The AssamValleySchool
Please complete the form and return so as to reach the Manager Administration by 01 JUNE 2011.Name Roll No.
House ClassMeal (Please tick “√”) Veg Non Veg
Parent’s Mobile No:______email ID ______
Kindly indicate your choice by ticking (√) inthe relevant box.
Own Arrangement: (Parents can collect their wards on 26July2011at 02:30 PM after PTM)
I shall make my own arrangement for my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s travel and collect him/her from the School.
Road Travel -School Escorted Party (applicable for the following routes only).
Route 1. AVSGuwahatiAirport (Pl furnish details below)(Dep As Per Flight timings)
Route 2. AVS Tezpur Airport(Optional for Silchar & Kolkata)(Dep AVS 0600 h)
Route 3. AVS Shillong(Dep AVS 0600 h)
Route 4. AVS Guwahati(Dep AVS 0600 h)
Route 5. AVS Kharupetia Mangaldoi Rangia Nalbari (Dep AVS 0600 h)
Route 6. AVS Jorhat Sibsagar Moran Dibrugarh Tinsukia (Dep AVS 0600 h)
Route 7. AVS CCI Bokajan Dimapur(Dep AVS 0600 h)
Please make arrangements for my son / daughter/ ward to travel with the School escorted party on Route 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 from AVS to ______. At the drop off point I will receive him/her from the teacher in-charge. I confirm I will bear the charges as applicable for the journey.
Air Travel for Homeward journey:Please make arrangements for my son/daughter/ward to travel from School to Guwahati/Tezpur Airport to take the flight No.______at (time)______hfor(destination airport) ______,where I will receive him / her.
Please tick (√) one of the following regarding air ticket:
I am sending herewith the air ticket and the details of the flight.
I will be sending the ticket and flight details so as to reach AVS by 06JULY2011positively.
Date:______Signature of the Parents/Guardians
The Assam Valley School
Please complete the form and return so as to reach the Manager Administration by 01 JUNE 2011.Name Roll No.
House Class Meal (Please tick “√”) Veg Non Veg
Kindly indicate your choice by ticking (√) inthe relevant box.
Own Arrangement:I shall make my own arrangement for my son’s/daughter’s/ward’s travel and drop him/her at the School.
Road Travel - School Escorted Party (applicable for the following routes only).
Route 1. GuwahatiAirport AVS(DepAirport: 1st Gp 1230 h, 2nd Gp 1530 h)
Route 2. AVS Tezpur Airport(Optional for Silchar & Kolkata)(DepTez AP0830 h)
Route 3. Shillong AVS(Dep Shillong0900 h)
Route 4. Guwahati AVS(Dep Guwahati 1200 h)
Route 5. Nalbari Rangia Mangaldoi Kharupetia AVS(Dep Nalbari 1130 h)
Route 6. Tinsukia Dibrugarh MoranSibsagar JorhatAVS(Dep Tinsukia 0700 h)
Route 7. Dimapur CCI Bokajan AVS(Dep Dimapur 1200 h)
Please make arrangements for my son / daughter to travel with the School escorted party on Route 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 from to AVS. At the pick up point I will hand him / her over to the teacher in-charge. I confirm I will bear the charges as applicable for the journey.
Air Travel for School-ward journey:Please make arrangements to receive my son/daughter/ward at the Guwahati / Tezpur Airport, who is reaching airport at (time) by flight No. ______and for onward conveyance to the School.
I shall be sending the flight details so as to reach AVS by 13August2011positively.
Date: ______Signature of the Parents/Guardians
ATTENTION PARENTS/GUARDIANS(1) Students will not be allowed to decide their own travel plans. It is, therefore, IMPERATIVEthat this form is completed and returned to the MANAGER ADMINISTRATIONimmediately, irrespective of OWN or SCHOOL ARRANGEMENTS.
(2) Change of option (applicable only for those who have submitted their option), if any, to be communicated in writing (including e-mail) so as to reach AVS by:
06July2011:for Homeward Journey
13August2011:for School-ward Journey
Parents will be billed for withdrawal of name from the bus list after the above mentioned dates.