Senate Resolution #14
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Presented to the Senate floor on April 5, 2012.
Authored by: ROSOVE
Co-authored by: Kimball
Introduced by: Kimball
Referred to: External Affairs Commission
Recommendation: External Affairs Commission
SGAO:Officers:Legislation:Senate Resolutions:Senate Resolution Template.doc
Senate Bill #14
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An ASUCD resolution in support of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act.
WHEREAS, the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 1547/S. 781) would change the existing tax law to allow tax-exempt charitable and educational organizations to make grants to non-university owned not-for-profit student housing entities that provide collegiate student housing to receive grants from; and,
WHEREAS, the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act would make college more affordable at no cost to taxpayers, by offering housing alternatives less expensive than University-affiliated housing; and,
WHEREAS, the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act would result in safer student housing by encouraging charitable contributions to collegiate housing for installation of life-saving equipment such as fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, and alarm systems; and,
WHEREAS, over 500 students of 24,655 undergraduate students, as of fall 2010, currently can be housed off campus in non-UC Davis owned not-for-profit student housing facilities like those of Greek housing facilities, as well as non-Greek housing facilities such as the International House, Solar Community Housing Association (SCHA), and Cal Aggie Association.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the Associated Students of University of California, Davis (ASUCD) Senate supports Congressional passage of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act; and,
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, that the ASUCD Senate asks the California Congressional Delegation to sponsor the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act; and,
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT copies of this Resolution be sent to the National Interfraternity Council, and the National Panhellenic Association, The Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee (PAC), Patton Boggs LLP, Chancellor Linda Katehi, The California Aggie, Davis Enterprise, California Congressional Delegation, Davis Collegiate Panhellenic Association, UC Davis Interfraternity Council, Greek Life Coordinator Joaquin Feliciano, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Fred Wood, and Director of Student Housing Emily Galindo.
SGAO:Officers:Legislation:Senate Resolutions:Senate Resolution Template.doc