SWAT Meeting

Monday, February 25, 2008


Poe 206

·  Updates

1.  Assessment data and system

2.  Std. 1 revisions

3.  Std. 2 revisions

4.  Std. 3 revisions

5.  Std. 4 revisions

6.  CEPC/PEC org

·  Next steps: implementation plans for revisions

·  Program revisioning discussion

1.  Revisioning task force status and process

2.  Possible support for state efforts

Notes on meeting

·  Updates

1.  Assessment data and system

§  All fall data is not in… missing 203 (Science). Malina talked to Glenda about it and said it was on the way.

§  Math Ed and Science Ed (Spring) is not in. Malina will send out reminder to them

§  ELM (Tom) will know more in a week since Master’s program is switching from C&I to ELM and the students are “scattered”

§  Michael will look for the programs for which we need more info and data.

§  DPI deadline for September

2.  Std. 1 revisions


§  Recommendations:

·  Observation rubric done twice in student teaching (mid and end)… unit measure

·  Undergraduate portfolio should be a program portfolio (not just student teaching ) and should include reflections

·  PEC would be better utilized if the focus were on undergraduates.

·  Do a graduate rubric or common project? Revisioning will allow room for this

·  Tom will send implementation add-on plus document he read from to GP

3.  Std. 2 revisions

§  Observation rubrics

§  Common assignment for 200 level courses

·  Malina will send draft to GP

4.  Std. 3 revisions

§  PEC a week ago… Michael solicited volunteers to help revise courses and will follow-up on common 200 assignment

§  Putting students out in the community – Michael will send an implementation plan to GP

5.  Std. 4 revisions

§  Analysis of diversity

§  Courses in diversity? Need to be standardized.

6.  CEPC/PEC org (see above)

  • Implementation plans need to be sent in by all to GP

·  Next steps: implementation plans for revisions

·  Program revisioning discussion

o  Handouts:

§  MSA coordinators

§  NC Joint Boards Meeting (UNC Tomorrow)

§  A Vision of a 21st Century Testing Program

§  Teacher Prep Continuum

Revisioning task force status and process

o  Smaller revisioning team needed (of about 10 people)

o  Revisioning process:

§  Tech Ed will be revamped with the GC program, and will become pre-engineering education

§  Parameters: Here is what revisioning will be for NC State and fit in the standards

Possible support for state efforts

MSA coordinators handout:

·  General administration is paying to guide the MSA process, but not for teacher education

·  In order to stimulate discussion across NC universities… we could create a website… GP will check with Bethany to create it and Meredith will work on it

1.  Morph documents into a Teacher Ed format… Moodle?

2.  This will be opened to all institutions in the state to share planning documents, assessments, etc.