The SABES Professional Development Center for
Educational Leadership and Strengthening ABE Programs
Why do ABE Programs need a Comprehensive Orientation/Induction Program for New Teachers?
- It improves new teacher effectiveness. New teachers, even K-12 educators, struggle as they adjust to teaching adult learners. Research from K-12 has shown that when teachers engage in a meaningful orientation/inductionprogram that emphasizes reflection and self-assessment, the teacher’s practice becomes more thoughtful, strategic, and effective.
- Strong induction programs foster a collaborative culture. Being coached during the beginning years allows new teachers to value continuous learning. New teachers learn toreflect on their teaching practice and valuefeedback.
- A comprehensive induction process ultimately benefits students the most. A high quality induction program propels new teachers to become more effective faster with the aid of the Peer Coach and director’s support.
- It re- energizes veteran teachers with new ideas and empowers them.
About this Two-Year Opportunity
This multi-year (FY 16 and FY 17) professional development activity is designed to help programs develop a comprehensive induction/orientation process for new teachers.
A critical aspectof this orientation/induction project is to equip one skilledABE teacher from your program with the skills and knowledge to becomean effectivecoach for new staffat yourABE program. Through reflection and dialogue about effective instruction with your program’s Peer Coach, new teachers will gain a deeper insight into their craft and will be better able to meet the needs of their students.
All information shared between the coach and new teachers is confidential and will not be used in an evaluative way.
Peer CoachStipends
A stipend will be provided for two yearsfor one Peer Coach from each program selected for this project. The stipend will be based on the number of new teachers that the Peer Coach will support. Each Peer Coachis able to support a maximum of three new teachers. The stipends in the second year will be a reduced amount due to less time attending trainings.
The stipends for the first year which will be paid at the successful completion of the first year’s activities:
Peer Coach with one new teacher: $2,250 (45 hours)
Peer Coach with two new teachers: $3,050 (61 hours)
Peer Coach with three new teachers: $3,850 (77 hours)
1st Yearstipend will cover:
- Attending a 10-hour training, spread over two days(location will be determined after the programs are selected based on the location of these programs);
- Meeting (phone or webinar) with the SABES Peer Coaching Project Coordinator,1-2 hours each month;
- Meeting two hours per month with each new teacher assigned to this project (maximum of three new teachers);
- Providingrequested documentation and evaluation information (including tracking hours andmaintaining logs);
- Attendingend of year wrap up meeting.
2nd Year Stipend will cover:
- Meeting two hours each month with each new teacher. The Peer Coachwill continue to work with the agreed-upon number of teachers. This may mean continuing to work with teachers from the previous year, or working with a new teacher(s) if circumstances so require or allow.
- Meeting two hours per month with the SABES Peer Coaching Project Coordinator
Note: In year two, there will no additional training. Any time the Peer Coachcontributes to related work such as enhancing the ABE program’s staff handbook or orientation program is not included in the stipend; these hours should be supported by the program.
3rd Year – No stipend will be provided:
Upon successful completion of the year, the Peer Coach is eligible to attend an optionaltrain-the-trainer PD offering (approximately 7-10 hours) to be able totrain and supportadditional Peer Coaches at your ABE program. Participation in this PD should be supported by the program. The Peer Coach will be provided with the training materials to use at your program.
The Peer Coach’straining and ongoingmonthly support will help your program‘s Peer Coachto develop strong coaching competencies in order toprovide the appropriate differentiated support to your program’s newteachers. The Peer Coach will help new teachers use reflection and self-assessmentto strengthen their skills, knowledge, andpractice and to encourage professional development that supportstheir professional growth.
Criteria for A New Teacher’s Participation
The teacher receiving Peer Coaching support must be:
- Someone in their first year of teaching at your program
- Enrolled in the fall “Foundations for New Staff” workshop series – Overview of the Field and the Art of Teaching
Program Selection Criteria
Up to five programs will be selected each year for this two-year project. Selection will be based on the following criteria:
- Your program’s willingness to develop/ re-evaluate your program’s induction program for new teachers (including a willingness to revise/update the staff handbook and program based orientation)
- Your program’s willingness and ability to:
1)Provide organizational support (encouragement, ensuring that the Peer Coach and new teachers meet monthly, etc.) for the Peer Coaching Project and;
2) Continue providing a comprehensive orientation/induction program for new teachers at the end of the two years of this projectwhen the stipend is no longer provided;
3) Support the evaluation of this project.
- Your program’s ability to select an effective Peer Coachfrom the program staff. This coach should be a skillful teacherwho is highly respected for her/his expertise by staff and students at your program,and who possessesover three years of ABE teaching experience. This teacher must also have the personality and capability to be a quality Peer Coach and values professional growth.
Please review the Project Timeline and the Roles and Responsibilities of Participants Chart on the next few pages prior to submitting your program’s application.
SABES Professional Development Center for Educational Leadership and Strengthening ABE Programs
Peer Coaching for New Teachers
Year One Project Timeline
DATES / REQUIREMENTSTuesday , September 8, 2015 / Application deadline.
Submit application to: Sue Miller, SABES PD Center for Educational Leadership and Strengthening ABE Programs, Quinsigamond Community College, 670 West Boylston Street, Worcester MA 01606.
August – Early September / Required: New teachers mustcomplete inFoundations for New Staff:Overview of the Field (online course) which starts September 1st. (If any issues contact Sue Miller or Joanne Harrington)
Thursday, September10 , 2015 / Programs notified.
By September 21, 2015 / ABE program directors and Peer Coaches complete and submit contract paperwork.
Thursday, September 24, 2015 1:00pm - 2:00pn / Orientation for Program Directors (Webinar)
This webinar is a 1.5 hour Overview of the Peer Coaching for New ABE Teachers process, requirements of the program, coach, and new teacher.
October – November, 2015 / Required: New teachers mustcomplete Foundations for New Staff: TheArt of Teaching.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
10:00am - 3:30pm / Coach Training, Day 1
Location TBD based on the location of the selected programs.
Between Sessions / Peer Coach Homework
Coach videotapesand self-assesses their own teaching (no one else will see video).
Saturday, November 14, 2015
10:00am - 3:30pm / Coach Training, Day 2
Location TBD based on the locations of the selected programs
November, 2015 / Peer Coaches begin coaching new teachers
November, 2015 – May, 2016 / Peer Coaches meet with new teachers two hours each month providing feedback and resources (may include modeling techniques, co- teaching, writing lesson plans together, and discussing new teacher’s self-assessments from video recordings). Coach and New Teacher should document hours.
November, 2015 – May, 2016 / Peer Coaches have monthly check ins with the SABES’ Project Coordinator (1-2 hours per month)
May, 2016 / Directors and Peer Coaches attend wrap-up meeting.
June, 2016 / Directors, coaches and participants will provide evaluation documentation which will be used to determine how to improve the Peer Coaching for New ABE Teachers.
Year Two Timeline TBD in Spring
Peer Coaching for New Teachers Project
Roles and Responsibilities of Participants
SABES PD Center forEducational Leadership / Program’s
Peer Coach / New
Teacher / Administrator
/Program / Other
- Coordinates the Peer Coaching Project
- Provides technical assistance to program director, coaches, and new teachers
- Provides stipends for Peer Coaches
- Shares information and links members with resources
- Regularly contacts coaches to check in and provide support
- Conducts site visits
- Collects journals and evaluations
- Evaluates and revises the Peer Coaching program, and new teachers
- Assists program director in completing application
- Attends 10-hour Peer Coach training
- Videotapes teaching and evaluates own teaching using rubric (no one else will see video)
- Meets with new teacher(s)to establish clear expectations for Peer Coaching relationships and goals. Reviews roles and responsibilities.
- Communicates and meets with new teachers regularly (two hours per month per teacher, November through May)
- Orients new teacher(s) to ABE program, and ABE system
- Links new teachers to resources (materials, people, and organizations)
- Helps new teachers review data and see its possible implications for practice
- Facilitates or assists in professional development of new teachers
- Models continual professional growth
- Assists new teachers in designing their own professional development goals
- Assists in the evaluation of the Peer CoachingProject
- Reflects on the process in a journal (3-6 responses)
- Documents coaching hours for evaluation purposes
- Maintains the confidentiality of the coaching relationship
- Submitsevaluation documentation to SABES
- Completes self-assessment to determine areas in which the coach can provide support
- Meets with coach to develop clear expectations for coaching experience
- Communicates and meets with coach regularly, (two hours per month per teacher, November through May). Note: program prep or PD time may be used
- Videotapes teaching and self-assesses strengths and areas that can be enhanced
- Develops own PD goals for the year
- Reflects on the teaching and growth process in a journal (3-6 responses)
- Documents coaching hours for evaluation purposes
- Participates in the evaluation of the coaching system
- Reviews/ revises program’s teacher handbook and new teacher induction program (e.g. to include Peer Coaching or other policies and procedures to support new teachers)
- Supports on-site coaching support from SABES
- Participates in the Orientation Webinar
- Promotes and supports Peer Coaching Project at program
- Recruits, selects, and matches Peer Coach with new teacher(s) at program
- Ensures that new teachers complete the Art of Teaching in the Fall
- Respects the confidentiality of the peer-coach relationship
- Supervises (performs observations and reviews lesson plans) and evaluates new teachers independently from Peer Coaching Program
- Meets regularly with Peer Coach and new teachers for updates on project and progress
- Mediates any difficulties/conflicts between the Peer Coach and new teacher
- Provides feedback for the evaluation of the project
- Supports the continuation of the comprehensive induction program at the conclusion of two years
- Assist in creating a supportive teaching environment in the program
- Provide support to new teacher
SABES Professional Development Center for Educational Leadership and Strengthening ABE Programs
Peer Coaching for New Teachers Project
Application Form
Application deadline: Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Name of Program:______
Name of Director: ______Email: ______
Director’s Telephone Number: ______
Number of new teachers who will receive coaching in FY16: ______ESOL ______ABE
(Note: Maximum of three new teachers will be eligible to work with the coach. Programs with additional new teachers will need to select the teachers that are most in need)
Name of the Peer Coach:______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip code: ______
Phone (best number to be reached): ______
Email: ______
Educational Background/Degree(s) ______
Number of Years ABE Teaching Experience ______
Please submit the resume of the Peer Coachwith the application package
Please address Program selection criteria (page 3) when addressing the following questions:
1. Why is your program interested in participating in the Peer Coaching for New Staff Project? (Please briefly explain what the program currently has in place to support new teachers)
2. What qualities does the Peer Coach possess which will allow him/her to be successful in this role? (Please describe the Peer Coach’s informal or formal experience supporting or helping teachers and specify how the Peer Coach is a reflective practitioner who values professional growth)
3) What are your Program’s plans to institutionalize a comprehensive induction program at the conclusion of this project?
We have reviewed the Program Selection Criteria and the ParticipantRoles and Responsibilities and agree to our full participation in this project. We agree to provide requested information to help with the project’s evaluation. All information shared between the coach and new teachers is confidential and will not be used in an evaluative way.
Peer Coach’s Signature ______
Date ______
Director’s Signature ______
Date ______
Application Due Tuesday , September 8, 2015
- If you have any questions please contact Sue Miller at or call 508 854-4513
- Please send application package to:
Sue Miller, QCC, 670 West Boylston Street, Worcester, MA 01606
SABES Professional Development Center for Educational Leadership and Strengthening ABE Programs