Driver's Education
AlvaradoIndependentSchool District
High School Classroom Phase
At AlvaradoHigh School, we offer the classroom phase of Driver’sEducation to any AHS student that needs an instruction permit. The student must be at least 15 years old by the time the classroom phase is completed and in good conduct standing with Alvarado school district.
An instruction permit allows a student to legally practice when accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years of age, has at least one years driving experience and is in good standing with the law. Once the student obtains a permit, they must wait for 6 months before being eligible for a provisional license.
In order to conform to the Department of Public Safety and the Texas Education Agency guidelines there are numerous rules to follow in order to obtain an instructional permit. There will be many forms sent home for the parent(s)/guardian to sign during the course time of the class.
The cost of the classroom phase at AlvaradoHigh School is $55 and must be paid in full at the time of signup. Make checks payable to AHS. This is for the classroom phase and does not pay for the "behind the wheel" phase. AHS does not offer the behind the wheel phase.
Classes are offered in the fall and spring. Class times and dates are offered when the instructors are available. Students will be allowed to get the required 32 hours classroom time. The class schedule will allow for 34 possible hours. This allows the student to miss 2 hours of scheduled time. If a student misses more than 2 hours of classroom time, the student will be dropped from the class with NO refund -no exceptions.
Once the student has completed the 32 hours of class time they will be given the DL-964E form (green sheet). The "green sheet" proves that they have completed the classroom phase of driver's education. Students may then go to the DPS and take an exam over the signs and laws. They must pass the signs and laws test along with an eye exam to get their permit. The student must also take with them to the DPS proof of insurance, certifiedbirth certificate, social security card, and attendance form from AHS, eyeglasses if needed or contacts,andtheDPSfee.
*Once they obtain their permit, students are asked to return to Coach Isclaw with their permit so he can give them the second half of their DL-964E form. This is a transfer of classroom hours and you must take it back to the DPS office after you have completed the behind the wheel portion in order to receive your license. Ifyouhaveany questions about how to obtain an instruction permit refer to the Texas Drivers Handbook Chapter I that is given to you whenyoutake theclassatAHS.
Students are expected to behave in a manner, which exhibits that each is mature enough to take a seat behind the wheel of an automobile. If, in the opinion of the instructor, a student appears too immature to assume the serious responsibility ofdrivinganautomobile,theywillnotbeallowedtofinishtheclassroomphaseofdriver's educationand no refund willbe given.
*Students are reminded that driving is an adult privilege granted to those who appear ready to assume this responsibility. Students and parents are reminded that even upon the successful completion of driver's education and issuance of a Texasdriver's license, this license and driving privilege may be revoked at the parent’srequest until the student’s18thbirthday.
Ifyouhavequestionsabout theclassroom phaseofdriver'seducation, pleasecall Coach Jimmy I claw-Head of Driver' s EducationAlvaradoHigh School.
Ifyouhavequestionsaboutthe"ParentTaught" program, pleasecallyourlocalDPSofficeor go to the Texas Department of Public Safety Website.The DPS no longer offers Course 101 for the behind the wheel phase There are other cost for the behind the wheel phase. Other options available for the behind the wheel phase exist. Make sure you choose one that is state approved.
*If you will be turning 18 years old before your permit wouldexpire, you need to see Coach Isclaw for special instructions before you sign up for driver education.
State Guidelines:
- Must be at lease 15 years of age at the completion of the class portion.
- Cannot receive instruction permit until completion of the classroom portion.
- Must hold an instruction permit for 6 months and at least reach the age of 16 before receipt of a provisional license unless you have an approved minor’s hardship.