partnership this year. The kids will have a great time at Honey Hollow!
Required information to be included on Field Trip Permission Slip
My child ______has permission to accompany the class to ____Honey Hollow/BCAS______in order to participate in the field trip scheduled on ___ 10/22/14______.
- I understand that Keith Valley Middle School or the Hatboro-Horsham School District is not responsible for damage to or loss of students’ personal property during field trips.
- My child has the following medical conditions, allergies, etc: ______
- My child is currently taking the following medication:______
- Is it necessary to bring the medication on the trip?______If so, when and how should the medication be taken?______
- In the event of a serious injury/accident, the teacher/sponsor has my permission to authorize emergency medical treatment. Please Check: Yes ______No______
Please contact the following people should an emergency arise:
Parent’s Signature______Date______