Protecting your brands in market
Is your brand protected?
Concerned about brand rip offs?
“A wine Industry Workshop”
to consider the issues about product integrity
and product security in the market place and raise possible solutions
Industry and specialist speakers will present the following topics:
Introduction and Overview
Brian Smedley, Chief Executive, South Australian Wine Industry Association
Challenges and Threats in marketing and exporting wine
John MacPhail, Partner Finlaysons Lawyers
In certain export markets there are particular threats and challenges to wine brands that can result in trade mark infringement, ‘lookalike’ products, or simple counterfeiting and piracy.
John will examine practices that may represent or pose a threat to a wine supplier’s brand or business andwhat you can do about them, and look at assessing the scale of the problem, identifying the risks, options to mitigate those risks including use of technology and legal avenues to dealwith an issue.
Company case study 1– Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Lee Docherty, Sustainability Manager
What has this company done to prepare itself for entry into various markets, the issues faced in markets, and solutions and responses that have been applied to deal with those issues.
Company case study 2–Grant Burge Wines
Roger Dowling, Supply Chain Manager
What has this company done to prepare itself for entry into various markets, the issues faced in markets, and solutions and responses that have been applied to deal with those issues.
A wine industry supplier– a range of solutions?
Andrew Holt, Collotype Labels
Andrew Jones, Collotype Labels
As a supplier to the wine industry what range of solutions are available, what level of protection do they afford and how can these be used effectively within your business.
Gunther Schmidt, DataDot Technology Ltd
Graham Loughlin, Data Dot Technology Ltd
The " Brandlok " brand protection device provides a compelling solution to the authentication and verification of wine, for both producers and consumers. The technologies embedded in Brandlok were developed in Australia by the CSIRO and provide a multilayered point-of-sale security system for brand protection and product integrity as well as facilitating easily accessible commonality of use for all Australian wine companies engaged in exports.
Registration Details:
1.To book online
2. Complete the registration form and return to Fax No. 08 8222 9276
Number of participants
Participants Names
Company: ______
Contact Person: ______
Address: ______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______
Email: ______
Access or Dietary Requirements:______
Cost:Free to attend event
Development and delivery of this workshop is one part of the South Australian Wine Industry Market Development Program as managed by SAWIA and is only possible from the support and funding provided by the South Australian Government through Primary Industries and Regions SA.
Return to:Fax to 8222 9276, send by email:
Registrations will be accepted until close of business on 2 September.
Cancellations:If you register and are subsequently unable to attend please notify SAWIA of your cancellation as there are catering costs that can be saved. SAWIA reserves the right to invoiceyour company with costs where a registration has not been cancelled. In the alternative, substitute delegates are welcome to attend.
Any enquiries on the day: Contact Brian Smedley on 0403 147 362
A special seminar specific to the wine industry presented by:
South Australian Wine Industry Association Incorporated
ABN 43 807 200 928
1st Floor Industry Offices, National Wine Centre, Botanic Road, Adelaide SA 5000
Tel: 61 8 8222 9277 Fax: 61 8 8222 9276 Email: Web: