Alligator Point-Saint Teresa Association

Board of Directors Meeting

The June meeting of the Alligator Pt-St Teresa Association Board of Directors was called to order by President Jim McCloy at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 11, 2016, at Mission by the Sea Church on Alligator Drive. Board members in attendance: McCloy, Murphy, Apthorp, Boldt, Hambrose, Houston, Lewis, Madigan, Novak, Parker, Rippee and Withers.

Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Houston, seconded by Novak to accept the May minutes as distributed adopted without objection.

Approval of Treasurer Report:

Motion by Hambrose, seconded Withers by to accept Treasurer's report adopted without objection.

Alligator Point resident, Nanda Meng, asked to address the members. One week ago while she and her husband were walking on the beach, an erratically-flying ultralight aircraft crashed into her causing serious, but non-life threatening injuries. She thanked everyone for their concern and well-wishes, and assured us that she is well on the way to recovery. She asked if anyone witnessed the accident to please contact her.

Candidates Forum:

As requested by the Board, candidates for Superintendent of Schools and Sheriff will be invited to attend APSTA meetings this summer as an opportunity to introduce themselves to residents. Prior to the June meeting, candidates School Superintendent were sent three questions and their replies will be distributed to the membership.

The June meeting featured Superintendent of Schools candidates. Democratic primary candidates included, Traci Moses, Robert Murray, and Sue Summers. On the Republican side, candidate Homer "Mac" McMillan was unable to attend but was represented by his daughter, Hillary McMillan. Frank Stephens, the other Republican candidate, was also unable to attend. Also in attendance was candidate Stephanie Jones who has no party affiliation.

Each candidate was given three minutes to address the membership and present an overview of their qualifications for the position of school superintendent.

McCloy thanked the candidates for taking the time to come.

McCloy announced he had an appointment and would need to leave today’s meeting at 11:00.

Committee Reports:

Nominating - Apthorp presented the report of the Nominating Committee (see attached). After

some discussion it was agreed to amend the report as follows: add Paul Parker as nominee

for 2nd Vice President; remove Bill Wargo from list of Board member nominees. Motion by

Apthorp, seconded by Withers to adopt the report as amended adopted without objection.

Social Committee - no report.

Beautification - no report.

Website – no report.

Government Coordination – Alan Feifer reports the situation with Weem’s Hospital is critical;

they recently had to request additional funds to meet payroll. Support from the Franklin

County Commission appears to be wavering. The Commission approved two requests

dealing with Alligator Pt…one, a lot reconfiguration, and the other, dredging an existing


Safety - McCloy presented Sheriff's incident report. He also forwarded to members the regular

updates regarding Tropical Storm Colin issued by the county Emergency Operations


Membership – APSTA members from 2015 who have not renewed in 2016 were contacted by

Board members in an effort to prompt them to renew.

New Business:

McCloy addressed a request from the May meeting that APSTA donate $1,000 to the Concerned

Citizens of Franklin County (CCFC). There was discussion regarding how funds are utilized by

CCFC. Feifer gave an overview of the organization and their function. Motion by Withers,

seconded by Houston to the donation request adopted by majority vote.

It being 11:00, President McCloy passed the gavel to Apthorp who thereafter presided.

Parker announced a CPR class being offered to area residents by the volunteer fire department.

Up to 30 participants can be accommodated. It is scheduled for Thursday, July 7 at 7pm.

Clarification was made regarding the proposal by the Trust for Public Lands to purchase the

former KOA/South Shoal property in order to turn it into a park. No action has been

taken. The property is currently on a short list of potential purchases.

Boldt discussed a potential funding source for Alligator Point projects might come from the

National Wildlife Federation and the Restore funds resulting from the 2010 BP oil spill.

There being no further business, on Motion by Boldt that the meeting be adjourned, was adopted without objection. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

John Murphy, Secretary


Jim McCloy President, Joe Hambrose 1st Vice president, Marvin Heymann 2nd Vice President, John Murphy Secretary, Coman Leonard Treasurer

Board of Directors

Jim Apthorp, Bert Boldt, Ben Houston, Judy Lewis, Mary Jeanne Lykes, Terry Madigan, Andrea Novak,

Paul Parker, Carol Rippee, Barbara Withers