President: Jen Garrison
Volunteer Coordinator: Heidi Stuit
Treasurer: Sandra Hanses ($4011.05)
Secretary: Cindy Woodward
ATP: Tiffany Bailie, Lance Hobson, Stephanie Hoeft
New Business
Informally discussed future boundary changes, how is affects Markham and the STEM program at Franklin Elementary. Mrs. LP will give us more information at our next PALS meeting.
- Mrs. LP~ Levy Presentation
- Bingo Night: Wendy Beus-desert auction, Baskets-Amber Bonderman and Wendy Cox,
Triple Play donated 4 tickets and they can donate 4 to us each year, we just need to remember to ask! Discussed menu (same prices and menu as last year). Jen will buy soda and salads. Angie will pick up pizza again. Lance bingo caller. Lance will look into having CHS leadership kids come and be bingo checkersPrize table- Sarah Clark and Kylee Shumway We need to try and get a count of how many prizes we go through. And how much money is spent on the prizes (no more than $1 each, preferably less) . Lance made a motion to allot $100 to Kylee and Sarah and $100 from Oriental Trading (Heidi Stuit) for prizes.. in addition to the items that need to be donated from families and businesses.
- Markham 3-5 graders will sing National Anthem at CHS boy’s basketball game Saturday, February 1st. Arrival time 7:15/sing at 7:30. Parents pay to get in, students singing free. Wear red/white/blue or Markham shirt.
- Jamie and Lori to discuss AR
Old Business:
Briefly discussed the fall carnival. Wrist bands for Markham students for Trunk r Treating and certain activities to help with the older kids not taking over the event. Adults need to watch the outside perimeter of school during carnival.
- Technology
Next meeting ask Mrs. LP or someone to discuss the STEM program that is offered at Franklin.
No Literacy Café this year.
Upcoming Events
Wendy Beus made a directory and they will be available soon to Markham families. Thank you!!
- Jan 17th popcorn day
- Jan 31st Etiquette Lunch 4th grade
- Feb 1st grades 3-5 sing at CHS boys basketball game
- Feb 12th PALS
- Feb 13thBingo night/desert basket auction
- Feb 28th Dads Science Day 0815-1000
- March13th Spring program for 2/3 grade
- March 14th Spring pictures
Jen GarrisonMrs. LPAudrey Thompson
Cindy WoodwardWendy Beus
Heidi StuitAngie Manterola
Lance HobsonChantelle Rhoads