Newtown Babe Ruth Softball

Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2011

Attendance: Patrick Reilly, Allan Linden, Tamara Doherty, Sue Gouveia, Rob Hoffman, Wendy Merrick, Keith Cheh, Dave Ruscoe, Staci Nicholson

March minutes reviewed and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report - Staci N.

$27,044 in checking, $18,278.98 in money market. Working on reconciling account ($290 missing) from 3/27 - Pat needs to add Staci N. To contacts to allow her access to NSB to find this issue. Need name, address and phone #’s for trainors to pay for winter clinics and Spring pitching clinics. Discussed where to put $ from 50/50 raffle - Is Southington Invitational a Breast Cancer fund raiser this year? Also, reconciling money from Meet the Team - not adding up. All merchandise has been paid for - on order from Iovinos. Tax info will go to accountant by 5/15. CL&P will be called to turn on power for batting cage at NMS

President’s Report: Pat

U14 -Initially merged with U12 for Rec League, then removed primarily for safety concerns. 6 players registered - working to recruit more U14s -will reduce fee to entice. There will be a need for U12's to fill out team for every game. U12 coaches will assist by getting this info to their teams

Discussion about pitching/catching when playing “up”. Motion made to waive this rule for this season (until July 31) to allow players that are not True “U14" or “U12" to pitch and catch when playing up, as long as there are no Babe Ruth restrictions. All voted in favor.

Director of Operations: Scott was absent due to illness.

Pat noted teams have been selected and are ready to go, uniforms handed out at Meet the Team, equipment has been placed in boxes at fields, except Dickinson - not opened yet.

Keith Cheh will sheduled batting cage assembly

Equipment needs - new catcher’s equipment, balls, bats, and may need more helmets Rob Hoffman volunteered to stencil/paint equipment boxes as necessary. Motion made to allow - all in favor. He will be reimbursed for supplies.

Schedules - U12 is complete. No representatives from other divisions present for input.


Travel Director’s Report - Allan

Tryouts have been completed. U12 team selected by completely unbiased evaluators. Head coach is Monica Mueller, Assistant coaches are Fred Ryan, Allan Linden and Brian Merrick. U10 needs 1 more player. Head coach is Scott Beals, Assistant coaches are Keith Cheh, and ?

All coaches/assistants need to provide Babe Ruth Cert to Allan Linden.

There are scheduling meetings for CVFL and FCFPL.

Fred is looking into uniforms. Will do sizing and have players choose #’s at that time.

Pat is doing fund raising for Travel Banners and Allan is working on reconciling Travel budget

Stated disagreement about placement of U10 player on U12 team - this cut a qualified and able U12 player from this travel team. - generally felt that the U8 rule needs to apply to all age groups. As there was no written rule for U10/12 and no Babe Ruth restrictions, player was allowed to participate in the try out at her parents’ request. Allan discussed the intense amount of time and deliberation by impartial evaluators to choose the team. This issue will need to be revisited.

Meet the Team

This was a very successful event. It was organized, well run -nice touch with the “goodie bags” and window stickers. Thank you very much to Kathleen Mulligan for organizing and running this event. Thank you notes with team pictures and girls signing will be sent to each sponsor.


Currently have sponsors for all teams, though may need to get 1 more for the U14. And will work on sponsors for the Travel banner

Scholarship - contacted NHS - only 1 application at this time - due date is 4/25


Distribution went very well. Girls liked the tie-dye socks. Coaches liked the shirts were already assigned to players -made handing out very simple. Next year, need to have an extra week to get shirts done after team selection.

Umpire Clinics - there are 6 - 4 new and 2 returning. More experienced will ump U12/14 games.

Motion made to buy equipment bags for NHS varsity team - approved by all -Wendy to find parent contact, order , etc

Tamara Doherty volunteered to do training for scorekeeping at games -pass on to coaches.

Pitching lessons -email blast sent- semi-private lessons with Cathy Byrnes. $40 for 45 minute split between the girls in each session.