Preventing Violations in the Classroom

Although violating the code is a student’s decision, there are many ways that faculty can help prevent violations. Here are some suggestions of ideas below:

Syllabus Statements

Placing a statement regarding academic honesty on the syllabus or a test is a good way to ensure that students understand and agree all the policies you have put forth in your syllabus. Here are some great examples that as a faculty you could use:

Syllabus Statements

Example 1:

You are expected to uphold the highest possible standards of academic integrity. Any violation of the academic honestly expected of you will result in a minimum academic penalty of a failing grade on the assignment. A violation of the University of Florida’s honor code will also result in additional disciplinary measures. Violations of the honor code include, but are not limited to, plagiarism (intentional or unintentional), cheating, unauthorized collaboration and misrepresenting any work that isn’t yours as your own. Please see the Honor Code at

Example 2:

The University of Florida holds its students to the highest of standards, and we encourage all students to read the University of Florida Honor Code so that they are aware of these standards. Any violation of the honor code will result in academic sanctions and further disciplinary action. The two greatest threats to the University of Florida honor code are cheating and plagiarism. Students should be aware of the faculty’s policy on collaboration and should understand how to properly cite sources.

Test Statements:

Example 1:

As a Florida Gator, I certify that I neither received nor gave any outside assistance in the completion of this exam. I understand that any collaboration that has not been first approved by the faculty is a violation of the University's Honor Code, and I understand that I will receive an academic penalty and be referred to Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution for additional disciplinary action. See for more information.


Example 2:

I understand that it is the responsibility of every member of the Gator Nation to uphold and maintain the University of Florida’s Honor Code.

As a Florida Gator I certify that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this exam.


Example 3:

Please write out the statement below:

As a Florida Gator, I certify that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this exam.