English III Classroom Procedures & Syllabus
Course Description:
English III is a high school level language arts class that uses a variety of texts and works of literature to promote mastery of numerous reading, writing, verbal, and comprehension skills. As a class, we will read, analyze, and discuss many different texts. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and comprehension of texts and writing skills through a number of quizzes, tests, projects and papers. All students are expected to read, write and analyze at the level of proficiency for or beyond the English III standards.
Fall Semester
Review of literature terminology through use of Native American folklore
Research Papers (Multiple Daily & Test Grades)
Introduction to Historical American Literature
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Review of Expository, Literary Writing, Persuasive Writing
Spring Semester
Intro to Analytical Writing
Intro to Southern Gothic novels
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
American Poetry/Plays
Informational Writing
Resume Writing
Character Analysis through use of Toy Story Trilogy (Test Grade)
1. Be positive! Treat others as you would like to be treated.
2. Be prepared for class.
3. Follow all rules in student handbook.
Detention will be issued when warranted. Office referrals will occur as needed.
1 Folder (any kind) Kleenex
Pens, Pencils, Highlighters Notebook Paper
Absent Work/Returned Work
If you are absent, please locate the basket on the bookcase at the back of the room. There should be missing work located there or graded work that was returned in your absence. If there is no missing work, please see me for more information.
Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism
Every member of the Avery High School community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Learning how to do something correctly is essential in acquiring skills and knowledge. Honesty is as important a part of learning as getting good grades. Someone who is dishonest has not acquired the skills and knowledge that we value. Academic dishonesty, of any kind, is unacceptable. Any action taken with the intention of obtaining credit for work which is not one's own is considered academic dishonesty. The action may include, but is not limited to, the following:
· Submitting another student's work as one's own work.
· Obtaining or accepting a copy of tests or scoring devices.
· Giving or obtaining test questions or answers from a member of another class.
· Copying from another student's test or computer file, or allowing another student to copy during a test or computer program.
· Using materials which are not permitted during a test.
· Plagiarism (presenting as one's own material copied without adequate documentation from a published source).
· Copying or having someone other than the student prepare the student's homework, paper, project, laboratory report, computer program or take-home test for which credit is given.
· Permitting another student to copy or writing another student's homework, project, report, paper, and computer program or take-home test.
· Accessing restricted computer files without teacher authorization.
· Copying materials including computer software, in violation of the copyright law.
Maintaining academic integrity is critical to the success of our community. A student will not receive credit for work that is not the result of the student’s own effort or for work that is falsified. All students are expected to submit work that is truly and entirely their own. Any student who is caught cheating will be referred to the office for appropriate action. Any student who assists another student in an academically dishonest act is equally responsible. Incidents will be investigated, and the student(s) will receive a consequence if the cheating is verified. Parent/guardians will be notified. Information regarding violations of academic honesty will become part of the student's discipline file.
Academic dishonesty or cheating will not be tolerated at Avery ISD. Cheating is considered, but not limited to the following: copying another student’s work or allowing another student to copy work; using Cliffs Notes, Spark Notes, etc.; plagiarism, purchasing or using work/paper from the internet. A grade of zero will be recorded and discipline consequences assigned.
Air Conditioning
I recommend bringing a jacket or sweater to class. I keep my room extremely cold throughout the year. The thermostat is only to be touched by the teacher in the classroom.
At the beginning of each nine weeks, you will be given three bathroom passes. You may use them during the nine weeks. In order to use them, you must have it with you and you must surrender it to teacher. If you do not use it during the nine weeks, you can turn them in for a bonus of 10 points each on a test grade.
Individual students, as well as entire classes, may earn BRAVO points for the BRAVO board. When your classes BRAVO board slot is filled, the entire class will be rewarded with a movie/party day. Points will be awarded by the teacher as she deems necessary. For example, if all students turn in their homework you may earn a point or if a student goes out of their way to do something remarkable they may earn their class a point.
When you come to class, there will ALMOST ALWAYS be some sort of bellwork on the projector or your Chrome Book. Keep up with your bellwork and I will collect each week for an easy daily grade.
Cell Phones
CELL PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED AT BREAK, LUNCH or PASSING PERIODS. On occasion, if your class has earned it, phones may be used in class work.
Class Dismissal
I dismiss class, the bell does not. You will not get up to leave the classroom or pack your things until I dismiss you.
This class is a safe zone. That means we respect everyone and we respect all our activities. Notice I did not say we love everyone or love everything. In life, we are often asked to do things that are not our favorites, but we do them because we have too. And if we have too, we might as well like and respect them! So remember when we partner up or do activities that are not your favorite that it is not forever, just for a little bit.
Contact Info
I am only an email or phone call away should you have any questions about an assignment.
Telephone: (903) 684-0092 (just remember I have a little one, so no late calls please)
Drop Grade
The lowest daily grade will automatically be dropped each nine weeks.
Emergency Procedures
There are four types of emergency drills: building evacuation, severe weather, lock down, and shelter in place.
Building Evacuation – The fire alarm will sound. We will exit quietly and orderly to the grassy area in the front circle of the school and stand together as a class. You must stand in the grassy area, not on the concrete.
Severe Weather – There will be one continuous bell which sounds through the intercom system and lasts about 90 seconds. We will go across the hall to Mrs. Raulston’s room where you will line the walls on your knees facing inward.
Lock Down – Someone will announce over the intercom “AISD is in Lockdown. Repeat. AISD is in lockdown.” We will lock the doors, cover the windows, and sit quietly.
Shelter in Place – Someone will announce over the intercom “AISD is under Shelter in Place. If you are not in a classroom, proceed to class and observe Shelter in Place.” We will continue working in the classroom until otherwise notified.
5 Bells indicate it is safe to return to class.
School policy dictates no food or drink in class. Water is acceptable, as is gum or mints. No food unless you are sharing with the entire class!
Google Classroom
We will begin introducing Google Classroom in small increments as an additional tool for learning. Google Classroom is a digital platform in which assignments can be created, distributed, submitted, and graded. Students can also be in direct contact with their teacher via email and vice versa. We had great success last year and hope to continue to do so this year. Our Google Classroom Code is u98ldf.
You will be given the opportunity to receive a multitude of grades during each nine weeks. However, I am only required to have 10 daily grades and 3 test grades. I am also required to do one major piece of writing per nine weeks. Progress reports are mailed out at the three week and six week mark of each nine weeks.
Tests 60%
· Final Writing Pieces
· Final assessments over entire reading
· Specific Projects
Daily 40%
· Bellwork
· Guided Work
· Group Work
· Class Participation
· Informal Writing
· Short quizzes over skills
Homework/Class Work
Homework/Classwork which is sloppy will not be considered for grading and will ultimately be returned ungraded. Those who are absent will have adequate time to make up their assignments.
Late Work
If a student turns work in late, a grade of 80 is the highest they may receive on the paper.
Novels/Textbook Care
Novels or textbooks issued to you MUST have your name written in them. Bring novels with you to all classes. You never know when you are going to have down time or perhaps when I will give you time. Most novels are small enough to not be bothersome. Textbooks will not be assigned and will be kept in the classroom.
Online Gradebook
Students/parents can access grades online by visiting the parent portal of gradebook available through the Avery ISD website. Please see Mrs. Debbie Murphy, high school secretary, for student portal ID.
Remind is a communicationappthat helps school communities connect quickly and efficiently. Text phone number 81010 the message @k26gh to access our 4th period English III Class. If your parent does this, you will receive a free 100 as a daily grade.
Retests are available upon student and/or parent request if the teacher deems necessary. Retests will include the same information, but will be presented in a different format. Retests must be done within a week (7 days) of the original test.
Seating Chart
There is no formal seating chart. However, please pick a seat within the first week and stay there!
Semester Exams/Exemptions
Students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to earn semester exam exemptions based on their grade of enrollment by meeting certain criteria. Each teacher will be responsible for determining a student’s eligibility in his/her class. Attendance discrepancies (i.e. Excused/Unexcused absences) must be cleared during the nine weeks in which they occurred for exemption purposes.
Final examination exemptions for students in grades 9-12 may be earned by meeting the following criteria:
· A 90 average or above in the course and no more than 3 absences during the semester.
· An 80-89 average in the course and no more than 2 absences during the semester.
· A 70-79 average in the course with no more than 1 absence during the semester.
Any unexcused absence nullifies ALL exemptions. Any student placed in ISS, SUSPENSION, DAEP, or EXPELLED will not be exempt. Any student receiving 3 tardies in a class CANNOT be exempt from testing in that particular class.
Semester Grades
Semester grades are calculated with the two nine week’s grades counting as 6/7 and the semester exam grade counting 1/7 of the semester average. Semester averages are determined by adding the two nine-week grades together & multiplying by three and then adding fall/spring semester exam grade and dividing the result by 7. In two semester courses, the two semesters will be averaged together to determine the yearly average.
Student Computers
Students will be issued a student computer to use in all classes. Students must exert extreme care when using these laptops. More information will be given regarding these at a later date.
Substitute Teachers
Students should treat all substitutes with the utmost respect. Students are expected to complete all work left for them when I am absent. Substitute teachers are instructed by me to send any problematic students directly to the office.
Turn In Tray
All assignments are to be turned in to the black trays located on the file cabinets.
Tutorials will be held Monday-Friday from 8:44-9:17. After school tutorials will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30-4:30. Please let me know at least a day in advance that you will be attending.
I make use of the Avery ISD web page. Please look to the website for information about lesson plans, extra handouts, tutorial times, or other pertinent information.
This is an English Language Arts classroom. We will write almost every single day. Always write in complete sentences unless told otherwise.
I have read these procedures with my son/daughter and we both wholeheartedly agree to them. Returning this the next day to the teacher will result in a free 100 daily grade.
Parent Student
Date Date
Guardian Name:______
Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______
Email Address: ______
English III