Application for Resource Consent
Site Address: / 113 Moorefield Road, JohnsonvilleLegal Description: / Lot 71 DP 15914
Applicant: / Terry Jeon
C/- Calcott Architecture and Landscape Design Limited
Proposal: / Redevelopment of an existing site to construct six household units, with associated earthworks
Owners: / Kiwi Home Management Limited
Service Request No: / 315267
File Reference: / 1000063
District Plan Area: / Medium Density Residential Area 2 - Johnsonville
Notations in District Plan: / Moorefield Road is a Principal Road
Activity Status: / Discretionary (Restricted) Activity
DECISION – Land Use Consent:
That officers, acting under delegated authority from the Wellington City Council (the Council) and pursuant to section 104C of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the Act), grant resource consent to the proposal to redevelop an existing site to construct six household units, with associated earthworks at 113 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville (being Lot 71 DP 15914), subject to the following conditions:
Conditions of Consent:
(a) With the exception to conditions (b) and (c) below, the proposal must be in accordance with the information provided with the application Service Request No. 315267 and the following plans:
· Plans prepared by Calcott Architecture and Landscape Design Limited, Project No. 5738 titled ‘Townhouse Development’:
o ‘Site Plan’, Sheet No. WD 02 of 38, dated 24/11/2014;
o ‘Proposed Ground Floor Plan’, Sheet No. WD 04 of 38, dated 24/11/2014;
o ‘Proposed First Floor Plan’, Sheet No. WD 05 of 38, dated 24/11/2014;
o ‘Landscaping Plan’, Sheet WD 09 of 38, dated 24/11/2014;
o ‘Earthworks Plan’, Sheet RC 03 of 8, dated 7/11/2014;
o ‘Elevations’, Sheet RC 06 of 8, dated 20/11/2014;
o ‘Elevations’, Sheet RC 07 of 8, dated 20/11/2014;
· Planting plan, explanation and plant specifications, 113 Moorefield road, Johnsonville, prepared by Oasis Landscape and Garden Design, dated 24 November 2014;
(b) The north-eastern fence between the private outdoor open space in front of Unit 1 and 111 Moorefield Road must be constructed to a height of 1.5m, rather than 1m as proposed.
(c) The sill level of the dining room window at Unit 1 must be 1200mm above the finished floor level.
Survey Certification:
(d) The consent holder must provide certification from a licensed cadastral surveyor that the proposed additions and alterations are consistent with the plans referred to in Condition (a) above and in particular complies with the building recession plane provisions of the District Plan when applied from the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the application site, and the site coverage provisions of the Plan. This certification must include supporting documentation (including site plans with detailed levels and offsets), to the satisfaction of the Compliance Monitoring Officer at the following stages:
i. upon completion of the foundation preparations (prior to slab pour) of the floor levels of Units 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6; and
ii. upon completion of framing of Units 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Note: This condition may be complied with in stages to suit the construction programme employed by the consent holder.
Construction Traffic Management Plan:
(e) A detailed Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) must be prepared, submitted to and approved by the Compliance Monitoring Officer prior to the commencement of all work on site. The CTMP must include methods to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse construction traffic effects during the development of the site.
The CTMP must include, but not be limited to, the following matters:
1. temporary pedestrian safety measures, including directional signage (where applicable);
2. a limit on the days and hours of work for the heavy vehicles;
3. the size of trucks involved;
4. an emergency (24/7) contact telephone number;
5. a public complaints register; and
6. measures to deal with any collateral damage to vehicles and property
Note: The Compliance Monitoring Officer will approve this plan in consultation with the Principal Planner (Transport).
(f) Redundant sections of kerb crossing must be reinstated with full height kerb and channel and standard Wellington City Council footpath at the consent holder’s expense. Construction must comply with the Code of Practice for Land Development.
Landscape Plan:
(g) The landscape plans prepared by Calcott Architecture and Landscape Design Limited and Oasis Landscape and Garden Design dated 24/11/2014 as noted in condition (a) above are approved in principle. A final Landscape Plan must be submitted to, and approved by, the Compliance Monitoring Officer prior to works being undertaken. The Landscape Plan must show:
1. a scale;
2. the individual location and species (with both scientific and common names);
3. PB size of proposed plants;
4. details of plants to be removed or pruned;
5. the outdoor surface materials within the redeveloped site; and
6. the colours and material types of fences to be constructed.
· Details of the landscaping and planting must be provided prior to the commencement of work to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer who will consult with Council’s Landscape Architect and the Parks, Sport and Recreation Team as required.
· Plant species should be locally sourced from the Wellington area.
(h) The final Landscape Plan, approved under condition (g) above, must be completed by the consent holder within 3 months of completion of construction. The plantings must be monitored for 18 months from time of planting in order to allow for plant establishment to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer. This includes the removal of weeds within the vicinity of the plantings and the replacement of plants that die or are removed unlawfully within this period in the same location, with the same species and sized plants. Any plants that fail must be replaced at the expense of the consent holder. All plantings must continue to be maintained by the consent holder thereafter.
(i) The Council may undertake a review of landscape conditions (g) and (h) above under section 128 of the Resource Management Act to address any adverse effects of the exercise of the consent in respect of unsuccessful establishment of plants, trees and planting areas. The review may be undertaken within 18 months of the undertaking of the landscape works relating to any one stage of the overall works.
Engineering Certificate:
(j) The Consent Holder must provide the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer with a completion statement/construction review certificate (PS4), for the earthworks and retaining structures, from a suitably experienced Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng).
The PS4 must be provided within one month of the earthworks and retaining structures being completed.
Erosion, Dust and Sediment Controls:
(k) The erosion, dust and sediment controls in “Earthworks Methodology” by Calcott Architecture and Landscape Design Ltd, submitted with the application, must be implemented for the duration of the site works and until the site has been stabilised.
All parts of the condition must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer. The Officer may require changes to the control methods being used, to address any problem that occurs during the work or in the time before the site is stabilised.
The following measures must be implemented as additions to the erosion, dust and sediment controls:
a. All vehicles (including trucks) must be cleaned of dust, mud or other hazardous or nuisance material before exiting the site and entering the public road.
(l) The discharge of dust created by earthworks, transport and construction activities must be controlled to minimise nuisance and hazard. The controls must be implemented for the duration of the site works and continue until the ground surface has been stabilised by construction, paving or planting. The condition must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer.
Muddy Water, Earth or Debris:
(m) Run-off must be controlled to prevent muddy water flowing, or earth slipping, onto neighbouring properties or the legal road. Sediment, earth or debris must not collect on land beyond the site or enter the Council’s stormwater system.
The condition must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer.
Material beyond the site:
(n) Any earth, rock, vegetation or demolition material that falls on the road, footpath, berm or neighbouring property, must be cleaned up immediately. The material must not be swept or washed into street channels or stormwater inlets, or dumped on the side of the road. The clean up must be carried out to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer.
Hours of Work:
(o) Earthworks and associated works, including the transport of excavated material from (or to) the site, must only occur within the following hours:
· Monday to Saturday 7:30am to 6pm.
· Quiet setting up of site (not including running of plant or machinery) may start at 6.30am.
· No work is to be carried out on Sundays or public holidays
Note: These hours have been selected from Table 2, NZS 6803: 1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise”. The Standard applies in all other respects, including the permitted noise levels in Table 2, and all persons undertaking earthworks and management of the site must adopt the best practical option to control noise to a reasonable level.
Monitoring and Review:
(p) Prior to starting work the consent holder must advise of the date when work will begin. This advice must be provided at least 48 hours before work starts to the Council's Compliance Monitoring Officer either by telephone (801 4017), facsimile (801 3165) or email ()and must include the address of the property and the Service Request Number.
(q) The conditions of this resource consent must be met to the satisfaction of the Council’s Compliance Monitoring Officer. The Compliance Monitoring Officer will visit the site to monitor the conditions, with more than one site visit where necessary. The consent holder must pay to the Council the actual and reasonable costs associated with the monitoring of conditions (or review of consent conditions), or supervision of the resource consent as set in accordance with section 36 of the Act. These costs* may include site visits, correspondence and other activities, the actual costs of materials or services, including the costs of consultants or other reports or investigations which may have to be obtained.
* Please refer to the current schedule of Resource Management Fees for guidance on the current administration charge and hourly rate chargeable for Council officers.
1. The land use consent must be given effect to within 5 years of the granting of this consent, or within such extended period of time pursuant to section 125 of the Act as the Council may allow.
2. Where appropriate, the Council may agree to reduce the required monitoring charges where the consent holder will carry out appropriate monitoring and reporting back to the Council.
3. This resource consent is not a consent to build. A building consent may be required under the Building Act 2004 prior to commencement of construction.
4. This land use consent is not a consent to subdivide; an additional resource consent may be required to subdivide the site upon the completion of the dwellings permitted by this land use consent.
5. All persons have a duty to avoid unreasonable noise pursuant to section 16 of the Resource Management Act 1991. This extends to construction work occurring at the site.
6. No work may be undertaken on another private site without the approval of the landowner. This includes temporary works during earthworks and construction on adjoining sites.
7. If the applicant has any intention in the future to fee simple subdivide the existing lot the Public Drainage Team would like to make sure they are aware that at subdivision there will be a requirement to have provided each dwelling on an allotment with separate stormwater and wastewater laterals and connections. It is suggested to consider this requirement when designing any drainage for the site.
8. Information to date advises that the downstream stormwater network would not cope with the proposed increase to stormwater discharge that would result from this development.
Further information is being gathered but if the downstream capacity is confirmed as being insufficient then development of this site – increase in stormwater discharge/ non permeable areas would require a stormwater system designed to ensure that the total stormwater discharge from the development is less than or equal to the runoff flows prior to the development; or an upgrade to the existing public stormwater network.
9. Information has also shown that the downstream wastewater network is likely to have capacity issues.
Development of this site causing an increase to wastewater discharge may result in the developer being required to upgrade some of the downstream public wastewater network.
10. In relation to stormwater, the following condition will be applied to the building consent required for this development:
The existing public stormwater drain within proposed building site must be re-laid clear of the building or re-laid in in 250 mm HDPE SDR 17 and sleeved with 375 mm reinforced concrete pipe.
Construction plans of the Public Drainage work must be submitted to the Public Drainage (Wellington Water Limited) team for approval, and all work is to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans, the Wellington City Council Code of Practice for Land Development, Regional Standard for Water Services, and Drainage General Conditions of Specification. At the conclusion of the Public Drainage work an as-built drawing, which conforms to the Wellington City Council Interim As-built Specification, is to be presented for approval.
Any alterations or additions to the existing Public Stormwater Network must be carried out under a Public Drainage Permit (as distinct from a Building Consent) to be issued by the Public Drainage team and fees paid. All Public Drainage work must be carried out by a Registered Drainlayer; who is employed by a contractor who has an approved Health and Safety Plan and Public Liability Insurance.
11. In relation to wastewater, the following condition will be applied to the building consent required for this development:
The existing public wastewater drain within proposed building site must be re-laid clear of the building or re-laid in 160 mm HDPE SDR 17 and sleeved with 225 mm reinforced concrete pipe.