Tuesday 21 June 2016 – 7:30am

Central Geelong Marketing Committee Meeting

100 Brougham Street, Geelong

Section A – Procedural Matters

1.  Welcome / Apologies


Beth King (chair) Sandy Kelly-Burton Kirsty Quick

Mark Edmonds Greg Aylmore Chris Niven

Craig Tapping Jan Synot

Jodie Reyntjes (EO) Jamie Harcourt (AEO) Lou Hammer (minutes)

Apologies: Joel Pallagothram, Rachel Drady, Kevin Robe

Non attendance: Sam Davison (REIV)

2.  Declarations of interests

·  Mark Edmonds declared a conflict regarding GPAC Family Magic due other board positions.

3.  Acceptance of Previous Minutes

·  Full committee meeting held 26 April 2016.

Moved: JS Seconded: ME, all in favour

Matters arising from previous minutes

·  All matters actioned

4.  Question Time (Public Gallery)

·  Nil

Section B – Reports

5.  Finance Summary – April & May 2016

·  EO presented the April & May 2016 finance summary

·  Please direct any questions relating to the finance summary to EO

6.  May Magic & Tastes of Central Geelong 2016 update
May Magic 2016

·  EO presented the 2016 May Magic Evaluation


To allocate $30,000 to deliver May Magic 2017 within the 2016-2017 budget. EO to prepare a full review of the 2016 promotion and comprehensive plan for 2017 promotion to committee for review in September 2016.

Moved ME Seconded SKB. All in favour

Discussion: High conversion rate for use of vouchers; important to get more businesses encouraging their customers to enter; consider use of mascot in review; consider casual staff distributing pads throughout May; consider use networking event to launch May magic to businesses and provide packs for businesses to take away; consider minimum spend amount in review.

EO to prepare a full review of the 2016 promotion and comprehensive plan for 2017 promotion to committee for review in September 2016.

Tastes of Central Geelong 2016

·  EO presented the Tastes of Central Geelong update
LH to email committee members the food/coffee self guided tour options so committee members can participate in the tour of their choosing

7.  Committee Member Elections 2016 - 2021

·  Five positions were available with 5 nominations being received

·  Chris Niven & Rachel Drady renominated and will remain on the committee

·  New committee members Bernie Parry (Village Cinemas); Emma Tyler (Adroit Insurance Group); Julie Barnes (Courthouse Youth Arts)

·  Beth King (chair), Jan Synot & Joel Pallagothram have completed their terms and the committee formally thanked them for their contribution with presentation of recognition certificates

·  Awaiting stakeholder representative notifications from stakeholder groups by 28 June 2017.

·  First meeting of new committee is Tuesday 19th July.

8.  Request for Support – GPAC Family Magic

Mark Edmonds abstained from discussion and voting due declaration of interest.

·  EO presented the request for support document as per meeting pack

Discussion: GPAC and live theatre are a key point of difference for Central Geelong; use of venue provides many benefits; good links to family market; potential opportunities to grow benefits with posters, advertisements, signage within the venue; concerns with reporting of numbers and use of offers – could this be a key component of the sponsorship offer to ensure key reports are provided.


To support the GPAC Family Magic Theatre Season Program until end 2018 as requested with $10,000 cash p.a plus in-kind benefits. Payments to be made July 2016/2017 and July 2018 to cover the 2016, 2017 and 2018 theatre seasons with benefits as listed.
Prior to payments in 2017 and 2018, GPAC to provide CGM with data showing the number of ticket sales, attendance numbers, and distribution of flash your ticket flyers through GPAC Box Office. Include request for GPAC to be active supporters for range of CGM activities and opportunities for promotion of CGM in the venue foyer and to databases.

Moved: CN Seconded: JS, all in favour

Action: EO to advise GPAC of committee decision.

9.  Executive Office Report

As per report in meeting pack

10.  Annual Activities Plan Review

·  EO presented the Draft Annual Activities Plan 2016/2017 and Strategic Framework 2016-2021 as per the documents provided in the meeting pack

Discussion: Plan formalises the committee’s discussion; important to have some contingency for opportunities that may present themselves; good to formalise the professional services offer; important to focus on quality not quantity of activities; headline acts for SHP instead of multiple small activities better use of resources; report formalises B2B activities; amend Challenge 1 in Key Focus Area 2 Business to read ‘Gaining commitment by businesses to participate in CGM programs’; amend timeline dates in 1.2.1 Tastes of Central Geelong to read July 2016 and July 2017; amend timeline dates within 1.2.3 May Magic to read May 2017 – with review September 2016; amend date in Professional Services Promotion – Regional to read August 2017; amend Key Focus Area 1 title to People; Amend Key Focus Area 2 title to Business; Amend Key Focus Area 3 title to read Support.


To support adopt the 2016-2021 Strategic Framework and the 2016/2017 Annual Activities plan as presented (with amendments as detailed in discussions).

Moved: KQ Seconded: SKB, all in favour

Action: EO to make amendments to the report as detailed and arrange design, production and distribution of document.

11.  Confidential Matters


12.  General Business - Nil

Meeting closed – 9:05am

Next Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 19 July 2016

7:30am – Grd Flr, 100 Brougham Street, Geelong

Action List – June 2016

Action / Who by / Date by / Complete
Update 2016/2017 Meeting Schedule / LH / 19JUL16
Update 2016/2017 Committee Member list / LH / 19JUL16
Email committee members details of self guided food/coffee tours / LH / 22JUL16
Prepare a full review of the 2016 May Magic promotion and comprehensive plan for 2017 promotion / JR / 01SEP16
Advise GPAC of committee decision re sponsorship and discuss options for enhancing benefits / JR / 27JUN16
EO to make amendments as detailed to the Strategic Framework and Activity Plan and arrange design, production and distribution. / JR / 22JUL16