AP Environmental Science (APES)
Questions for thought and discussion
Discuss 3 or 4 Questions with your partner. Write down some of the ideas and thoughts you discuss, using word. Highlight your answers by changing the font/text color. Delete the questions you did not discuss and save to a Flash or H-Drive. We will talk about this more tomorrow!
1. Do you like nature and the outdoors? Give some examples of your positive or negative experiences with nature.
2. Richard Louv has coined the term “nature deficit disorder” for our youth (including your generation). His idea is that you guys & gals don’t spend enough time outdoors and it has bigger and longer ranging effects than people realize. A quote from his book, Last Child in the Woods ”I like to play indoors better ‘cause that’s where all the electrical outlets are” (from a 4th grader).
From Amazon.com Never before in history have children been so plugged in—and so out of touch with the natural world. In this groundbreaking new work, child advocacy expert Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today's wired generation—he calls it nature deficit—to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as rises in obesity, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and depression. So…what do you think? Is there such a thing? Is it in your generation?
3. Would you consider yourself “not green”, “light green”, “medium green” or “dark green”? Explain.
4. What do you hope to get out of this course? And/or, what particular topics are you interested in?
5. Are you a “technocrat”? (That means you think technology will solve the world’s problems.)
6. Describe one “green” thing you do. Why do you do it?
7. Environmental Science tries to describe how nature “works”; how our planet functions…and what we know about the “why”. It’s a real-life, in your face integration of all the sciences. There have been many, many changes over earth’s 4.5 billion year history. Some say man has tried to dominate nature; take control, be in charge. What do think about this? Do you think we can control nature?
8. Have you visited any of the US National Parks? Which ones? Can you tell us a story from a visit?
9. Do you recycle cans, bottles and paper at Lisle HS ? If not, why not? If yes, why?
10. There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet. ~Brooke Medicine Eagle
Do you think we are caretakers? Do you have any ideas for how we “awaken that spiritual part” in ourselves? Do think there is hope?
11. In the news! July 9, 2009 Residents of a rural Australian town hoping to protect the earth and their wallets have voted to ban the sale of bottled water, the first community in the country — and possibly the world — to take such a drastic step in the growing backlash against the industry. Why would they ban bottled water? What do you think of the idea?