Guide To Using Social Media
What can you post: Pictures, Game Schedule, Roster, Scores and Standings, Send Messages about schedule changes, etc.
The Recreation Center has made vast improvements to their social media resources in the past year. Now there is a FaceBook page for every program including Sport Clubs. Get all the members of your Sport Club to be friends with the page and get constant updates about all Sport Clubs.
How to Post: You can update the page at anytime from your own Facebook page.
Recreation Center Sport Club Website
What can you post: Contact information, Rosters, Coaches, pictures, links to national websites, etc.
The Recreation Center website contains information about all our special offers and programs. Sport Clubs has a special tab across the top of the page. From this page you can access your Clubs individual page (ie: Men’s Ultimate, Fencing) where you have the freedom to add what you wish. The Sport Club office does require your Club keep the following information up as the bare minimum; Club Contact, One Photo, Short informational statement.
How to Post: any information you wish to put on the Recreation Center Sport Club website simply forward to the Sport Club office at , or . From there it will be sent to our web master.
What can you post: Pictures, Game Schedule, Roster, Scores and Standings, Send Messages about schedule changes, etc.
OrgSync is a school based FaceBook so anything you can do on FaceBook you can do with OrgSync. Each Club has their own page and you can join as many clubs as you would like. We also use this site for our accounting and grant request process. It is a vital tool and up in coming on Sonoma State campus so, get familiar.
How to Post: Officers of the Club have administrators’ status and there have the option to edit the home page and post photos and other information to the page.
Sport Club Board
What Can you Post: Pictures, Practice times, Game schedule, special events and accomplishments, scores and standings.
The Sport Club Board is located downstairs in the hallway of the Recreation Center. The Sport Club office keeps an up to date contact list as well as game and results information.
How to post: Email, or drop off a hard copy of what you would like posted and turn it into the Sport Club office. It will be approved and then posted.
What you can Post: Special Accomplishments, Pictures, highlights.
The STAR does run a sports section and have been known from time to time to run a story on one of our sport clubs. This is great publicity for your club and even gets the attention of the faculty.
How to post: Notify The STAR ahead of time about an event. You can also write up your own synapses of the activity and submit it to the STAR office.