Brief Conference Report
Mirmanto 0908769
1. Background.
As stated by my supervisor that the PhD student under his supervision should follow at least two international conferences and should write two journal papers. Therefore, attending the conference which was held Eurotherm in September 2012 in France is to fulfil the one of those requirements.
Also, the conference was suitable with a part of my studies. The conference title was “6th European Thermal Science Conference” and the conference accepted all papers which were related to heat transfer whether experimental paper or computational/modelling paper. In this case, my paper was an experimental paper of flow and heat transfer in microchannels. Thus the conference and my paper were suitable.
2. The conference
The conference, EUROTHERM 2012, was held in Futurescope, Poitires, France from 04 – 07 September 2012. In the conference, every author who presented his/her paper was given time of about 14 minutes for doing oral presentation and 5 minutes for audience questions. All participants were also taken to the ENSMA Lab which was nice and modern laboratory. The Futurescope was one place which was provided by the conference committee to the participants to have some relaxing times. From the conference, participants were given proceeding (hard copy and electronic copy). One of my proceeding (electronic one) and several photos and videos had been sent to Brunel Research office several weeks ago as the evidence of attending the conference. Basically, the conferment was great and I could enjoy the conference very well. The committee organized everything inside the conference excellently, so that the conference run very well as expected. Additionally, the participants also could have attended the class where the participants gave the oral presentation, so this could transfer knowledge from researchers from entire the world to the participants. So by attending the conference or presenting a paper in the conference, all participants could get a new science/knowledge which might be very useful for nowadays and later. However, one thing that made me be in difficulty was, very seldom people who live around the conference town could speak English, so when I needed information, no one could be asked.
3. Expenses
The expenses consisted of conference registration, transportation and accommodation; the detail of expenses was sent to Research Office several weeks ago with the document obtained from the conference, however, roughly all expenses were about £714.