Third Quarter Honors Anatomy Project Due ______
Turn in this sheet with your project!
Project Requirements:
· Conduct an interview with your family member, friend, or professional in the healthcare area you chose.
· Type and turn in at least 15 typed questions asked during the interview
· Type up a transcript of the interview to be turned in (Good idea to videotape or tape record interview if you can) Yes/No questions do not count in the 15.
· For your interviewee: You have 4 options, choose 1
Compile an annotated resources guide that has products, support groups, ideas, new research, community organizations providing support, etc… Detailed instructions on this will be available. Interviewee must use at least one resource on the guide and sign that they did.
Create an informational brochure about the disease. Detailed instructions will be available. Interviewee must sign that they read the brochure.
Invent some kind of device to help manage his/her disease better
(Must document the invention by bringing it to school OR photographing and writing a description of what you did and have it signed by recipient) The recipient MUST use your device.
Do a service project for someone who has the disease you are investigating (MUST document service project by photographing and writing a description of what you did and have it signed by recipient).
· For the professional in the healthcare area you chose: You have 3 options, choose 1
Compile a resources guide for patients that has products, groups, ideas, new research, etc…Professional must sign approval for the resource guide.
Shadow the professional for at least 4 hours (Must keep and turn in a detailed log/journal, and get the professional to sign that you completed those hours.
Do a service project for someone the professional works with (Must document service project by photographing and writing a description of what you did and have it signed by recipient or healthcare professional)
Checklist for Project:
1.) At least 15 questions typed out, interview completed
2.) Interview transcript typed out
3.) Option completed, documented and signed
Rubric for Third Semester Anatomy Honors Project
Student Name:
Disease/Condition chosen:
Professional Healthcare Area chosen:
Interview Questions 10 points ______out of 10
(At least 15 typed)
Interview Transcript 40 points ______out of 40
Choose 1 of 3 options 50 points
Resources Guide ______out of 50
(At least 10 annotated sources, used by recipient and signed)
(Brought to school or photograph/description-signed by recipient) ______out of 50
Service Project
(Brought to school or photograph/description-signed by recipient) ______out of 50
Shadow Professional
(Detailed log/journal of what you did, signed by professional) ______out of 50
Total Points:______out of 100
Guidelines for Annotated Resource Guide
· At least 10 entries
· Each must include contact information and description
· Should be easily available to your interviewee (NOT a helpful agency in NY when your interviewee lives in NC)
· Include a variety of types of resources: support groups, helpful devices, information sources, etc.
Annotated Resource Example:
North Carolina Assistive Technology Program
Silas Creek Center
3333 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem, NC 27103
336-718-1660 (Voice/TTY) 336-718-9752 (Fax)
AT Consultant Nicole Gallimore
· State program for people with disabilities
· Opportunity to learn about new assistive technologies that can make life more manageable
· Also can try out the assistive technology to make sure it is the right fit for you with the device loan program you can take it to your home or they will help you set it up to try in your home
· NO COST for services, demonstrations, appointments, or device loan
· Device reutilization program has used equipment for sale at low prices
Remember: Your interviewee MUST sign that you showed them your resource guide and they used it. This is worth 10 points on your grade.
Guidelines for Informational Brochure on a Disease:
· Similar to one you would find in a doctor’s office
· Interesting and visually appealing
· Must include some pictures
· Include information about the disorder, helpful resources, etc.
· Must be printed in brochure form, and all sides must be covered with information (no blank pages)
Remember: Your interviewee MUST sign that you showed them your brochure and they used it. This is worth 10 points on your grade.