July 18, 2018

Hello - my name is Miner Blackford, Director of the Otero Junior College Law Enforcement Training Academy (OJC-LETA). I want to introduce you to a peace officer training academy that takes pride in every graduate and presents a complete training package suitable for service in any agency. OJC-LETA graduates have successful peace officer careers because of their commitment to quality training and service with kindness, respect and absolute honesty.

OJC-LETA offers two one semester, 40 semester hour, academy classes per year, the first academy runs mid-January through the first week of May (Spring Academy) and the second academy starts the middle of August through the first week of December (Fall Academy). Academy applications, with all supporting documentation attached, will be accepted until the student class limit has been reached or at 12 noon, on Monday, one week before the academy starts.

OJC-LETA costs for fiscal year 2018-2019, July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019 are $6,488 for in-state tuition and fees, or $10,460 for non-residents. Training supplies including ammunition, the use of an academy owned weapon and duty gear, plus books and training certifications, e.g., 1st Aid CPR, OC and TASER Certification and the cost is $1,500. Normal student, pre-academy purchased navy or black BDU pants, duty boots and personal items normally runs $500. On campus room and board housing cost will be $3,556. The cost for on campus in-state students will be approximately $12,658, off campus $9,100. Out-of-state on campus cost will run $15,626 and off-campus will be $12,070. On-campus housing with meals is not mandatory and area apartments rent in the neighborhood of $750 per month. I apologize for not having any married student housing on campus. Students not living on campus are asked to keep their daily commute to no more than a 20-minute drive because of scheduled late night (sometimes out at 10:30 pm) and early morning (5:30 am P/T) classes plus lessen the chance of missing training during bad weather. Please examine the attached OJC-LTA class schedule.

This application is also a student manual explaining the rules you must follow to complete the academy including a simple step-by-step registration guide plus an informal memorandum of understanding where you state you understand and agree to follow the rules. Print the whole application, complete all the information blanks and mail all 42 pages with copies of your valid driver’s license, high school proof of completion, your ACCUPLACER score sheet(if required) and your military discharge documentation (DD214), if a veteran, to me at the academy address below. This is a Word document that you can use your computer to fill in the blanks as long as you maintain their original size. You may also scan the application with your documentation, save it with the smallest size available and email that scan to me. I will contact you immediately when I receive your application either by mail or email. If you have any questions about the academy or the application process, please call Miner Blackford at 719-384-6867 or email I will respond promptly.

Thank you

Miner Blackford

Otero Junior College

Law Enforcement Training Academy

1802 Colorado Avenue

La Junta, Colorado 81050

July 18, 2018



Each question, information blank or check-box must have a response

Printed Legal Name ______/ ______


SSAN ______Date of Birth: _____/_____/______Age ______



College SystemStudent Number: S ______Student “S” Number assigned when youcomplete OJC registration.

Contact Phone Number: ( ) ______-______POST PID: ______


Email address: ______

Mailing Address ______City ______State _____ Zip ______

High school completion?Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) requires Colorado Peace Officers to have completed high school by earning a diploma or a GED and document that completion. NOTE: Mail order “diploma mill” diplomas will not be accepted and internet earned high school degrees must show acceptable accreditation and transcripts of realistic coursework.

I completed high school or earned my GED in the following year ______and have enclosed the required documentationproving I completed high school by attachingone of the following documents:

A copy of my high school diplomaindicating the date I graduated, or

a copy of my GED Certificateindicating the date I completed, or

a copy of a high school transcript indicating the date I graduated.

Valid driver’s license: Colorado POST requires that applicants possess a valid state issued (any state) driver’s license to enter any Colorado POST certified training academy. I have enclosed a copy of my valid driver’s license from

State: ______DL Number: ______Expiration date: ______

Note: Within30 days from the start of the academy, out-of-state OJC-LETA students must possess a Colorado Driver’s License and present that DL to the director to copy for their academy file. The State of Colorado requires all applicants to have their valid Colorado Driver’s License in your possession for the POST Peace Officer Certification Test. Colorado also requires applicants who have had their name changed through, e.g., marriage, adoption or legal name change, and have submitted application documentation with more than one name, must submit court documents or other official documentation supporting that name change.

Veteran status:Veterans must have a character of discharge “other than dishonorable”, but if the term “dishonorable” is indicated anywhere on their discharge records, they cannot serve as a peace officer in Colorado.

Yes, I have served in the United State Military and have enclosed a copy of my DD214, Member 4 page or military discharge document showing no indication of the term “dishonorable”.

No, I have not enlisted or served in the United States Military and I am not a veteran

OJC-LETA Students wear the academy owned duty belts during all training except physical training, to condition students to wearing and using duty gear.



S____ (34-36), M ___ (38-40), L ___ (42-44), XL ___ (46-48),

XXL ___ (50-52), 3X ___ (54-56) ,4X ___ (58-60), 5X.____ (62-64)

OJC BOOKSTORE“KIT” The OJC Bookstore “kit” will be issued in the academy classroom during Orientation session. The OJC Bookstore Kit contains academy uniform shirts plus current statute books and classroom supplies. Academy shirts are special ordered and normally take a minimum of three weeks fordelivery. All students, particularly applicants enrolling within a month of the start date will need to bring enough plain light grey polo shirts to wear during “laundry days”, or until the academy uniform polo shirts are available. Arm tattoos must be covered during training and “shooters sleeves” are recommended or students can wear simple light weight long sleeved grey tee shirts under their uniform shirt to cover tattoos. The bookstore kit does not include black or navy BDU pants, duty boots, short pants with belt loops for Arrest Control, plain grey polos, personal and classroom supplies, 2 pair of tennis shoes (one new for Arrest Control), gym pants, headgear for range and outdoor wear.


______- ______Phone ( ) ______


______/ ______


Colorado POST requested information: Please provide copies of diplomas or certificates earned.

This POST information will become part of your POST training record and is not part of your academy application.

Formal education completed beyond high school?


Attended college, non-graduate,

Vocational Certification; ______

(Type of certificationor area of certification training)

Associate Degree

Bachelor Degree Masters Degree Doctorate

Other ______

Colorado POST needs to know if you being sponsored in the academy by a recognized law enforcement agency or have a tentative offer from an agency for employment after passing the POST Test:

Not hired or sponsored Hired and sponsored Tentative hiring offer upon satisfactory POST test result

State agency information with the contact person and phone number below:

Agency Name: ______

Agency Mailing Address:______

Agency City, State and Zip code:______

Agency Phone Number: ______


Colorado Certified Peace Officers must be a United States citizen or legal resident who is lawfully present in the United States pursuant to Federal Law and § 24-76.5-103, C.R.S.

All academy applicants must be a citizen of the United States of America, a legal permanent resident or a legal resident.

I certify that I am a citizen of the United States or am a legal permanent resident or legal resident of the United States.


SignaturePrinted NameDate


NOTE: Students cannot commute beyond the LasAnimasor Rocky Ford, 15 to 20 minute drives because of the tight academy schedule plus uncertain weather conditionsthat willlimittravel.Youwillbeinclassuntil10pmmany nightsandreturningtoclassat5:30 am the following day and you simply cannot maintain your performance if you are commuting any distance. You lose grade points when you show up late or unprepared for class, the same as you will lose your job when you show up late or unprepared for work. Please rent a local apartment, bring a camper to the La JuntaKOA,orliveoncampus(withcafeteriameals),ifyoulivebeyonda15to20-minutecommute.

The following “yes or no” question is merely a planning survey to help the housing manager, not a housing contract.

Yes, I intend to live on campus.

No, I do not plan to live on campus and I am aware of the 15 to 20 minute commute time limit.

The link below is to request housing on campus. Complete and submit the housing request then call Peggy Achatz, OJC Cashier, to make your $100 OJC Housing Application payment with a credit card. Your housing request will not be granted until OJC has the $100 deposit, either a credit card over the phone or a $100 money order mailed to Peggy Achatz’ address.

Peggy AchatzPeggy Achatz

OJC CashierOJC Cashier

719-384-6843 office1802 Colorado Avenue

Room 132 McBride Hall

: emailLa Junta, Colorado 81050


The most common reason a person does not become a peace officer is they cannot write reports and their documentation of the events cited in their reports is flawed or non-existent. The academy cannot elevate a person with unacceptable reading and writing skills up to a peace officer required reading and writing level in a fifteen-week academy, but there are steps a person can take on their own to improve their writing skills before starting the academy. There is no minimum ACCUPLACER ENGLISH score for admission to this academy, however, please understand the tremendous amounts of professional writing you will be required to do as a peace officer and if you can’t write a well-organized and easily read report, it is predictable thatyou will not succeed as a peace officer plus there is a highly likely probability of having any employment you might secure terminated because you can’t document your investigations and write an acceptable report – period. If your ACCUPLACER ENGLISH score is under 95, you are strongly encouraged to refresh your writing skills by using the free online U-Tube Khan Academy,or subscribe to Guaranteed 4.0.com or any one of the Evelyn Wood Study Skills and Writing Improvement courses. Searching the internet will help you find these and othercareer-improvementcourses. Your prospects for a successful career as a peace officer willbe greatly enhanced if you come to the academy equipped with the ability to write well.

Peace officers must be able to read Peace Officer level materials and write accurate, detailed and easily read police reports. Students are required to complete the ENGLISH section of the ACCUPLACER placement exam before applying to the academy unless they meet the requirement in the waivers listed below:


Yes, I took the test and attached my score sheet. Testing Date: ______

Taking the ACCUPLACER Assessment Test can be waived if anyone of the following waivers have been met and you submitted documentation to prove the waiver:

1. Document proof of minimum ACT scores of 18 in English, 23 in Math, 17 in Reading, OR minimum SAT

scores of Evidence-Based Reading/Writing 470, Math-590area if taken after 3/2016. (SAT taken before

3/2016 Reading 430, Writing 440, Math 570)

NOTE: ACT and SAT scores must be no more than two years old.

2.Students who are enrolled in a certificate program such as the Law Enforcement Training Academy,

however and if you don’t qualify for any other waiver,the academy asks you to take the ACCUPLACER because you will want to eventually enroll in college-level English or math courses to complete an associate degreethat will help get quicker promotions and enhance your career as a peace officer.

3. Students who have earned a Bachelor's or Associate's degree.

4. Students who have previously been assessed at a Colorado public postsecondary institution.

5. Students who have successfully completed basic skills instruction in mathematics, writing, or reading are

exempt from the requirement for assessment in that subject area only.

6. Students who have successfully completed a college-level course in English are exempt from the

requirement for assessment in English and reading.

7. Students who have successfully completed a college-level course in mathematics are exempt from the

requirement for assessment in mathematics.

If you have any questions about the ACCUPLACER, call me. I will tell you it will benefit you to take the ACCUPLACER because your scoring will indicate your readiness to do the paperwork that all entry-level peace officers are required to do, plus it will give you some idea of how good a test taker you are. In other words, if you hate filling out forms, taking the ACCUPLACER will give you a good insight into your first job as a peace officer.

Please contact, Kim Juul, OJC Testing Coordinator, 719-384-6948 for ACCUPLACER testing, either on the OJC campus or at a community college closer to your home.

BDUANDDUTYBOOTSUPPLIERS:The academy can’t stock the varied sizes and quantitiesofBDUpants or duty boots, so students must purchase navy or black colored BDU pants (6 pairs suggested) and black “polishable” tactical/combat boot type duty boots (2 pairs suggested) before coming to campus. There is a $500 estimated expense for personal items included in the academy cost estimate. BDUs and boots may be purchased at uniform stores, many sporting goods stores and some Wal-Mart and similarretailers.

The following retailers have done business with the academy and are dependable equipment suppliers. It would be beneficial to make contact with one or more of these entities for your future career needs.

-Kelly’s Guns, 217 Colorado Avenue, La Junta719-383-9015

-Specialty Sports, 4285 East Fountain, Colorado Springs, CO 80916719-391-2556

-Arctic Supply in Pueblo, 411 West 6th, Pueblo 719-545-1800, is very helpful and their prices are fair – highlyrecommended.

-MB Police Equipment 2715 South Prairie, Pueblo, 719-564-2918, his prices are fair and he goes out of his way tohelp.

-Colorado Cop & Uniform Company, (719) 561-1360 has a good selection of equipment. 1711 South Prairie,Pueblo,

--Gall’s Police Supply (formerly Neve’s), 525 E. Fountain Blvd. # 130, Colorado Springs, CO 80903,1-877-825-3338

-Gall’s Catalog Sales Phone 866-673-7643


Note this academy will not surprise you with added fees during or at the end of the academy. OJC runs all costs through your student account, except your student provided personal items that are included in the cost estimate; BDU pants, tactical/combat boot type duty boots, gym shoes, gym shorts, arrest control belt- loop shorts, firearms ear and eye protectors, off campus meals, bedding sheets, blankets, pillows and incidental items such as notebooks, pens, pencils, personal vehicle gas, etc. Students may use academy owned laptop computers if they do not have a suitable laptop with Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel and a WI-FI card(for internet access). Students are furnished the use of academy owned weapons, duty gear (duty belts, holster, hand cuffs, cuff case, flashlight and flashlight carrier) without cost during academy training. The academy provides 2,000 rounds of top quality ammunition for $400, your POST Test fee, class manuals and certifications run $500 and a Bookstore Kit consisting of Academy shirts, a CDAC Colorado Statute Book, a CDAC Legal Source Book, a Lexis-Nexis Peace Officer’s Handbook, A Northwestern Traffic Accident Template plus Pocket CRS and Traffic Code Books runs approximately $514. No money is due OJC for 30days after the first class. Student financial aid partial pay-outs start the 30th day of the semester and continueon a 30dayinterval. OJC intends for all academy students to have their pay-outs dividedinto equalallotments but it never hurts to remind financial aid that you wish to follow this option instead of getting one large payment on the last day of thesemester.

TUITIONANDFEESTuition and Fee costs for July 1, 2018 through June 30,2019

The in-state student tuition rate with the COF Stipend is $148.90 per semesterhour

and the OJC Law Academy contains 40 semester hours. ………….. 40 X $148.90= $5,956.00

  • Colorado resident total tuition cost is $233.90 for each semester hour and Colorado pays a $83 per hour Colorado opportunity Fund (COF) stipend to reduce that cost to $148.90 per semesterhour.
  • The Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) is limited to Colorado resident undergraduate instruction not to exceed 145 semester hours ORbaccalaureate degree holders who have been granted an addition 30 credit hours under C.R.S. 23-18-202 (5) (c)(I).
