(APRIL, 2013 TO SEPT, 2013)
SEIAA 619 / SEIAA-128/10 DATED 22 DEC, 2010
Date : 20thNov,2013
Sub: Submission of Six monthly compliance report (April,2013 toSept,2013) of conditions stipulated in Environmental Clearance letter No. SEIAA 619 / SEIAA-128/10 dated 22 December 2010 by SEIAA,Odisha for (2x27 MW) Captive Power Plant Project of M/s OCL India Limited, Rajgangpur.
SL.No. / Description of conditions / Compliance statusi / The applicant (Project proponent) will take necessary measures for prevention, control and mitigation of Air Pollution ,Water pollution, Noise Pollution and Land Pollution including solid waste management as mentioned by him in form-1, Final EIA reports and Environment Management Plan (EMP) in compliance with the prescribed statutory norms and standards. / Following Pollution control systems have been installed for prevention ,control of pollution and mitigation of Air, Water ,Noise & Land pollution including solid waste management -
Air Pollution Control
- Two nos. high efficiency Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)with six fields are installed.
- Pneumatic ash conveying system
- Ash storage silos with bag filter arrangement
- Pneumatic ash transportation system from CPP to our cement plant
- Conveyor belt covering arrangement
- 8 nos bag filters areinstalledin Coal handling transfer points
- Water sprinkling arrangement on the road
- STPhas already been commissioned and treated water is utilized for green belt development/ plantation.
- Compressor, TG area and ACC is acoustically sealed to prevent noise pollution.
- In steam vent line silencersare provided.
- Fan and seal blower silencers arrangement made.
- Sludge from STP is utilized for green belt development / plantation.
- Solid waste (fly ash & Bottom ash) is utilized as raw material for cement manufacturing process in our own cement plant.
ii / The applicant will take necessary steps for socio-economic development of the people of the area on need based assessment for providing employment education, health care, drinking water and sanitation, road and communication facilities etc, after a detailed primary socio economic survey of the core zone. / A detailed socio-economic survey report has already been submitted. As per the findings in the report, actions are being taken.
iii / The applicant will comply with the points, concerns and issued raised by the people during public hearing on 29th May 2009 in accordance with the commitments make by him thereon. / A detailed compliance report in this regard which is relating to CSR activities is enclosed herewith for the period 2012-13 as annexure-1
iv / The applicant will take statutory clearance / approval / permissions from the concerned authorities in respect of his project as and when required. / Complied.
v / For post environmental clearance monitoring , the applicant will submit half yearly compliance report in respect of the stipulated terms and conditions of Environmental Clearance to the State Environmental Impact Authority (SEIAA/), Orissa on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year. / The half yearly compliance report is being submitted regularly accordingly in terms of the stipulated conditions of the Environmental Clearance.
vi / High efficiency Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) shall be installed to ensure that particulate matter emission does not exceed 50 mg/Nm3. / Two nos. high efficiency Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) with six fieldsare installed and stack emission is achieved below 50 mg/Nm3.
vii / The proponent may use bottom ash as a supplement for the raw material for cement production with approved technology confirming to the relevant standard specification. / We have established use of bottom ash in cement manufacturing process and accordingly mix is prepared in confirmation to the standards.
viii / The unit shall be allowed to use washery rejects as raw material having <60% ash content. / We make use of the Washery rejects as raw material having < 60% ash content.
ix / The proponent shall treat the flue gas through Flue Gas De-sulfurisation (FGD), if SO2 emission level exceeds the prescribed norm. / SO2 emission is very low. However, in case it is found to exceed the maximum limit as and when such limit is prescribed, we shall take up treatment of flue gas accordingly.
x / No ground water shall be extracted for the project work at any stage. / Noted for compliance
xi / Adequate dust extraction system such as cyclones / bag filters and water spray system in dust areas such as in coal handling and ash handling points, transfer areas and other vulnerable dusty areas shall be provided. / Adequate dust extraction systems are installed as mentioned below-
i) 8 nos of bag filters in coal handling transfer
Points to control fugitive dust.
ii)4 nos of bag filters in flyash silo areas to control fugitive dust.
iii)Pneumatic fly ash transportation system from CPP to cement plant is commissioned to eliminate fugitive dust.
iv)Covered conveyor belts are provided for coal transportation to eliminate fugitive dust.
xii / Fly ash shall be collected in dry form and storage facility (silos) shall be provided. 100% fly ash utilized shall be ensured as per fly ash notification of MoEF, Govt. of India. Unutilized fly ash and bottom ash shall be stored in the ash pond separately through high concentration slurry disposal method. Mercury levels along with other heavy metals (Pb, Cr, As etc.) should be monitored in the fly ash / bottom ash, lechates and effluents emanating from the ash pond. / 100% Fly Ash is utilized in our cement plant.Bottom ash is stored in silo and being utilized. Our CPP does not have any ash pond, as it is not required in our system.
xiii / The ash pond should be constructed with impervious lining and ash pond embankment should be stone pitched. / Our CPP does not have any ash pond, as it is not required in our system.
xiv / The treated effluents confirming to the prescribed standards shall be re-circulated and reused within the plant. There shall be no discharge outside the plant boundary. Arrangements shall be made so that effluents and storm water do not get mixed. / The effluent after treatment conforms to the prescribed norms. We ensure ‘zero’ discharge by re-circulating and reusing the treated water. Care has been taken to avoid mixing of effluent and storm water.
xv / A sewage treatment plant shall be provided and the treated sewage shall be used for raising greenbelt / plantation. / Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)already commissioned and treated sewage is used for greenbelt development / plantation.
xvi / Rainwater harvesting should be adopted. Central Groundwater Authority / Board shall be consulted for finalization of appropriate rainwater harvesting technology within a period of three months from the date of clearance and details shall be furnished to the SEIAA, Orissa. / We have already complied with the required systemaccordingly. Central Groundwater Board has been consulted for the same and report submitted.
xvii / Adequate safety measures shall be provided in the plant area to check / minimize spontaneous fires in coal yard, especially during summer season. Details of these measures to be taken along with location plant layout shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Orissa. / We have taken all required safety measures in our a) Plant area like providing fire extinguishers, fire alarm system provision in control room and other associated areas.
b) Coal yard to extinguish spontaneous fires, Detail
scheme is already submitted.
xviii / Storage facilities for auxiliary liquid fuel such as LDO and / HFO / LSHS shall be made in the plant area where risk is minimum. On site and off site Disaster Management Plans shall be prepared to meet any eventuality in case of an accident taking place. Mock drills shall be conducted regularly and based on the same, modifications required if any, shall be incorporated in the Disaster Management Plan (DMP). Sulfur content in the liquid fuel will not exceed 0.5%. / This is strictly complied with, as specified and also in terms of the guidelines under the Explosives Rules, 2008.
xix / Regular monitoring of ground water in and around the ash pond shall be carried out, records maintained and half yearly reports shall be furnished to the SEIAA, Orissa. / This is not applicable to us in terms of the fact that we store the fly ash in the fly ash silo and compartment silo of our cement plant, as reported above.
xx / A Green belt of adequate width and density preferably with local species along the periphery of the plant & alongside roads etc shall be raised so as to provide protection against particulates and noise. It must be ensured that at least 33% of the total land area shall be under permanent green belt throughout the year & for this purpose they may engage professionals in this field for creation and maintenance of the green belt. An action plan for this purpose shall be prepared accordingly and submitted to the SEIAA, Orissa. / This is complied with.However we have started developing more green belt in the earmarked area.
Year wise plantation detailsareenclosed as annexure - 2
xxi / First aid and sanitation arrangements shall be made for the drives and other contract workers during construction phase. / First aid and sanitation arrangements are being provided.
xxii / Noise levels emanating from turbines and air compressors shall be limited to 75 dB(A).For people working in the high noise area, requisite personal protective equipments like earplugs / ear muffs etc shall be provided. Workers engaged in noisy areas such as turbine area, air compressors etc. shall be periodically examined to maintain audiometric record and for treatment for any hearing loss including shifting to non noisy / less noisy areas. / Noise level is maintained within the permissible limit by adopting silencers / acoustic enclosures etc. People working in the noisy area are provided with ear muff & other PPE as required.
xxiii / Regular monitoring of ground level concentration of SO2, NOx, RSPM (PM10 & PM2.5) etc. shall be carried out in the impact zone and records maintained. If at any stage these levels are found to exceed the prescribed limits, necessary control measures shall be provided immediately. The location of the monitoring stations and frequency of monitoring shall be decided in consultation with SPCB, Orissa. / Regular monitoring of SO2, NOx, RSPM(PM10 & PM2.5) etc is being carried out as per guideline of SPCB. Monitoring results for the period from April, 13 to Sept, 13are enclosed as annexure-3.However, We would ensure its strict compliance in consultation with OSPCB.
xxiv / Provision shall be made for housing of construction labours within the site with all necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche etc. The housing may be in the form of temporary structures to be removed after the completion of the project. / This has been taken care of.
xxv / A separate environment management cell with qualified staff shall be set up for implementation of the stipulated environmental safeguards. / Environment cell has already been formed for implementation of environmental safeguards.
xxvi / Half yearly report on the status of implementation of the stipulated conditions and environmental safeguards shall be submitted to the appropriate authorities. / Being complied with accordingly.
xxvii / Separate fund shall be allocated for implementation of environmental protection measures along with item-wise break-up. These cost shall be included as part of the project cost. The funds earmarked for the environment protection measures shall not be diverted for other purposes and year-wise expenditure should be reported. / Earmarked funds have since been created and we will ensure the same for not being diverted to some other purpose.Detailsalready submitted.
xxviii / The need of the local people should be appropriately addresses in the CSR activities to be undertaken by the project proponent in the area. An action plan in this regard should be prepared and submitted to SEIAA, Orissa. / We have already undertaken quite a good no. of developmental work under CSR and some are yet in offing to address the needs of the people dwelling in the vicinity, as also has been reported above asSocio-Economic Survey in the last six monthly report. However, developments work under CSR for the year 2012-13is enclosed herewith as annexure-1
xxix / The above mentioned stipulated conditions shall be complied in time bound manner. Failure to comply with any of the conditions mentioned above may result in withdrawal of this clearance and attract under the provisions of Environmental Protection (EP) Act, 1986. / We take a note of it.
In its 62 years of untiring service to Nation, OCL has always given priority to community development. In its endeavor to uplift the conditions of poor and hapless tribal of this locality, OCL has undertaken various developmental activities in peripheral areas of Rajgangpur and Lanjiberna. The activities are mainly focused on areas like Health, Education, Drinking Water, Community Development, Livelihood Training, Games and Sports etc. The activities organized during last year i.e. 2012-13 are given below.
1 / Providing free treatment to villagers in Lanjiberna Dispensary / 22,85,883 / 22,372
2 / Providing free treatment in homoeopathic dispensary at Rajgangpur and Lanjiberna / 3,34,909 / 21,694
3 / Donation to Bharatiya Jana Seva Sansthan, New Delhi for operating a charitable dispensary at Sonakhan / 2,00,000 / 4,767
4 / Providing treatment to villagers through Mobile Medical Unit in collaboration with HelpAge / 11,81,000 / 10,935
5 / Organised General Health Check-up, Eye, Dental, ENT Camp in Rajgangpur and Lanjiberna. / 1,52,309 / 569
6 / Organised awareness camps in villages. / 7,000 / 100
7 / Helped in operating the tumer and nasal blockage of 2 poor people in Lanjiberna and Kheramata village. / 21,670 / 2
Total / 41,82 ,771 / 60,439
1 / Provided financial assistance to schools for paying remuneration to additional teachers (ShramikHigh School, Bihabandha @Rs. 6900/-, Nodal UP School, Lanjiberna @Rs.1000/-, GELChurchHigh School @Rs. 1000/-, HOPE @Rs. 5000/- PM) / 1,66,800 / 595
2 / Constructed one urinal/toilet block in GopabandhuHigh School, Rajgangpur / 2,15,000 / 450
3 / Arranged water supply system in UpayaVocationalCollege, Ramabhal / 69,303 / 125
4 / Provided financial assistance to Bharatiya Jana Seva Sansthan, New Delhi for operating two primary schools in Goriamunda / 1,50,000 / 250
5 / Provided financial assistance to Friends of Tribal Society for operating 45 Ekal Vidyalay in villages in and around Rajgangpur and Lanjiberna / 7,20,000 / 1,100
6 / Provided 150 pairs of desk and bench to 13 schools / 5,04,345 / 750
7 / Organised awareness program on environment in 10 schools / 17,000 / 4,000
8 / Made electrical wiring and provided light and fan in Bastia UP School, IT Colony, Rajgangpur. / 59,866 / 335
9 / Constructed first floor of Girl's Hostel for college going tribal students in St. Marry Girl's High School, Rajgangpur / 11,28,950 / 100
10 / Provided financial assistance to meritorious poor children for pursuing study. / 58,500 / 36
Total / 30,89 ,764 / 7741
1 / Sunk 10 tube wells in villages / 7,10,352 / 2,000
2 / Dug two wells in DalmiaCollege and Babudihi village / 1,44,700 / 350
3 / Repaired 28 tube wells and made them functional / 1,01,708 / 3,600
4 / Arranged "Jal Chhatra" at 11 locations in Rajgangpur and Lanjiberna during Summer / 54,216 / 30,000
5 / Provided one submersible motor to Kalapatru Ashram, Lamloi / 17,400 / 65
Total / 10,28,376 / 36,015
1 / Constructed one culvert in village Badakatoli, Jampali / 28,612 / 250
2 / Arranged repairing of village road from Kheramuta to Saliamuta / 29,780 / 350
3 / Maintained Theme Park at Sundargarh. / 3,82,586 / 21,335
4 / Celebrated Chhat Puja and X-mass / 24,239 / 1,900
5 / Constructed two rooms and arranged water supply system in Yoga Centre, Rajgangpur / 5,00,000 / 100
6 / Supplied table and chairs to Ranibandha Youth Club / 7,050 / 30
7 / White washed Kirtan Mandap of Kalpatru Ashram, Lamloi / 28,875 / 65
8 / Organised Cycle Rally on Environment Protection and Plantation on 11.12.12 / 23,186 / 100
9 / Donation to Vana Vashi Kalyan Ashram for organising various welfare activities for poor ST children / 2,00,000 / 200
10 / White washed GELChurch, Lanjiberna / 7,302 / 350
11 / Donated to SDPC, Sundargarh for renovation of CivicCenter at Sundargarh / 33,00,000 / 500
Total / 45,31,630 / 25,180
1 / Organised Livelihood Training Program on-
i. Tailoring
ii. Driving / 95,991
1,53,000 / 19
2 / Sponsored 28 tribal unemployed youths for taking training on welding, turning and milling at CTTC, Bhubaneswar. / 5,350 / 28
3 / Established Livelihood training center at Rajgangpur for conducting various self employment programs / 2,23,067
Total / 4,77,408 / 82
1 / Organised Inter-Village Dalmia Cup Hockey and Foot Ball Tournament / 1,35,988 / 1,200
2 / Provided games and sports materials to Youth Clubs in villages / 36,172 / 485
3 / Organised Inter-School Athletic Meet / 83,515 / 1,000
Total / 2,55,675 / 2685
1 / Organised Banamahotsav and Brukshya Mela / 88,720 / 2000
Total / 88,720 / 2000
Expenses incurred / Approx. beneficiariesHEALTH / 41,82 ,771 / 60,439
EDUCATION / 30,89 ,764 / 7,741
DRINKING WATER / 10,28,376 / 36,015
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / 45,31,630 / 25,180
GAMES & SPORTS / 2,55,675 / 2,685
PLANATION / 88,720 / 2,000
TOTAL / 1,36,54,344 / 1,34,142
2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13Expenses / Beneficiaries / Expenses / Beneficiaries / Expenses / Beneficiaries
HEALTH / 38.11 / 45,485 / 32.91 / 45,000 / 41.83 / 60,439
DRINKING WATER / 29.35 / 43,250 / 6.94 / 20,000 / 10.28 / 36,015
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / 32.19 / 32,992 / 12.89 / 3000 / 12.32 / 24,680
LIVILIHOOD TRAINING / 3.39 / 96 / 2.79 / 75 / 4.77 / 82
EDUCATION / 4.06 / 3186 / 25.92 / 7500 / 30.90 / 7,731
PLANTATION / 0.71 / 0.95 / 0.89 / 2,000
SPORTS / 1.95 / 4622 / 2.70 / 950 / 2.55 / 2,685
Total / 111.76 / 129631 / 116.10 / 76,525 / 136.54 / 1,34,132
** Expenses in Lakhs
OCL pledges to continue its endeavor in the above direction more vigorously in future.
Annexure -2
Green Belt Development Plan
•OCL has already developed green belt by planting 190246 nos of trees up to Sept 2013 in and around the factory and planned to increase it by massive plantation of 9000 trees every year.
•An area is earmarked for greenbelt development/ plantation in the proposed CPPproject. The saplings shall be planted @ 2500 trees per ha.
Sl. No. / Year / No. of saplings to be planted (nos.) / Present Status1 / 1st / 500 / Completed
2 / 2nd / 250 / Completed
3 / 3rd / 250 / Completed
4 / 4th / 250 / Ground work preparation in progress
5 / 5th / 250
Total / 1500