Michael Alan Spencer
11900 Goya Drive, Potomac, MD 20854 • (301) 602-9654
Objective: To enrich a career developing and analyzing data, for rules compliance and creating solutions for better transportation practices.
Work Experience at US DOT via MacroSys, LLC
Contract support to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics Wash., DC Aug. 2009 to Present
Supported multiple programs within the US DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics, working in-team with other contractors and federal staff to perform data collection and analysis, as well as to produce work products in support of data delivery and program review.
BTS Office of Advanced Studies, Research Analyst Wash., DC Jan. 2011 to Present
Supported the Confidential Close Call Reporting System project, a project that focuses on ensuring safety of railroad systems by collecting confidential information on near misses and minor incidents.
· Within a secure data room, scribed confidential interviews into an MS Access database. In consultation with three rail industry experts and a human factors analyst, drafted technical reports describing the close call incidents for subsequent peer review with root cause analysis.
· Scheduled interviews and coordinated the prioritization of tasking within the team.
· Ensured data quality and made proposals to the team for system changes that resulted in overall improvement of data completeness and accuracy.
· Collected and reported project performance metrics to key DOT stakeholders at the FRA, and the Volpe Center as well as to individual rail carriers.
· Developed and analyzed rail incident data and created summary charts using Excel and SPSS for input into MS Word and PowerPoint. These products were inputs into the project’s annual review and rail presentations by governmental authorities.
BTS Office of Transportation Analysis, Data Analyst Wash., DC Feb. 2010 to Jan. 2011
Supported the analysis of data and preparation of statistical work products for all modes of transportation, including aviation, rail, waterborne, highway, and transit.
· Analyzed and developed statistical tables as inputs into delivery of DOT web presentations on www.bts.gov and print publications of National Transportation Statistics, Transportation Statistics Annual Report and the Pocket Guide to Transportation
· The data tables required: 1) retrieving data from published sources or contacts, 2) updating data & footnotes within Excel, 3) reviewing team members’ updated tables for publication accuracy, 4) occasional written analysis.
· Debated data sources and presentation for best data integrity and value for end users.
BTS Office of Airline Information, Data Analyst Wash., DC Aug. 2009 to Feb. 2010
Acted as the primary contact and data administrator for the quarterly 298C financial reports that are submitted by forty-three commuter and small certificate air carriers.
· Received, reviewed, compiled and disseminated the air carrier financial data, utilizing Toad-SQL to perform the necessary steps to ensure overall data integrity.
· Performed a data quality review of previously compiled data, to ensure that it met current data quality standards. Followed up on findings with air carriers who were asked to re-submit and internally ensure update to source code, in order to prevent the moving of such data forward.
· Developed and tracked performance metrics and summarized them in a PowerPoint presentation for use by the program director as part of a broader data quality effort.
· Performed a work process review in support of improved data quality. Coordinated recommended updates to the IT system’s validation checks and incorporated recommendations into the associated Standard Operating Procedures.
· Developed data flow diagrams, using Visio, for six separate data sets that the program collects, based on interviews with nine data administrators (clerks). The diagrams and accompanying documentation were used by IT to incorporate process automation.
BS in Finance, BS in Accounting R. H. Smith School of Business, UMD May 2009
Relevant Coursework: Gov. Accounting, Auditing, Adv. Financial Mgmt, Operations Research for Mgmt Decisions, Fraud Examination
Wikler Case Competition (Finance) UMD, College Park, MD Apr. 2008
· Competed in a competition for cash prize, preparing and presenting valuation and ratio analysis of USG (Harvard Online case) to a board of business leaders
Additional Experience
College Works Painting, Marketing and Sales Associate Potomac, MD Jan. 2006 to May 2006
· Booked $14,000 worth of summer paint jobs. To this end, utilized 4 peers for door-to-door marketing, averaging ~2 leads per person per hour, and set up estimates to 20% of leads (19% national average).
UMD English Office, Administrative Assistant UMD, College Park, MD Sep. 2005 to Apr. 2006
Legg Mason, Intern Bethesda, MD June 2003 to Aug. 2003
Computer Skills
· Excel (pivot tables, graphs), Access, Toad (SQL database software), PowerPoint, Visio, SPSS, initial SAS experience (GUI preferred), Data retrieval from governmental websites, Lexis-Nexis, WordPress