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The Organic Mind

Discovering the Mental World of Eternity

Dr. Leon James
Professor of Psychology
University of Hawaii

August 2008, Version 5g

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Part 2 begins here

Table of Contents

The Divine Psychologist and the As-of Self

Levels of Reception of Altruism Substance

Omnipresence of God

God’s Omniproprium

Earlier Evolution of Consciousness

Spiritual Combat and the Battles of Temptation

Growth and Regeneration of the Natural Mind

Chart of Maturation and Regeneration

Chart of Consciousness Themes Prior and After Regeneration

The Process of Mental Reformation Prior to Regeneration

Summary of Facts About Regenerating the Natural Mind (Layers 7, 8, 9)

(I) Two Bodies

(II) Two Minds

(III) Dying and Resuscitation

(IV) Mental World of Eternity

(V) Heaven and Hell

(VI) The Natural Mind (layers 7, 8, 9)

(VII) Regenerating Layer 7 – The Rational Consciousness

(VIII) Regenerating Layer 8 – The Abstract Materialist Consciousness

(IX) Regenerating Layer 9 – The Concrete Materialist or Corporeal Consciousness

Sensuous vs. Rational Consciousness

Everybody’s Mental Biography

The Practice of Renting Out Your Mind

Ten Rational Conclusions Derived From the Proposition That God Exists

(A) First Conclusion: God is a Person, at once Divine and Human.

(B) Second Conclusion: God’s Omnipotence Must Control Every Event

(C) Third Conclusion: God is Perfect in Love and Rationality

(D) Fourth Conclusion: There are Two Worlds, One in Time-Space, the Other in Eternity

(E) Fifth Conclusion: Humans are Born Dual Citizens, In Time and in Eternity

(F) Sixth Conclusion: The Eternity of the Afterlife is Our Mental World Now

(G) Seventh Conclusion: We Are Born With Heaven and Hell in Our Mind

(H) Eighth Conclusion: Heaven is a State of Marriage Between Soul Mates

(I) Ninth Conclusion: Divine Speech as Sacred Scripture Produces Consciousness and Enlightenment

(J) Tenth Conclusion: Salvation, Liberation, Peace, and Wisdom Are Attained By Spiritual Discipline

Self-witnessing Your Altruism and Your Selfism

The Practice of Weakening Our Conscience

The Practice of Selfism as a Lifestyle

The Signs and Benefits of Regeneration

Rational Perception of God’s Presence

Spiritual Enlightenment or Wisdom

Mental Anatomy of Men and Women

Conjugial Accommodation Strategies

Male dominance, Equity, and Unity

Mental Biology of Marriage

Conjoint Consciousness of Heaven

SoulmatesAre Mutual and Reciprocal Obediences.


The Divine Psychologist and the As-of Self

Today’s divided consciousness of reality makes it possible for the Divine Psychologist to maintain the individual’s daily consciousness in a state of rational or spiritual freedom. Think about some of the things you did today, starting with the moment of waking up. Love is what supplies us with motivation and energy to think and act. Love is spiritual heat from the Spiritual Sun flowing into our affective organ, where it is received, adapted, transformed, and disposed by the ruling love hierarchy. Which love got you out of bed? Many times we would rather stay in bed than get up. Our consciousness is immersed in a spiritual battle of epic proportions each time we wake up feeling still sleepy or tired. The ruling hellish love gives us the motivation to ignore the distress of those people who depend on you to get up and do certain things that involves them and their day. People’s daily activities are interdependent and mutually affect each other with all sorts of consequences, little and big, present and future. A single decision or act has consequences to eternity and involves many people, ultimately, all people, since the human race is connected from each to all. When a single rain drop falls on the ocean surface, the entire ocean is affected as the tiny mechanical reverberation is absorbed by the body of water, which consequently is now in a different state because of the rain drop.

But the point in the water where the rain drop fell is affected most, while further away, thousands of miles away, the influence is much smaller, hence different. Closeness to an event produces a stronger effect on others. If you don’t get up on time by ignoring how some close others will be affected, you are choosing and acting from the hellish ruling love hierarchy that desires to satisfy self alone. This moral-spiritual dilemma may be squashed or allowed to stay present in consciousness. Selfism battles against altruism in this mortal combat. The heavenly love of protecting others from being inconvenienced by you is battling the hellish love of considering your own needs and comforts alone.

The love of protecting yourself and your future is a heavenly love when it is for the sake of others, not just yourself. You don’t want to get fired from your job, so you make yourself get up on time so you’re not late for work. Or, you don’t want your partner or children to face the day without the breakfast and lunch bags that you usually provide for them. They expect it. They need it. You are taking care of their needs when you make yourself get up (altruistic), even though you feel like ignoring their need and staying in bed (selfish).

All day long our consciousness consists of such mental battles. This is the process of human growth. The Divine Psychologist must manage this process or it would not work. Our mental conflicts need to be aroused at the proper moment in correspondence with the physical and social situation we are in. The Divine Psychologist manages the loves that are aroused in our affective organ, and consequently, the thoughts and memories that come into our consciousness and focus. A moral dilemma is a complex event that must be managed and produced by the Divine Psychologist, who operates from within in our mind, and from without in the physical and social world. The mental events and the physical events must correspond exactly, and this takes Divine omnipotence and omniscience to bring about.

Consciousness is our life because it is the only thing that is our own, our very own. You can take away everything an individual considers part of themselves – their physical freedom, clothes, wealth, rights, country, honor, reputation, loved ones – and yet that individual will remain a human being. When these things are removed from people, their humanity is not removed. One thing would remove their humanity, which is to take away their consciousness, their mental freedom to think in accordance with their love. This is to take away their consciousness as an independent self. The literature of novels and stories sometimes depict “zombies,” people whose mind is taken over by some evil person who has such psychic powers called “sorcery” and “black magic.” Another version is in science fiction when aliens “invade the body” and take over, making the helpless victim do and say what they want. To lose consciousness is to lose what is one’s own, one’s self.

The Divine Psychologist has to manage in such a way that all individuals can maintain their human consciousness from birth to endless eternity. This steady state maintenance of every individual’s unique consciousness, is a Divine Work that must be managed by God’s infinite intelligence, limitless power, and absolute control of all that comes into existence. Our individual cooperation is required for this process to be healthy and successful. God cannot directly bestow knowledge, enlightenment, and self-esteem. Anything that God gives us, remains God’s. God cannot separate from a portion of the Divine in order to make it to be the human being’s. This is not possible. What is possible and what has been created by God is a human organism that can receive and react to portions of what is God’s or Divine. For instance, the Spiritual Sun is the first entry point of God into creation, so that the Divine can be active and present in created things.

From the Spiritual Sun emanate spiritual heat and spiritual light. These two eternal and living substances are entering creation from God. These two living eternal Divine and infinite substances are the building blocks of all creation. Anything that exists will be constructed out of these two types of spiritual substances that are living Divine and infinite. In other words, every object, small or large, is constructed out of these two substances. Think of an atom or ray of light. It is constructed out of spiritual heat and light originating from the Spiritual Sun. This corresponds to the action of the natural sun upon its planets and its objects, all of which are constructed out of the materials in the sun (or star). The sun remains inside each object, each plant, each computer screen, and each apple we eat. When you have your next meal or munch session, think about the reality that you are eating a piece of the sun out there shining on your window and warming your environment.

Also think about the reality that the thoughts and enjoyments you are having while you’re eating are mental events within organic objects. The taste of the apple or drink is a sensation your consciousness is aware of. This is your mental consciousness. You are not aware of the taste buds and their cell action during the enjoyment of eating. Neither are you aware of the neural firings in the brain that reverberate to several areas while you’re eating and thinking. What you are aware of is your sensation, which is something psychological, not physical or physiological. Our mental body is in point-by-pint correspondence with our physical body. Our sensations are mental correspondences to physical events in the brain and body. These mental correspondences are operations of our mental organs in the spiritual body. Since birth our permanent mental body houses our mental organs, which are forever. Our sensations are mental operations in the sensorimotor organ that correspond to physical operations in the physical body.

Our consciousness is not in the physical body or world. Our sensations, thoughts, and feelings or loves, are not in the physical body or brain. They never were and never can be. Our mental organs are reception organs. They are constructed out of the spiritual heat and light of the Spiritual Sun. When we are born we receive unique permanent organic equipment with which to live as an individual. This organic equipment is constructed out of spiritual heat and light from the Spiritual Sun. This means that we are immortal since these substances are eternal. They are spiritual substances of the Divine. Hence our mental organs are constructed out of the Divine substances. Rationally this means that our mental organs are not our own. What an amazing discovery!

What Is our own? What makes us a real person?

As discussed just above: Consciousness is our very own and makes us a real person.

In order to understand this rationally we need to use the concept of the “as-of self.”

We are contrasting the concept of “self” and the concept of “as-of self.” In layer 9C thinking we rely on the concept of “self.” We can feel ourselves be free to think and do what we want. “We can move our toes inside our shoes and no one can see that. We can move our tongue inside our mouth to different corners, as we please. We move our eyes where we want. We are free.” This is our corporeal consciousness (9S). At this level of reasoning and understanding, we are free because we can move as we please. The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes in this consciousness. If someone tell us that there is no such free self because God is omnipotent, we can only ignore or deny it, but not understand it. Our consciousness needs to rise above this concrete corporeal level to a more abstracted materialism (8S) that can have meanings that are more mental than physical, more eternal than temporal. The consciousness of 8S is higher than the consciousness of 9S because layer 8C thinking allows meanings that are not directly observable by the senses, which is the limitation in layer 9C thinking.

In layer 8C thinking we can think of God in material terms and in “super-natural” terms. The regeneration of our materialism in layer 8A loves allows a new understanding of our materialism by unveiling a more interior mental portion to layer 8. The external materialism of layer 8 consciousness (8eS) prior to regeneration is replaced by an interior consciousness of materialism (8iS). Our ideas of God, heaven, hell, omnipotence, are still materialistic ideas, but they are more interior so that they admit of ideas that are more compatible with the rational consciousness in layer 7S.

When we rise above materialism to layer 7C thinking, we can at last see and understand that when we put together the concept of God’s “omnipotence” with the concept of human “freedom,” the rational resolution is the concept of the “as-of self.” The concept of an independent organism or “self” in layer 9S consciousness is now perceived as only an appearance that hides another reality within it. One can also see that the concept of God’s omnipotence in layer 8S consciousness is not absolute, so that God allows us to retain freedom in our mind by somehow withdrawing His omnipotence from there. A popular song of the 1990s is titled God is Watching Us -- From a Distance. And the layer 8 materialistic scientists who believe in God and worship in congregations, also reduce God’s omnipotence to a less than absolute degree. This is how we explain “why there is evil and suffering in the world – because God’s omnipotence is weakened by our disobedience of His Laws. We bring the misery upon ourselves. It is our own doing.” Now from layer 7 consciousness in the rational consciousness , we can see and understand that God’s omnipotence cannot be weakened by our disobedience, since this would mean that God Is not omnipotent after all. So now with higher meanings in 7C we can understand that the concept of “as-of self” is compatible with the concept of God’s “absolute omnipotence.”

God retains absolute omnipotence or total control of mental and physical events. God uses this omnipotence to maintain our mental consciousness in a state of balance between heavenly and hellish loves. This is the only human freedom possible. It is not the freedom of the “self” that appears to be free on its own, within itself. In the face of God’s absolute control, the only freedom we have is to choose “as-of self.” In other words, when we choose, it feels like we are doing it from self, by our self. God’s omnipotence brings about the balance of mental forces that give us this feeling of choosing from self. When we choose from our own love, we have the subjective experience that we are free to choose. We choose what we love or prefer – unless we are not free. When we are free, we choose from our own loves. This cannot happen by itself. God has to maintain just the right kind of balance of forces for each unique individual. It is the balance of love.

In order for us to learn to be rational human beings, we must have the experience and the feeling that we are mentally free. God maintains this feeling with every person from birth to endless immortality. This is omnipotence. In layer 7C thinking we are in the rational consciousness . The cognitive and affective organs in organic layer 7 are superior by a discrete degree to layer 8. This means that the highest possible level of achievement in mental layer 8 can never attain to the lowest possible achievement in mental layer 7. It is the same between the superiority of layer 8 over layer 9. When our consciousness rises to layer 7e it is in the rational consciousness , but it is only the first rational. It is not mature until reformation takes place. After reformation our consciousness is from layer 7i called interior-natural layer. This interior layer is anatomically and functionally within or above the external layer. All the concepts in the interior layer of the natural mind (7iC) are untouched by self-intelligence. They originate totally and solely from the spiritual mind (layers 6, 5, 4).

From this layer (7iC) in our reformed rational consciousness we can clearly see and understand that the concept of as-of self is part of the perfection of the human mind and its evolution. If we do not oppose this idea it is because we are willing to let go of the conceit of self-intelligence. The interior rational loves (7iA) we experience flow in from altruism substance without the distortion of selfism. We love the concept of as-of self, while we dislike the very notion of a “self” who is free in the sense of choosing from self and by self. We suddenly feel horrified at the idea of being left alone to be a self, by one self. That is a scary idea when we remember that we choose wrong many times, and how many times can we survive. Where would be our happiness, or ambition, our enthusiasm for anything? We feel much safer and peaceful with the sphere of ideas that flow rationally from omnipotence. We can let go of an irrational idea of a God who only has “semi-omnipotence” instead of an absolute omnipotence. The rational idea from omnipotence is that there are no exceptions. Therefore we trust God far more than we trust “self” or a “human being,” in order to bring us to happiness and contentment, to truth and love.