Sergey V. Serokhvostov, Ph.D., Associate Professor, MIPT DAFE
Armand J. Chaput, Ph.D., Professor, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Degree program (понаправлению): 010900 «Applied Mathematics and Physics»
Specialization (магистерская программа): 010947«Aircraftdesignanddevelopment»(Проектирование и конструирование летательных аппаратов)
Chair of Flight Physics, 1st year of Master Program(5thyear), spring semester
Course description
This course involves a careful examination of electrical aircraft design with the emphasis on the class of Micro- and Mini- Unmanned Air Vehicles. Peculiarities of aerodynamics, strength, weight, powerplant, flight mechanicsand manufacturing process of such vehicles are clarified.
Course objectives
1.To bring together the knowledge from the courses previously learned
2.To introduce students to the present state of the art in the area of UAS
3.To provide students with opportunities to first stages of UAV design
4.To provide students with skills of special computer soft utilization in design process
Course organization
This is a lecture & practical work course in which students are got small practical tasks after each lecture and also work under the design of own project of UAV on the basis of the lectures learned throughout the semester. The exam is the defense of the UAV project.
1 lecture
Course overview. What are the UAVs and UASs? Classification. Peculiarities of UAV classes. UAVs with the electrical powerplant
2 lecture
Student reports: Examples of UAS of different types. Aircrafts performance.
Design stages. Pre-concept, conceptual, preliminary, detailed design.Main ideas about design process. Importance of the first design stages.Questions of project cost
4 lecture
Preliminary design.Equation of existence. Methods of N.E.Joukovsky of main characteristics determination.
5-6 lecture
Main modes of flight. Optimal flightconditions (altitude, velocity etc.) and airplane parameters (masses of components, wing aspect ratio, wing area etc.).
7 lecture
Aerodynamics. Lift and drag: methods of their determining forprofile, wing, fuselage. Parasitic drag. Peculiarities of low Reynolds numbers aerodynamics. Methods of aerodynamical performance improvement.
8 lecture
Wing and fuselage construction. Peculiarities of different UAV classes.Weight and strength– methods of calculation for wing and fuselage. Fabrication technology and its influence on design
9-10 lecture
Electrical powerplant. Propeller. Electrical Drive. Gearbox (if exist). Onboard and external sources of energy. Solar radiation and its conversion into electricity. Electronics. Principles and methods of electrical powerplant control.
11-12 lecture
Stability and controllability. Center of gravity position. Aerodynamic center.Control surfaces and devices. Electronics. Autopilots.
Ground stations.
13 lecture
Launch and landing requirements. Launch and landing methods. Launch devices. Landing devices
14-16 lecture
Practical work. Design of UAV
Exam:defense of project “UAV design”.
Literature and references
1.J.Gundlach “Designing Unmanned Aircraft Systems. A Comprehensive Approach” AIAA Educational Series, 2012
2.A.J. Chaput “Conceptual Design of UAV Systems”, Lectures,
- “Introduction to the Design of Fixed-Wing Micro Air Vehicles”,AIAA Educational Series, 2007
- B.W.McCormick “Aerodynamics, Aeronautics and Flight Mechanics. Second Edition”, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,1995
- БрусовВ.С. Оптимальное проектирование летательных аппаратов. Многоцелевой подход. М. «Машиностроение», 1989.–230 c.
- Бадягин А.А., Мухамедов Ф.А. «Проектирование легких самолетов». М., Машиностроение, 1978 г.
- Бадягин А.А., Егер С.М., Мишин В.Ф., Склянский Ф.И., Фомин Н.А. “Проектирование самолетов” М., «Машиностроение», 1972
- Э. Торенбик. “Проектирование дозвуковых самолетов”. М., Машиностроение, 1983
- Grasmeyer J. M. Keennon M. T. Development of the Black Widow Micro Air Vehicle. AIAA-2001-0127
- Bradley T.H., Moffit B.A., Fuller T.F., Mervis D., Parekh D.E. “Design Studies for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” AIAA 2008-6413
- В.М. Шейнин, В.И. Козловский. “Весовое проектирование и эффективность пассажирских самолетов”. Справочник. М., Машиностроение, 1984
- Аэромеханика самолета. Под редакцией А.Ф. Бочкарева, Машиностроение, М, 1977г.
- Mueller, T.J., Torres, G.E. “Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low Aspect Ratio Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers,” Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 195:115-141, 2001
- Investigation of the Helios Prototype Aircraft Mishap. NASA Report, Jan 2004.
- Romeo G., Frulla G., Fattore L. “HELIPLAT. A Solar-Powered HALE UAV for Telecommunication Applications. Design & Parametric Results. Analysis, Manufacturing & Testing of Advanced Composite Structures.” Proc. International Technical Conference “Uninhabited Aerical Vehicles UAV2000” Paris, France, 14-16 June 2000
- Frulla G. HELIPLAT:Structural Analysis of High-Altitude Very Long Endurance Solar-Powered Platform for Telecommunication and Earth Observation Applications. ICAS 2002 Congress
- Peterson B., Erath B., Henry K., Lyon M., Walker B., Powell N., Fowkes K., Bowman W. J. Development of a Micro Air Vehicle for Maximum Endurance and Minimum Size. AIAA 2003-416