Project Information Form - Voluntary Aided Schools

To be completed by the School
Name of School
LA / LA Number / Premises
Project Title
Date work due to start on site / Anticipated date work due to finish
Was tendering obtained by competition following the Code of Procedure for Single Stage Selective Tendering? YES / NO If the answer is ‘no’, please state below why.
Three Lowest Tenders
If the scheme has multiple works (i.e. Electrical Works and New Boiler) please provide 3 tenders for each phase of the work. Please continue in the supplementary information column on page 3 if necessary.
Contractor’s Name / Gross Amount (including VAT)
1. / £
2. / £
3. / £
Provisional sums (Please ensure these sums are contained with the agreed tender amount) / £
Contingencies (Please ensure these sums are contained with the agreed tender amount) / £
Financial Liabilities 1 2 3
(Governors’ Aided) / Other
Funding / Total Project Costs (1 to 2)
A Building Works
B VAT on Building Work
C Professional Fees
D VAT on Professional Fees
E Furnishings, Fixtures & Fittings
(including VAT)
F TOTAL (A to E)
Total phasing of Governors’ aided expenditure in each financial year (in 100% figures)
2018/19 / 2019/2020 / 2020/21 / Total aided expenditure
= £ / = £ / = £ / = £
Professional Fees and Expenses
£ / B
VAT(£) / A
as a % of building cost
A Architect
B Quantity Surveyor
C Principal Designer (CDM)
D Other (please specify)
E Diocesan Fee (1.5%)
G Insurance
H Building Regulations
I Planning
J Statutory Fees (please specify)
Other Funding (excluding DFC funding) (Please provide details of Local Authority Liabilities, Schools Delegated Budget and Governors’ Non-Grant Aided Costs)
The Governing Body is reminded of their responsibility to appoint, where appropriate, a Consultant who holds Professional Indemnity Insurance. If the Governing Body does not appoint a Consultant, they (or their authorised representatives (the Diocese)) must also sign the Governing Body’s Consultant Declaration below.
I/We certify that this form is correct and the project complies with the statutory requirements below:
  • Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999 and Department for Education Construction Standards 1987;
  • The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, as amended by the Quarries Regulations 1999, the Health & Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002, the Work & Height Regulations 2005;
  • Buildings Regulations 2010;
  • Equality Act 2010;
  • Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015;
  • Where the cost of service exceeds £173,934 excluding VAT, we confirm we have followed European Union Procurement Rules.

To be completed by the Consultant or Chair of Governing Body
(where a Consultant has not been appointed)
Name______Signed ______
Position ______Date ______
Name of Firm ______Telephone Number ______
Email address ______
To be completed by an Authorised Person on behalf of the Governing Body
(If the Chair of Governors’ has signed above, please ensure the Headteacher signs in this box)
We have agreed the project with the Local Authority including, where applicable, their financial liability, and
  • The Trustees’ of the School have been consultedYES / NO
  • The application complies with the Board of Education Measure 1991 YES / NO
  • The work is necessary and forms part of the school buildingsYES / NO
  • The premises are not due to be replaced, made surplus, abandoned
or closedYES / NO
This is our authorisation for the expenditure of the school’s Devolved Formula Capital (DFC), and we confirm the 10% Governors’ Liabilities can be met by the school’s own resources.
Full Name______Position______
Documents to forward with this form
  1. Tender Report or original copies of Tenders/Quotes

  1. Project Authorisation Form

  1. Governors’ 10% contribution

  1. Plans and Specifications (if applicable)

  1. Supplementary Information (if applicable)

Supplementary Information

Please return completed forms to:

Kevin Matthews, Education Team, Diocese of Leeds, Church House, 17-19 York Place, Leeds LS1 2EX

Revised Feb 20171