Fishing method

Fishing is by orthodox Fly fishing only with 1 ¼” maximum length on a single hook. Treble hooks, bubble floats and use of float tubes are not permitted.

Catch / bag Limit:

All fish under 10” in length must be returned to the water.

Catch Limit - 2 Brown Trout with a total bag limit of 5 Brown & Rainbow Trout per rod per Day thereaftercatch and release using de barbed or barb less hooks after the catch limit of 5 retained fish had been reached and a further 5 fish catch & released. For absence of doubt 5 fish may be killed per day with a further 5 per day catch & release or all 10 fish on catch & release, after which fishing must cease.Catch & release of Brown Trout is encouraged.When returning fish please handle carefully


Are to be worn when fishing from boats and are to be worn by all anglers under the age of 18 years. Lifejackets are available from the fishing hut.

Under 16’s:

Must be accompanied by an adult at all times.


No dogs are permitted.

Unsuitable Weather

Boats must not be used in unsuitable weather conditions which shall be in thunderstorms or wind speeds in excess of force 4 on the Beaufort scale or 20 mph, as forecast by the publicly available internet BBC Weather forecast for the St Andrews areaorBBC Radio 4. wind speed may be evident where branches of a moderate size move. Small trees in leaf begin to sway. Breaking wave crests (white horses) as indicated by the Beaufort wind scale posted at the fishing hut.


Inspect all boats for damage prior to use, bail out.

Studded boats are not permitted in the boats.

Boats must be secured after use to prevent un authorised use.

Electric outboard motors to 36lb thrust with Leisure batteries may be used.

Petrol outboards are not permitted.

No boat fishing within designated bird nesting areas 1st April – 31st July as shown on the fishing hut notice boards.

Anchors are not permitted.

Trolling is not permitted.


No bank fishing within bird nesting areas 1st April – 31st July as shown on the fishing hut notice boards.

Car Parking:

Please park with respect for other anglers and the private house ‘Cameron Lodge’. Cars must not be parked across gates, access roads or the Cameron lodge garage.

Potential new members:

Members may sponsor and instruct potential new members wishing to learn to Fly Fish, using the member’s own rod and membership permit to fish. Only one rod is permitted, with the member supervising at all times.

Visitor Permits:

5 permits a day are available to non members by booking in advance (3 boat, 2 bank). Permits and boat reservations are available from the fishing hut by payment of the current charge as advertised on fishing hut notice boards. Visitor permits can be purchased and boat reservations made to the diary by any club member.

Baliffing the fishery– Poachingreporting wildlife crime:

The reservoir is a Ramsar designated site of special scientific interest. There shall be no fishing without a permit to fish or engagement in activities which may be harmful to the features of special scientific interest. The water isballiffed by the club membership who are empowered, on production of their membership card, to inspect permits, tackle and fishing bags. Any refusal to comply or evidence of wildlife crime will be reported to the police. Tel: Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Fishing Session Times:

1st March-15th March for rainbow trout. Session is from 10:00-16:00 hours subject to permission from SNH. No fishing if Pink Footed geese are roosting.

Visitor sessions are Day = 9:30am – 5:00pm and Evening 6:00pm – Dusk

Member session times are Day = 8:00am – 5:00pm and 5:00pm – Dusk.

(Seasonal “dusk” times are displayed in the fishing Hut).

Country Code:

All anglers must obey the ‘Scottish Outdoor Access Code’ as posted on the fishing hut notice boards.

DWF/04 July2010

Distribution :Copy of rules to be issued to

1)All members annually with subscription.

2)With each visitor permit.