Regular School Board Meeting

Thursday, February 18, 2016

7:00 p.m. – Orchard Hill Elementary School


TO ORDER / ·  The meeting was called to order at Orchard Hill Elementary School at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Craig Prewitt. Other Board Members present: Dawn Watson, Nate Shinn, Rick Nagel, and Vice-Chair Marina Piacentini Absent: Debra McAlister & Student Rep. Ethan Shepherd. Also present: Brent Barry, Melinda Lidbetter, Curt Shenk, Suzanne Foster, Cally McKenzie, Aaron Santi, Shawna Schleif, Jani Hale, Sara Crawford, Shana Vos, OHES Parent Sarah Adams, Jeff Johnson, Brandi Randall, Toby Walker, Clint Rodreick, Superintendent Teresa Sayre, Business Manager David Marshall and Board/Executive Asst. Sarie Wu.
ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE / ·  OHES Principal Brent Barry invited the Board to attend the 5th grade students’ performance of the Twelfth Night in March. Jim Amburg has done an amazing job as a volunteer coordinator. OHES received an $800 grant from the Ashland Rotary to support the play. This helps them purchase costumes, props, stage equipment and tickets for the students to see the play at OSF. Mr. Barry recognized Tish Forsyth for her great work as the new media specialist. Ms. Forsyth has really brought the media center to life and does a great job leading the “Hawks in the Halls” paper and new student tours every Thursday.
·  TES Principal Curt Shenk thanked the PTA for a fabulous Bingo Night. A community member won the 1-Night Stay in Disneyland. Mr. Shenk recognized the Title I team for completing their mid-year DIBELS assessments. Three times a year they test 490 students in about three days. The winner of the 40th annual checkers tournament was Lola Lumbreras.
·  TMS Principal Aaron Santi stated that last Friday PTS held its second district-wide inservice day. Mr. Santi thanked everyone who helped put the day together. Every teacher participated and there was a lot of great compliments and feedback. TMS is moving up its 5th grade and 8th grade informational nights to help get on the front end of open enrollment and help students know about all the programs and services PTS offers. On March 4th a PHS representative will come talk with the 8th grade students and on March 11st they will be visiting the high school.
·  PHS Principal Jani Hale announced the birth of her new grandson, Enzo Hale Lombardi. Ms. Hale thanked Ms. Brody and Mr. Walker for creating such a great synergy at PHS. Student Valentine Welch is a national merit scholarship finalist. The Keeping it Real Team has been collaborating to work with students of interest each week to increase attendance and decrease tardies. During the last month tardies have decreased by 28%. Mr. Rodreick and Ms. Barton have been assisting to mentor teachers and they recently reached out to PHS teachers to ask if others would be willing to be observed by new teachers and those who’ve been teaching for less than three years. Over twelve teachers have opened their doors so far. Mr. Janousek will be starting a beekeeping curriculum at PHS next year and the staff and students are really looking forward to it.
·  Asst. Principal Toby Walker stated that winter season is wrapping up. The basketball teams had a lot of growth this year. Mr. Walker thanked Director Nagel for being the ‘Voice of the Pirates” at all their home games this year. Wrestling regionals will be on Friday. The top four teams will compete at State. Joel Gibson and his assistants have done a great job, their numbers are up and the moral is great. The swim teams were conference champions and were given the Sportsmanship Award. Jim Heath has done a great job working with them this year. Spring sports will start off with golf, track, softball, baseball and a new tennis program.
·  ATI Teacher Jeff Johnson stated that the staff has been working hard to make sure the students are getting the support and services they need. They’re trying to get more peer and community support and things are looking positive.
·  Sodexo Operations Manager Melinda Lidbetter shared a water garden project with the Board that will be implemented at the elementary schools. This project will follow the mushroom boxes and is designed to help show students where food comes from. The Future Chefs competition will be on March 16.
SUPERINTEDENT REPORT / ·  Supt. Sayre presented the Board with an email from Principal Santi outlining the events and different offerings during the most recent inservice day. Each event was led by our own teachers and is a result of the Collaboration grant. The inservice day was phenomenal. Supt. Sayre thanked everyone who worked to put it together.
·  Supt. Sayre informed the Board that a Time Study Committee was formed this year to examine instructional minutes, make sure we’re meeting all our State requirements and are maximizing our time. The committee has been doing some great work and is considering changing late-start Monday’s to an afternoon. The committee will be surveying staff and will present a program report to the Board at some point in April.
·  This year the dates of kindergarten round-ups have been moved to March 8th and 10th. This will help the District better align with the early learning counsel from SOESD.
·  Approval of Agenda
·  Approval of Minutes for 1/14/16
·  Personnel Report / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the Personnel Report for review which included the following:
Samantha Dedrick, as Temporary After-School Teacher (Migrant Ed Funded) at TES
Effective: February 9, 2016 through April 28, 2016
Judith Kenyon, as 4 Hour Special Education Instructional Assistant at PHS
Effective: February 3, 2016
Teal Kinamun, as 3.75 Hour Instructional Assistant at PES
Effective: January 19, 2016
Nan Knights, as Temporary After-School Teacher (Migrant Ed Funded) at TES
Effective: February 9, 2016 through April 28, 2016
Dan Preskenis, as Temporary After-School Teacher (Migrant Ed Funded) at PES
Effective: February 9, 2016 through April 28, 2016
Karen Tally, as Temporary After-School Teacher (Migrant Ed Funded) at PES
Effective: February 9, 2016 through April 28, 2016
Julee Lockett, from 7 Hour Special Education Instructional Assistant to 8 Hour Secretary I at TMS
Effective: February 2, 2016
Extra Duty/Coaching:
Richard Brown, as .50 FTE Assistant Wrestling Coach at TMS
Daniel Campagna, as .50 FTE Head Boys Golf Coach at PHS
Kyle Carson, as .50 FTE Head Boys Golf Coach at PHS
Riley Dodd, as .50 FTE Assistant Wrestling Coach at TMS
Suzanne Foster, as Special Programs Director for PTS
Effective: March 1, 2016
Ms. Foster will continue in the same position on a Retiree Re-Employment Agreement through June 30, 2016
Krisanne Hawse, as Student Services Clerk at TMS
Effective: March 1, 2016
Jennifer Zentgraf, as Special Education Instructional Assistant at TES
Effective: February 19, 2016
Suzanne stated opportunity see as an open door to more opportunities and continuing to serve students and families in this district.
·  On motion by Rick Nagel, seconded by Vice-Chair Marina Piacentini, to approve of the consent agenda as presented was approved by unanimous consent.
Personal Services Contracts / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented Board Policy DJCA to the Board for review. The recommended updates will eliminate Policy CKA. The Board discussed the removal of language in the Policy and its new placement in the AR.
·  On motion by Director Nate Shinn, seconded by Director Dawn Watson, to adopt Board Policy DJCA as presented, was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Shinn, Watson, Nagel, Piacentini, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: McAlister
Abstain: None
Personal Services Contracts / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented DJCA-AR to the Board for review. Vice-Chair Piacentini stated the AR was very thorough.
·  On motion by Vice-Chair Marina Piacentini, seconded by Director Rick Nagel, to adopt Board Policy DJCA-AR as presented, was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Shinn, Watson, Nagel, Piacentini, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: McAlister
Abstain: None
AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT / ·  Chairman Prewitt asked the Audit Committee to comment on their recent review of the audit report. Director Nagel presented the Board with notes on the meeting. Overall the district’s audit results reflected an unmodified opinion and it doesn’t get better than that. However, there has been an adjustment, relating to PERS, that resulted in an 8.9 million decrease in the District’s position on the balance sheet. This adjustment impacted every PERS employer in the State. For example, Medford will have a 40 million dollar adjustment. It was noted that this does not impact the District’s day-to-day business. It is a financial statement and the State will need to consider how to alleviate the debt from public schools.
·  On motion by Director Rick Nagel, seconded by Director Nate Shinn, to accept the Audit Report as presented, was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Shinn, Watson, Nagel, Piacentini, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: McAlister
Abstain: None
OPEN ENROLLMENT / ·  Supt. Sayre presented the Board with an updated application form that would be used should they continue to offer open enrollment. Supt. Sayre recommended the Board continue with this option. Open enrollment would begin on March 1st and end on midnight April 1st. Last year, PTS had 36 applicants. Of those, 27 students are currently attending. At this time the District has 43 students currently attending as mid-year moves. The mid-year option will only allow them to complete the current school year and these students will need to apply for open enrollment to continue here next year. Our current data shows that three students have siblings hoping to attend here next year and the DO has received about four calls from families, new to the District, hoping to transfer. Additionally, 10 students qualify as MKV, and are currently living outside the District who may benefit from this option. All together we anticipate about 60 applications should the Board move forward with this option. Within those numbers, four students are children of staff members hoping to transfer here. Supt. Sayre updated the Board on what neighboring districts have decided to do regarding open enrollment.
·  On motion by Director Rick Nagel, seconded by Chairman Craig Prewitt, to implement the open enrollment option for the month of March, was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Shinn, Watson, Nagel, Piacentini, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: McAlister
Abstain: None
ESD LOCAL SERVICE PLAN / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the ESD Local Service Plan to the Board for review. The SOESD is asking for the District’s permission to use the plan as presented. It is largely unchanged from previous years with a focus on technology/media services, school improvement and special education.
·  On motion by Director Nate Shinn, seconded by Vice-Chair Marina Piacentini, to vote “yes” as a Board on the ESD Local Service Plan, Resolutions 1, 2 and 3, as presented, was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Shinn, Watson, Nagel, Piacentini, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: McAlister
Abstain: None
BOARD MEMBER APPOINTMENT / ·  Chairman Prewitt thanked Ms. Vos and Ms. Crawford for attending the meeting and previously participating in the interview process for Board appointment. Chairman Prewitt asked the Board to discuss taking action on a candidate appointment. Director Nagel stated that both were great candidates and felt it would be a really tough decision. Vice-Chair Piacentini stated that it is nice to have really great candidates. Chairman Prewitt thanked both for their interest and stated that he hoped whoever was not chosen would continue their involvement. He commented on responses from both candidates during the interview that stood out. Chairman Prewitt proposed a recess for the Board to consider their appointment and then come back to make a decision.
RECESS / ·  7:45 to 7:57 p.m.
BOARD MEMBER APPOINTMENT / ·  Chairman Prewitt suggested the Board delay their appointment until their next meeting on March 10th. Mr. Prewitt stated that his hope is for the final member of the Board, Director McAlister to be present and have the opportunity to provide her input to the decision. This delay would provide the Board with additional time to consider the candidates and hear feedback from members of the community. He invited both candidates to call the Board with any questions they may have in the meantime and thanked them both for their continuing interest.
FACILITIES UPDATE / ·  Business Manager David Marshall informed the Board that PTS has been considering a partnership with the Family Nurturing Center. This center provides relief to young children and their parents in very disadvantaged situations. All they’re asking for is space, and there may be a good location in the northwest corner of PHS to place a manufactured building of about 3600 square feet. The District is in preliminary stages of considering this partnership. PHS students may be able to volunteer with them and they would offer a full day preschool which would benefit PTS.
·  The District has been working on improving the concession stand for PHS to make it safer and more attractive.
FINANCIAL UPDATE / ·  Mr. Marshall informed the Board that February payroll was just posted and PTS now has an estimate for the ending fund balance. The proposed budget is now taking shape.
DROP OUT/GRADUATION / ·  Supt. Sayre reviewed the graduation and drop-out information for the 2014-2015 school year with the Board. The district showed some dramatic increases since the 2011-2012 school year to the 2013-2014 school year. We are remaining steady at about 83% for the 2014-2015 school year. The drop-out rate has increased to 3%, which it’s not much, but it is concerning. Supt. Sayre explained that students are included in the drop-out rate if they drop at any time during their high school career. It can be challenging to track down students, especially if they move out of Oregon and don’t notify the school. Many will indicate they will be enrolling in a GED program but never follow through. Supt. Sayre informed the Board that the Hispanic graduation rate was within 1% of the total population’s. The gaps were observed in Special Education and ELL students. These areas will be identified in the District’s improvement plan.
TEACHER/ ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT RENEWAL / ·  Chairman Prewitt asked the Board to review the information presented relating to teacher/administrator contract renewal. Will come back as an action item at the next meeting.
FACILITIES BOND PLANNING / ·  Chairman Prewitt stated that on February 5th several members of the Board, along with Supt. Sayre and Mr. Marshall attended an OSBA conference on bonds and ballots. He invited the Board to comment on their experience. Vice-Chair Piacentini, Director Watson, Director Shinn, and Chairman Prewitt all shared their feedback. They noted that open communication is important. Surveying and polling early and getting to know the community and what they care about will help earn the ‘yes’ vote. The Board discussed asking volunteers to go door-to-door and holding student performances in senior centers. They also discussed some of the tools and resources currently available that could help the district understand the voters better as we prepare. A sub-committee will be established in the near future.
BBFA: Board Member Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
BBFB: Board Member Ethics and Nepotism
GBC: Staff Ethics / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented Board Policies BBFA, BBFB and GBC to the Board. They help remove some question marks regarding ethics and nepotism. Among the updates to these policies is a clarified definition of the word “relative”. These policies will be up for action at the next meeting.
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE / ·  Director Watson attended a recent LPC meeting in addition to meeting with Rep. Buckley and listening to Friday legislative update calls. She discussed changes in the PERS pool and that OSBA will continue to monitor this item’s status. The 5-year program is going through with some changes. Minimum wage is going through. Early intervention/early childhood education will likely get the 5 million they were looking for. Open enrollment will be extended for an additional two years. Some changes may be made to the language regarding open enrollment and transfers to make it less confusing for parents. The LPC committee is preparing a list of items to discuss with legislature and trying to come up with a plan to ask for more money as the budget will be tight in the next biennium.
REVIEW OF NEXT MEETING AGENDA / ·  Chairman Prewitt reviewed the draft agenda for the next meeting on March 10, at Phoenix High School.
·  Items for the next meeting include:
Board Member Appointment
Teacher/Administrator Contract Renewal
Board Policy BBFA
Board Policy BBFB
Board Policy GBC
Superintendent Evaluation Summary
Facilities Report
Financial Update
Boys & Girls Club Agreement
Change in Board Meeting Dates
Board Policy Review
Legislative Update
ADJOURNMENT / ·  8:30 p.m.

Teresa Sayre, Clerk of the Board Craig Prewitt, Chairman of the Board