Hickam Enlisted Spouses Club
Originally Adopted: 11 November 2011
Revised: 25October 2015
Article I. PURPOSE
Section 1.01 The purpose of the Hickam Enlisted Spouses’ Club, hereinafter referred to as the “HESC,” shall be to organize social, recreational, and other non-profitable activities.
Section 1.02 Host Installation Commanding Officer (ICO): HESC will seek Commanding Officer, Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam’s approval to be recognized as a private organization complying with COMNAVREGINST 5760.1L.
Section 1.03 Status: HESC is a private self-sustaining organization, EIN# 27-1177644.
Section 2.01 The policies of HESC shall be in compliance with the policies of COMNAVREGINST 5760.1L, Procedures for Obtaining Recognition of Private Organizations, and according to all applicable civil and military laws and regulations.
Section 2.02 Activities of HESC will not in any way prejudice or discredit DoD components or other agencies of the Federal Government.
Section 2.03 HESC will not engage in activities, which compete with those of any non-appropriated fund instrumentality on a DoD installation.
Section 2.04 Neither appropriated fund activities nor non-appropriated fund instrumentalities shall assert any claim to the assets of HESC as a private organization, nor incur or assume any obligation or liability for any private organization, except as may possibly arise out of contractual relationships.
Section 2.05 HESC will be self-sustaining, primarily through dues of its members, donations, and fundraisers. There will be no direct financial assistance of HESC from a non-appropriated fund instrumentality in the form of contributions, dividends, or other donations of monies or other assets.
Section 3.01 Types of Membership, Eligibility, and Participation.
- Active Members
- Eligibility: Spouses of active duty, reserve, guard, or retired enlisted military personnel and widows/widowers of enlisted members.
- Privileges: Shall enjoy full privileges of membership which includes: payment of dues, voting, holding elected or appointed office, attending HESC sponsored meetings and events, participating in committees, access to the private HESC Facebook group page. Membership is valid for current term as dues paid.
- Honorary Members
- Eligibility:Widow/widowers of prior enlisted members may be given honorary membership. A person, who at the invitation of and with approval by the Executive Board, is given honorary membership. Honorary membership is valid for the duration of the current HESC social calendar year.
- Privileges: All the benefits of general membership but do not pay dues, do not have voting rights, and cannot hold an elected or appointed office.
- Advisors
- Eligibility: With their consent, the spouses of the Pacific Air Forces Command Chief, 15th Wing Command Chief, and the 515th Air Mobility Operations Wing Command Chief.
- Privileges:Shall have dues waived. Shall enjoy privileges of membership which include attending HESC sponsored meetings and events, participation in committees, and group access to the HESC Facebook pages.
Section 3.02 Guests
- To include any persons eligible for HESC membership upon their first attendance at an HESC function. Guest is responsible for all fees associated with the function.
- Bona fide house-guests of members in good standing are considered to be those visiting temporarily. One general membership meeting is free. Each additional membership meeting within the current social year will require a nominal fee.
- The President and Advisors may invite guests to functions on behalf of the HESC.
- TheGoverningBoardreservestherighttolimitfunctionstomembersonly,withadvancenoticegiventothemembership.
- TheExecutiveBoardshallconsiderallcategoriesofguesteligibilitynotcoveredintheseBy-Lawsonacase-by-casebasis.
Section 3.03 Dues, Termination, and Reinstatement
- Dues.
- All Active members of the HESC are required to pay dues. Dues are payable to the HESC by cash or check made out to the Hickam Enlisted Spouses’ Club or PayPal sent to email address .
- Dues are paid annually and valid from August through July, or bi-annually forthe terms August through December or January through July.
- Dues are $40 for E1-E4 and $50 for E5-E9
- 10% discount if paid in August.
- 50% discount for a bi-annual term (Referred to as ‘Half Year Membership’).
- Dues must be paid within (30) days of submitting applicationto HESC.
- Upon request in advance,dues may be prorated for pending PCS upon approval from the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis.
- Termination
- Voluntary termination of membership shall be by written notification to the President or designated representative.
- Membership may be terminated by the Executive Board if the conduct of a member is such as to bring discredit upon the HESC or its members.
- A three-fourth (3/4) vote approval by the Executive Board is required.
- Affected member may appeal the decision at the next Governing Board meeting with a 72-hour notice to the President.
- The ruling is sustained by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Governing Board.
d. Former members who have been terminated by the Governing Board or voluntarily terminated their membership may not attend or participate in any activities (i.e. Bunco, Bowling, etc.).
e. Members who are terminated shall be notified in writing by the President or designated representative.
C. Reinstatement
- Members who voluntarily terminate their membership or are terminated by the board, for reasons other than a Permanent Change of Station, are ineligible to rejoin the HESC for a period of six (6) months.
- Members wishing to be reinstated must submit a written request for reinstatement to the Governing Board for majority approval.
- Members terminated for failure to meet financial obligations will be reinstated when all financial obligations to the HESC are paid.
Section 3.04 Temporary Relocation Dues will not be refunded in the event of temporary relocation, to include family emergencies or medical necessity. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, has the discretion to waive this policy on a case-by-case basis.
Section 3.05 Reimbursement of DuesDues will not be refunded in the event of a Permanent Change of Station. Dues will not be reimbursed to members voluntarily resigning from the HESC or those whose memberships have been terminated. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, has the discretion to waive this policy on a case-by-case basis.
Section 3.06 HESC Associated Social Networking Rights and Responsibilities
- The purpose of the HESC closed Facebook group page is to organize social and recreational activities and provide useful information to members.
- All Active Members, Honorary Members, and Advisors may be added to the closed Facebook group pages.
- Negative and/or inappropriate comments or postings will not be tolerated and will be deleted on the HESC closed Facebook group pages and/or HESC associated public Facebook page.
- The Web Master or designated official will administer warnings to members whose comments and/or posts are deemed negative and/or inappropriate by members of the Governing Board.
- The President, with approval of the Governing Board, reserves the right to block and/or terminate membership due to misconduct on the HESC affiliated Facebook group pages.
- All inactive Members will be deleted from all HESC affiliated Facebook group pages.
Section 4.01 Governing Board
- Membership: HESC is directly supervised and managed by the Governing Board. The Board shall be a body consisting of Elected Officers, Appointed Officers/Chairpersons, and Advisors. Non-voting members of the Board are the Advisors and Parliamentarian.
- Elected Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
- Appointed Officers: Parliamentarian, Hospitality, Historian, Web Master, Membership, and any others as appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.
- Advisors: The spouses of the Pacific Air Forces Command Chief, 15th Wing Command Chief, and 515th Air Mobility Operations Wing Command Chief, with their consent, may serve as advisors.
Section 4.02 Governing Board Duties
- The Board shall formulate the policies and transact the business of the HESC as prescribed by the HESC By-Laws and any motions passed by the membership. Noncompliance with the By-Laws and/or Constitution by officers will result in possible termination of the position by the President with approval by the majority of the Board.
- Board members shall attend all Board meetings, general membership meetings(to includeset up and tear down), special meetings, events and/or activities where their attendance is required as deemed by the President or designated person. A majority of the Board may remove from office any of its members absent from two (2) or more Board and/or membership meetings without sufficient justification of the absences.
- The Board may invite Chairmen for special committees to attend Board meetings without vote when appropriate.
- All Board and committee meetings are open to the membership with prior approval of the President. Members are responsible to contact the President to find out the meeting dates and times.
- A quorum of the Board will consist of a majority of the voting members of said Board. The Board will meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month unless notice is given of a change to another date.
- Minutes of Board meetings will be available from the HESC Secretary upon request.
- Whenever possible, resignations of Board members will be submitted in writing to the President at least two (2) weeks prior to the effective date of the resignation. Vacancies will be filled as appointed by the President and approved by the Board.
- Each Board member will maintain a binder with an applicable job description.
- Board members will return completed binders and materials to the President to assure a complete and orderly transfer of information to their successors.
Section 4.03 Rights and Responsibilities of the Governing Board
- Advisors shall: Retain all of their rights and obligations as active members of the HESC. They may attend all Board meetings in a non-voting capacity. They may be ex-officio members without voting privileges on all committees.
- Elected Officers
1. President shall:
- Be the official representative and spokesperson of the HESC.
- Preside at all Membership and Board meetings and vote in the event of a tie.
- Call all needed Special Executive Board Meetings.
- Appoint the Parliamentarian and all other Governing Board members with the approval of the Elected Officers and Advisors.
- Appoint persons as needed to fill vacated offices with the approval of the Elected Officers and Advisors.
- Authorize unbudgeted expenditures up to $100 per month with verbal verification from Treasurer of available funds. Anything more will be brought to the board.
- Provide a topic agenda for all HESC Board meetings.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee, unless ineligible for election for any board position.
- Purchase appreciation gifts at the conclusion of the board year, not to exceed $25 per gift, for current Board members. Funds to be budgeted from the HESC account.
- Maintain the inventory of the HESC properties. Inventory shall be transferred to their successor at the end of their term.
2.Vice President shall:
- Serve as part of the Executive Board.
- Act as assistant to the President and perform any duties as delegated by the President.
- Assume the duties of the President in their absence and succeed the President if they leave office before the end of their term.
- Serve as Liaison to all appointed seats within the HESC regarding job descriptions and responsibilities.
- Serve as Protocol Officer and Social Coordinator.
- Purchase appreciation gift for President at the conclusion of the board year, not to exceed $25. Funds to be budgeted from the HESC account.
3.Secretary shall:
- Serve as part of the Executive Board.
- Maintain and keep on file all minutes and necessary reports for a three (3) year period.
- Record the minutes of the HESC Board meetings.
- Provide a copy of the minutes of each meeting to each Board Member within one week of the Board Meeting.
- Maintain the roster of the HESC officers and committee chairpersons with their addresses and telephone numbers.
- Perform any other duties as designated by the HESC President.
4.Treasurer shall:
- Serve as part of the Executive Board.
- Be responsible for all HESC funds, receive and keep an accounting of all funds belonging to the HESC, and disburse funds for authorized expenditures.
- Maintain and be responsible for the cash box at all times.
- Maintain HESC financial records and submit them for a review yearly upon completion of their tenure in office.
- Submit to the Board a monthly financial report and provide copies for each Board Member.
- Ensure taxes are filed as necessary.
- Maintain post office box and the keys to it.
- Conduct preliminary budget meeting at the beginning of the Board year, a review budget meeting at midyear, and at the conclusion of the Board year a proposed budget for the next year.
- Perform any other duties as designated by the HESC President.
- Appointed Officers/Chairpersons
1. Parliamentarian shall:
- Advise the President on proper parliamentary procedures and the application of the HESC By-Laws and Constitution.
- Attend all meetings of the HESC Board in a non-voting capacity.
- Chair the Nomination Committee and the Constitution and By-Laws Review Committee.
- Conduct telephone and e-mail votes at the request of the President.
- Conduct all elections.
- Maintain and revise the HESC Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies and Procedures as needed and present any changes to the Board.
- Serve as the legal liaison between the HESC and the Joint Base Pearl Harbor- Hickam Judge Advocate.
- Perform any other duties as designated by the HESC President.
- Hold a transitional workshop prior to the joint May Governing Board meeting. The workshop will be conducted by the outgoing Parliamentarian or designee. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss information relating to the Constitution and By-Laws, parliamentary procedures, continuity folders, and job descriptions.
2. Hospitality shall:
a. Submit monthly activity reports as needed to all Board Members.
b. Be responsible for coordinating ‘ice breakers’ and activities for social events.
i. Maintain an archive
ii. Prepare suggestions for social
c. Acknowledge general membership for volunteers, birthdays, Hails and Farewells, and announcements utilizing the whiteboard.
- Historian shall:
a.Submit monthly activity reports as needed to all Board Members.
b.Be responsible for taking pictures at all HESC events and uploading them onto the closed HESC Facebook page into a labeled album for each HESC event.
c.Complete a display board for the annual Aloha Social.
d.Prepare photo booth props and/or backdrops as requested on a case by case basis for monthly socials.
e.Maintain backup of all HESC photos on HESC external hard drive.
- Membership Coordinator shall:
a.Be responsible for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date roster of current HESC members containing all addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, and e-mail addresses.
b.Must provide a current report within one week following a social event to all Board Members to include: New applicants, Applicants paid, Facebook names, terminated members, and upcoming birthdays.
c.Provide membership-mailing labels as needed.
d. Keep copies of membership applications and termination forms.
e. Arrive early and provide nametags for members and guests at HESC functions.
f. Provide a sign-in list at all HESC functions so that members and guests may be recognized.
g. Register new members and assist the Treasurer in collection of dues at HESC functions.
h. Maintain lei inventory and supplies and coordinate lei making meetings with Board Members as needed.
i. Provide list of new members for lei presentation to the President at the social.
- Web Master shall:
- Maintain the HESC domain.
- Monitor content that is posted on the Facebook group pages to ensure it is in compliance with Article III: Section 3.06 of the HESC By-Laws.
- Create Facebook Events.
- Maintain general email account for HESC and provide and distribute email correspondence as needed.
- Ensure that all Active members, honorary members, and Advisors have access to all Facebook groups.
- Remove all previous and terminated Active and Honorary members from the closed Facebook groups.
- Be responsible for responding to all Facebook inquiries.
Article V. FINANCE
Section 5.01 Fiscal Year The fiscal year will be from 1 July until 30 June.
Section 5.02 Budget
- The budget shall coincide with the fiscal year.
- The HESC President, Vice President, and Treasurer will have signature authority on the HESC bank account.
- With the exception of the President, any expenditure beyond monthly budget must be authorized prior to purchase.
- A dissolution fund of $500 will be kept in the savings account at the end of each fiscal year.
- The HESC financial records shall be reviewed annually at the April Board meeting by the Executive Board members.
- An accounting discrepancy under $50 is acceptable at the end of the Board year when turned over to the gaining Board.
Section 6.01 Cancellation Policy The President will, at their discretion, make the decision to cancel meetings in the event of inclement weather, base closure, or other special circumstances. Membership will be notified via phone calls, e-mails, HESC website, and/or any other means available. HESC meetings and activities may be re- scheduled or called off by the simple majority decision of the Governing Board.
Section 6.02 Transitional Meetings for Outgoing/Incoming Governing Board
- Installation of new officers shall be held at the May General Membership Meeting.
- Newly elected Officers and Appointed Positions shall assume their duties effective 1 June.
- There will be one joint meeting of the old and new Executive Board in May.
- All unfinished business must be completed by the Governing Board before the end of their term with the exception of pending amendments or changes to By-Laws and any outstanding budgeted debts for that fiscal year.
- The May Governing Board meeting is to be attended by elected Officers and the Appointed Board both incoming and outgoing. The outgoing President will conduct the meeting for the purpose of approving minutes of the previous meeting, hearing the Treasurer’s reports and old business. The outgoing Board members shall pass over continuity folders, and will be adjourned. At this time the new board may meet at the discretion of the new President.
- Both outgoing and incoming Board members may collaboratively plan for any summer events and/or activities.
Section 6.03 Executive Board Meetings