Kaity’s Way 2015 Annual Report
In 2015 we unveiled our new and improved website With the help of MYBIZNICHE.com we took everything we learned in the last seven years and made sure it was available to the public virtually. We expanded the website to include a page specifically for teens and a separate page for adults and parents. The website is very comprehensive and covers -most of what we teach during our presentations. It is a tool for educators to utilize for future teachable moments. It is available for those who have attended our presentations or workshops for future reference or to share with someone they may believe is in an abusive relationship. We actually had a couple of Girl Scouts tell us a story in which they were able to help one of their friends realize they were in an abusive relationship and understand the proper steps to take to end the relationship safely.
According to Google Analytics, the traffic to our website has risen considerably as people are seeing the value in the information we are providing.
2015 was unique in that we were called out to provide multiple presentations at schools more often than in past years. For instance, we worked with teachers to present during classes - including Health, Physical Education and Criminal Justice, to name a few. We presented 102 times and served more than 8100 students and adults across Arizona. We also set up 45 resource tables at community events to increase our reach and served 2078 people. We also provided workshops for the Arizona School Resource Officer Conference, Girls Thrive, Arizona Summit on Volunteerism and Engagement, as well as the NOVA Conference held in Dallas, Texas. Kaity’s Way was featured on the Vance Simms Radio show and Bobbi Sudberry was called to provide the Keynote address at Yuma's 6th Annual National Day of Remembrance of Homicide Victims.
The first complete year of our regularly scheduled Workshops was very successful given the feedback we have received from attendees and essays written about what was learned by the youth. Here are some comments from our post surveys given at the end of every workshop.
“Abusive relationships are more than physical. There are many ways to be abused, as well as many ways to stop/end the abuse safely.”
“I learned the main concepts I need to improve myself in order to maintain a healthy relationship with myself and others I love.”
“That I'm not alone anymore.”
“I learned about Kaity's law. I'm so happy my daughter got to experience this class. I believe it might open her eyes.”
“This workshop opened my eyes and understanding on abusive and healthy relationships even at my age or being married 36 years.”
There are many other comments that are similar in content. This illustrates the power of the messagewe share and shows it isbeing delivered and received. Of those 23 workshops we served 120 parents and teens in 2015.We are very thankful to LifeSkills High School and Stephanie Schumann, Phoenix Library Ocotillo Branch and Mary Mitchell, and Mesa Baptist Church and Carolyn and Andre’ Bunnitt for coordinating the use of these facilities to provide our workshops. Our workshops will continue until there is no need for them, which we hope one day becomes a reality.
Of the 181 events, 175 were provided throughout Arizona,in metropolitan areas such as Phoenix, Mesa, Chandler and Tucson. We also traveled to Yuma, Ajo, Douglas, Show Low, Kingman, Nogales, Coolidge, etc. for a total of 7,245 miles and nearly 200 hours driven throughout Arizona.
Since 2010 Kaity’s Way has been accepted by the NOVA Conference to provide workshops at its conferences that average approximately 800 attendees from all over the world. This gives the issue of teen dating violence the much needed exposure on a National/International platform. We usually fill most seats in the room andone year in particular was standing room only.
Another wonderful accomplishment in 2015 includes our organizationbeingcalled to Stettler, Alberta, Canada to provide five presentations and address more than 500 teens and community members. This was made possible from a grant requested and obtained by Heartland Victim Services after attending one of our workshops at the 2013 NOVA Conference. With this we have officially gone International.
Of those present at the events we participated in in 2015, the demographics gathered show we continue to reach a diverse population:
~23% Adults age 25+ ~43% Male
~ 6% age 19 - 24 ~57% Female
~71% age 12-18
~38% Caucasian ~44% Hispanic
~ 9% African American ~5% Native American
~ 3% Asian ~1% Other
We continue to partner with Arizona State University, University Service Learning and Criminal Justice Programs to bring in interns. We show them the inner workings of a very grassroots nonprofit and in turn we receive the help we need to continue to get the word out. We are very thankful for their help and dedication to our program.
We have had a couple of board member resignations, but overall continue to grow. We currently have 11 board members, with the addition of Chris Schueler, Jim Toy, Jean Georgianni and Nicole Bruno in 2015. You can read more about each of them on our website at
In 2015 we had several new volunteers join us. Many volunteers from the previous seasonsas well as board members alsoreturnedto help us raise funds through the Cardinals games. We rantwo concession stands which raised more than $5,000. Once again, one of the volunteers works with GoDaddy, who in turn for her volunteer hours, was able to secure a $1,000 grant for us. The employees from the Gap were able to do something similar. We continue to be on the list for the Arizona State Employee’s Charitable Contribution fund as well as other employers such as: APS, Salt River Corporation and American Express.
Two annual fundraisers that have evolved into significant community outreach events are the Spring and Fall Ajo Yard sales. These yard sales bring an average of $5,000 to Kaity’s Way and generally support our presentations provided in Pima County, specifically Ajo and Tucson. Susan Guinn Lahm, former board member and board president and Sharon Montijo, volunteer coordinator, have - organized these yard sales since 2010. Donations come from Ajo and Phoenix. People who come out to support Kaity’s Way come from Ajo, Phoenix and Mexico.
We have also automated several processes such as our volunteer application, posting event data, and logging volunteer hours. All of these forms can be found on the “In the Community” page of our website.
Our fiscal year runs from August 1st to July 31st. Given our passion to make a sincere impact with our program we feel we have no other choice than to put every dime we raise through donations, fundraisers or sponsorship right back into the programs. The salary paid is for doing presentations and outreach to the community through our resource tables.
2014-15 Actual Revenue & ExpensesComments
Revenue / Totals
Individuals / $18,132.87
Honorariums/Prgm Income / $6,069.51
Fundraisers, events, sales / $25,390.92
Foundation Grant / $1,500.00
Inkind Services, Goods, Etc / $7,648.38
Misc / $78.11
Total Revenue / $58,819.79
Staff salaries and wages / $25,000.00
Payroll taxes / $1,912.50
Program - Presentation/R.Tables
Supplies and materials / $3,009.46
Printing & Copying / $653.60
Telecommunications / $1,114.27
Travel and meetings / $5,879.54
Postage / $189.44
Inkind supplies for use / $300.00
Supplies / $483.39
Contracted Services / $6,010.00 / Venue, food, Technology
Marketing and advertising / $196.50
Credit Card processing fees / $41.29
Inkind Supplies, etc. / $6,433.24 / Venue, Raffle items
General Business
Contracted Services / $615.25 / Payroll processing fee
Inkind Contracted Services / $850.00 / Tax Prep
General operating (indirect) - 8% / $2,326.00 / insurance/Corp Comm fee
Total Expenses / $55,014.48
Listed below are our top donors for last fiscal year. Talking Stick Resort tops the list for the fourth year. We are very grateful for their continued support and the support of all of our donors.Anther multiyear donor is the Arrowhead Kiwanis Club Glendale/Peoria.
Donor / Aug '13 - Jul 14Talking Stick Resort / $20,000.00
Kiwanis Club / $3,000.00
Heartland Victim Services / $2,647.79
GoDaddy / $1,000.00
GAP / $600.00
Ajo Lodge 1576 BPOE / $400.00
Looking at the year ahead we are scheduled for several events within the first quarter of 2016 and believe we will participatein morethan 200 events. That being said we could use any and all help we can get from the community by way of donations andvolunteerism.
Donations can be made through our website or by mail to Kaity’s Way P.O. Box 83494, Phoenix Az 85071.
Other ways to support Kaity’s Way:
Kaity's Way supporters can enroll their Fry’s V.I.P. Cards online at their secure website Every September, another cycle of giving begins and everyone must re-enroll their cards.
Every time an enrolled participant shops at Fry’s using his or her registered Fry’s V.I.P. Card, Kaity's Way will earn funds. The card holders will still get their fuel points.
Amazongives customers the option to select a nonprofit to receive .5% of any purchase upon checkout. AtSmile.Amazon.comYou can select Kaity's Way and shop away.
Another way to support us and have loads of fun is to attend our Annual Signature event held every year at the end of July. Step Against Teen Dating Violence is our one night version of Dancing with Stars, and everyone as a Star!
Our 2015 Step Against Teen Dating Violence event was a wonderful success, thanks to all the hard work from several dedicated volunteers and board members. In addition, we could not have done it without sponsorship provided by: Talking Stick Resort $5,000, Arrowhead Kiwanis Club $1,000, Mary Sayadan $500, Schueler Family $500, Sudberry Family $500, and the Booth Family $500.
We also accept in kind donations. . Some of the items are used for office supplies, some are sold at our annual Spring or Fall Ajoyardsales. Other items are used in baskets to raise additional funds at our Signature event. If someone wants to donate, chances are we will take it.
We are always looking for dedicated volunteers to help with events and to fundraise. In addition to our signature event, we work with Rojo Hospitality to staff two portable concession stands at the Arizona Cardinals games. The more people we have on our roster, the easier it is to staff both portables for all the games. Our volunteers also help with data entry and coordination of volunteers for upcoming events. To complete an application click on the picture to the left or the word volunteer or follow this link
For any questions about this report or Kaity’s Way please visit our website or feel free to contact Bobbi Sudberry, Executive Director directly via email or by phone (602) 740-2734.