Council Minutes 9th March 2010
40.6 Stormwater Drainage - Cadell Street, Goolwa - Tender Acceptance (Confidential)
File Ref: 9.24.1
Officer (full name): PO – Dawyd Pinter
Officers Consulted (full name): FSM – Greg Hill
Strategic Plan Outcome Nbr: 3.3.1 – Provide effective management and maintenance of Council’s stormwater infrastructure
Budget Allocation: $233,320 Budget Spent to Date: $11,500
Chart of Account: Job Number: 680281
ESD Impact/Benefit:-
* Environmental: Nil
* Social: Nil
* Economic: Cost to Council
In February 2010 tenders were called for the construction of the Cadell Street Stormwater Drainage project, Contract Number 14.21.012. The money for Stage 1 of this project (between Crocker Street and Moore Street) is in the budget for the 2009-2010 financial year. Three contractors were invited by select tender to submit tenders. The specified tender closing time was 4:00pm on Thursday 18 February 2010. Tenders were received from Fleurieu Civil and South Coast Sand & Civil. On Monday 15 February 2010, the third contractor, Ellers Earthmoving, notified Council that, due to other work commitments, they would not be submitting a tender. Dawyd Pinter and Greg Hill witnessed the opening of Tenders. The following Tenders were received:
Tenderer / Tendered Amount – Stage 1(exc. GST) / Tendered Amount – Stage 2
(exc. GST)
Fleurieu Civil / $ 201,547.00 / $ 218,470.00
South Couth Coast Sand & Civil / $ 171,487.00 / $ 194,664.00
* Note: Stage 1 – Crocker Street to Moore Street (2009/2010 financial year)
Stage 2 – Crocker Street to Dawson Street (2010/2011 financial year)
A detailed analysis of the Tenders submitted including a review of the rates, quantities, exclusions and/or qualifications and timing of the works, was undertaken. Overall, the difference between the lowest tender (South Coast Sand & Civil) and the second lowest tender (Fleurieu Civil) is more than $53,000 (excluding GST). We have considered the Tenders received against the required scope of the contract and based on our assessment, the Tender from South Coast Sand & Civil is the most competitive of the two tenders received.
40.6 Stormwater Drainage - Cadell Street, Goolwa - Tender Acceptance (Confidential)
ACF10135 Moved Cr Judith Woolford Seconded Cr Rick Medlyn:
1)That Council accept the tender received by South Coast Sand & Civil and engage them in a Contract to undertake the construction of the Cadell Street Stormwater Drainage project.
2) That the report remain confidential for a period of twelve (12) months under Section 90 (3) (K) of the Local Government Act 1999.
3) That the minute remain confidential for a period of twelve (12) months under Section 90 (3) (K) of the Local Government Act 1999.
4) That Dawyd Pinter be the responsible officer to review this item at the end of the confidential period.