SALAMI, Bakare Olawale (Ph.D)
Tel: (+243) 08022482244
(a)Department:History and Diplomatic Studies
(c)Date & Place of Birth:March 29, 1962, Lagos
(e)Marital Status:Married
(f)No. Of Children:Three
(g)Name and Address of Spouse:Mrs. Morenikeji M. Salami,
No.4,Bakinson Street, Egbe, Near Ikotun, Lagos State
(h)Name and Address of Next of Kin:Mrs. Morenikeji M. Salami,
No.4,Bakinson Street, Egbe, Lagos State.
(i)Date of First Appointment with the University:January 1, 1989
(j)Status of First Appointment with the University:Assistant Lecturer
(k)Present Position and Salary:Senior Lecturer
(l)Date of last Promotion/Regrading:October 2013
(m)Date of Confirmation of Appointment:October 1992
(n)If not Confirmed, Why?N/A
(o)Period of Present Contract:N/A
(p)Total Number of Years of Teaching and Research:
(a)Polytechnic/College of Education
(b)University:January 1989 till date
(a)Academic Qualification/Institutions Attended (With Dates):
(i)B.A. (Hons) History,
Ogun State University (Now Olabisi Onabanjo University),
Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria,1986
(ii)M.A (History)
University of Ibadan,
Ibadan, Oyo State,
(iii)PGD. (International relations and Development)
Erasmus University’s Institute of Social Studies,
The Hague, The Netherlands, 1992.
(iv)Ph.D, (History and Diplomacy)
Lagos State University,
Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria, 2011
(a)Previous Work experience outside the University System...... NIL
(b)Previous Work Experience in other Universities...... NIL
(c)Details of Professional Experience at Olabisi Onabanjo University:
(i)Teaching Function at the Undergraduate Level:
Harmattan Semester
- HDS 213: Principles of International Organisations...... 3Units
- HDS 321: Contemporary Problems of International Security...... 3Units
- HDS 415: Foreign Policy of the Powers...... 3Units
Rain Semester
- HDS 214: Foreign policy Analysis...... 3Units
- HDS 318: Principles of International Law...... 3Units
- HDS 418: Comparative Foreign Policy...... 3Units
(ii)Teaching Functions at Postgraduate Level:
Harmattan Semester
- PIR 705: Foreign Policy Analysis...... 3 Units
- PIR 713: Introduction to Diplomacy...... 3 Units
- MDS 803: Concept and Practice of Diplomacy...... 3 Units
- HDS 805: The Cold War and Aftermath ……………………...3 Units
- HDS 905: Issues in Development Diplomacy...... 3 Units
Rain Semester
- PIR 710: Principles of International Law...... 3 Units
- MDS 802: Theories and Concepts in International Relations...3 Units
- MDS 810: Advance Issues in International Law & Development .3 Units
- MDS 806: Comparative Foreign Policy………………………3 Units
(iii)Research (Ongoing)
(a)Russia's 21st Century Expansionist Entreprise in Georgia and Ukraine: A precursory Indicator for Insecurity in the Central Asian Commonwealth of Independent States.
(iv)Administrative Functions and Contribution to the University:
(a)Departmental Examination Officer (DEO) 1989-1991
(b)Coordinator, Students’ Long Essay/Projects 1992-1996
(c)Chairman Departmental Admission Policy Review Committee, 1995/1996
(d)Chairman Departmental Curriculum Development Committee, for Diploma in International Relations, (DIR), History and Diplomatic Studies (HDS) and Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations, 1997
(e)Faculty of Arts Representative on the Board of Studies, Faculty of Education, 1996-2002
(f)Member, Committee for the movement of Olabisi Onabanjo University to the Permanent site, 1997
(g)Pioneer Coordinator, Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations, 1997-2001
(h)Coordinator, Diploma in International Relations, 1998-1999
(i)Chairman Departmental Admission Committee, 1996-2012
(j)Acting Head of department, 2002-2004
(k)Coordinator, Postgraduate Programs, Department of History and Diplomatic Studies , 2004-2012
(l)Member, Board of Postgraduate School, 1997-2001 and 2004-2012
(m)Acting Head of Department, 2012-2013
(n)Level Adviser: 200Level, 2013-2014
(o)Level Adviser, 300Level, 2014-2015.
(p) Chairman, Postgraduate Programmes Review/Harmonisation Committee (NUC Bench-mark), 2015.
(v)Contribution to the Nation:
(a)National Youth Service Corp, (1986-1987)
(a)Historical Society of Nigeria (HSN)
(b)American Studies Association of Nigeria (ASAN
(c)Nigerian Society of International Affairs
(i)Thesis and Dissertations:
- Salami, O.B., ‘A Study of Some Aspects of Nigerian Foreign Policy Initiatives, 1985-1993’ Ph.D Thesis, Lagos State University, Ojo, 2011
- Salami, O.B., ‘The Concert of Medium Powers: A Vain Dream?’ PGD Dissertation, Erasmus University’s International Institute of Social Studies, 1992, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Salami, O.B., ‘The Slave factor in the History of Ibadan, 1830-1900’ M.A. Dissertation, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1990.
(ii)Published Journal Articles:Fourteen (14)
- Salami, O.B., (2015), “The Nigerian factor in the Liberian Peace Process, 1990-1993” European ScientificJournal, Published by the European Scientific Institute, University of Azores, Portugal, 11,(14),
- Salami, O.B., (2014) “A Survey of Nigerian Governments and the Conduct of Foreign Policy, 1960-1993”, African Journal of International Affairs and Development, Lead City University, Ibadan, 18(1&2), 42-57
- Salami, O.B., (2014) “The Prelude to Babangida Regime’s Foreign Policy Initiatives” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Published by the Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research, (MCSER), Rome, Italy, 5(3), 81-85
- Salami, O.B., (2013), “The Dominant Models of Decision Making in Nigerian Foreign Policy: An Analysis”, VUNA Journal of History and International Relations, (JHIR), Faculty of Arts and
Theological Studies, Veritas University, (VUNA) Abuja Vol.1, No. 1, April, 287-299,
- Salami, O.B., (2013), “The Concert of Medium Powers: Its Origin, Composition and Objectives” Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS) Vol.3, No. 5, April: 139-145 Published by the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) New York, USA), USA
- Salami, O.B., (2013)“The New economic Diplomacy of the Nigerian State, 1988-1993: An Examination” Global journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, published by the European Centre for Research, Training and Development (ECRTD) United Kingdom, Vol. 1, Issue 3, 146-151
- Salami, O.B., (2013) “Technical Aid Corps Scheme as a Dynamic Instrument of Nigerian Foreign policy, 1987-1993”, Oye: Journal of Arts, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Vol. 19, 194-214
- Salami, O.B., (2013), “Resolving Regional Conflicts and Public Opinion: The Nigerian Experience in the Liberian Crisis”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, (IJDS), Japan, April, Vol. 2, No. 2, published by the International Society for Development and Sustainability, (ISDS) Japan, Japan, 777-786.
- Salami, O.B., (2012), “The Factor of Slaves in the Domestic Economy of Pre-Colonial Ibadan, 1835-1893, Journal of Language and Literary Studies,(AJOLL), Department of Foreign languages and Literatures, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State Nigeria, Vol. 3, 68-82
- Salami, O.B., (2012), “Evaluating the Nigerian Technical Aid Corp Scheme, 1987-1993”, Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies, Vol.9, Department of History and Diplomatic Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria, 29-51
- Salami, O.B., (2012) “Slaves in Agricultural development of Ibadan, 1830-1893”, Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS) Vol.2, No. 11, 121-125, (Published by the International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) New York, USA), USA.
- Salami, O.B., (2011)“The Eclipse of the Institution of Slavery and its effects on Ibadan in the Pre-colonial Era,1873-1900”Journal of Philosophy and Nature, Department of Classics and Philosophy, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 7 (1&2), 60-75.
- Salami, O.B., and Balogun, Biodun, (2008) “Cultural Factors in Global Investments: The Nigerian Examples”, LASU Journal of Humanities, (Published by the Faculty of Arts, Lagos State university, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria Vol.5, September: 11-19) .
- Salami, O.B., (2004), “The Concept of Power: A Reassessment of Middle Powers”, The Journal of History and Diplomatic Studies, (Published by the Department of History and Diplomatic Studies, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria), Vol. 1, 82-90,
(iii)Published Chapters in Books: Five (5)
- Salami, O.B., (2010), ‘Plantation Agriculture in Ijebu-land, 1945-2000’ in Olubomehin, O.O. (ed.) Themes in the History of Ijebu and Remo People of Western Nigeria, (Ibadan: Bamon Publishing Company, 2010): 87-98
- Salami, O.B., (2005) ‘The Historic Movement to the Main Campus” in Wale Oyemakinde, (ed.) Twenty Years of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria, 1982-2002, (Ago-Iwoye: Olabisi Onabanjo University Press): 80-94
- Salami, O.B., (2002), ‘A Historical Survey of the Socio-cultural life of the Ijebu, 1800-1950’ in Oguntomisin, G.O. (ed.) Studies in Ijebu History and Culture, (Ibadan: John Archers Publishers): 67-76
- Salami, O.B., (2001), ‘Land Holding and Labour Mobilisation as Social Phenomenon among the Ijebu in the Nineteenth century’ in Olubomehin, O.O., (ed.), The Ijebu of South Western Nigeria: A Historical and socio-Cultural Study, (Ibadan: College Press and Publishers):
- Salami, O.B., (2001), ‘Oral Society and History’ in Olubomehin, O.O. (ed.), Issues in Historiography, (Ibadan: College Press and -Publishers): 67-79
(iv)Unpublished Conference/Workshop Papers
- Salami, O.B., ‘The Four freedoms: What implication for the Nigerian State?’ Paper presented at the ‘Four Freedom conferences, organised by the American Study Association of Nigeria, (ASAN), Abuja, October 2003.
- Salami, O.B., International Conference on Nigerian Foreign Policy after the Cold War, University of Oxford, London, July 11-12, 2003.
- Salami, O.B., ‘The Population Question and the Painful Process of Urbanisation of an African City: The Ago-Iwoye Example’ Paper Presented at the International Conference on ‘African Urban Spaces: History and Culture’, University of Texas, Houston, USA, March 28-30, 2003
- Salami, O.B., ‘African Refugee Problems: The Case of a Host State, Kenya’, Paper presented at the International Conference on Africa Refugee Problems: The Search for Permanent Solutions’, The Hague, The Netherlands, March 10-19, 1992
- Salami, O.B., ‘The Institutional and Legal Mechanism of ECOMOG Intervention in Liberia Crisis’, Paper presented at the 34th African Studies Association international Conference on Peacemaking and Peace Building in Africa, St Louis, Missouri, USA, November 23-26, 1991
(a)Within the University: Teaching and mentoring of both undergraduate and
Postgraduate students to develop their capacity for National development
(b)Outside the University:Treasurer, Bakinson Street Development Association, Egbe-Idimu Council Development Area, Lagos State, 2000 till date.