MPPR in Action
Aligning the Domains withPractice and Progress
Domain 1: Shared Vision
Is there a clearly articulated vision for your building?
- Who was involved in developing and communicating that vision? What constituencies do they represent?
- To what extent do personnel in your building understand and share that vision? How do you know?
- To what extent have teachers collaborated in reflecting on practice, goal setting and decision making, based on that vision? How do you assess the extent to which this has occurred?
What processes and/or practices illustrate your role in creating and sharing a vision with all stakeholders? / What can you do to ensure that all stakeholders understand and share the school’s vision?
What processes and/or practices show that you involved many stakeholders with a variety of perspectives in creating and communicating that vision? / If there is not clearly articulated vision, what steps can be taken to create and share a school vision? How might you involve various stakeholders in order to ensure inclusion of diverse perspectives?
What processes and/or practices provide examples of the opportunities that you have provided for teachers to reflect, set goals and make instructional decisions with the school’s vision in mind? / What can be done to encourage further reflection, goal setting and decision-making, based on the school’s vision?
Domain 2: School Culture and Instructional Program
Have teachers used data from state assessments to improve instruction?
- Do teachers understand what types of questions, content, vocabulary they handled successfully? How do you know they understand?
- Do they recognize the types of questions, content, vocabulary that caused problems? How were these identified?
- Do they understand how their instructional methods affect student performance? How do you know they understand?
- Have teachers had opportunities to discuss ways to improve instruction based on this data?
- Have they created a plan?
What processes and/or practices show the role you played in helping teachers to analyze data and to plan accordingly? What artifacts anchor these processes and/or practices? / What might you do to further help teachers to use assessments to improve instruction?
What processes and/or practices most clearly provide evidence the quality of your evaluation of teacher practice? / What might be necessary to ensure that teacher evaluation leads to improved teacher practice? How will you know if your evaluations are also supporting improved student learning?
What processes/practices indicate the degree to which you support teachers’ professional growth? / How might you ensure that teachers are continuing to develop as professionals?
What processes/practices provide explicit illustrations of the degree to which you lead the implementation of rigorous curriculum and assessment? / What might you do to further ensure that curriculum and assessment are rigorous?
What processes/practices evidence your support for quality instruction? / What questions are focusing your attention on instruction? Whose perspective(s) might enable you to address these questions more completely? How could you engage them in this work?
Domain 3: Safe, Efficient, Effective Learning Environment
Are time, money and personnel allocated in ways that optimize instructional practice and student learning?
- Are all interested/qualified personnel given opportunities to share expertise and to take on leadership roles as needed?
- Is there a management plan in place?
- Are stakeholders with a variety of perspectives involved in monitoring, reviewing and revising the plan to ensure that continuous and sustainable improvement?
What processes and/or practicesprovide examples ofthe ways in which you have nurtured personnel and encouraged interested/qualified persons to take on leadership roles? / What leadership roles might interested and qualified personnel assume? Who might be encouraged to share expertise or to take on additional responsibilities?
What processes/practices provide clear insight into the degree to which you have articulated and shared your management plan so that it can be monitored, reviewed and revised with the help of a variety of stakeholder perspectives? / Whose perspectives have you not yet tapped that might be useful in helping you to monitor, review and revise your management plan?
Domain 4: Community
Is there an effective partnership between the school and its community?
- Do school personnel communicate effectively with parents and caregivers? How do you know?
- Do community partners contribute expertise and resources to sustain and improve education? In what ways?
- Have families, caregivers and community partners been invited to take on significant roles in improving the school? What form(s) does that take in your school?
- Has technology been used to connect the school with the community in order to promote understanding and appreciation? In what ways?
What have you done to promote a positive relationship with parents and caregivers? What processes/practices show this? / What can be done to enhance the relationship between the school and parents/caregivers?
What processes and/or practices most clearly provide examples of the ways in which you haveengaged, or enabled the engagement of, community partners in contributingtheir expertise and/or resources to the school? / What existing community resources might be tapped, and how?
What have you done to maximize the community’s appreciation of its school? Where would we see this most clearly? / What more can be done to maximize the community’s appreciation? Who might help you ascertain this?
Domain 5: Integrity, Fairness, Ethics
Is there fairness and consistency in decision-making?
- Do teachers, staff members, parents and students understand the basis for decision-making? How do you know they understand?
- To what extent are stakeholders involved in making decisions that affect them?
- To the extent possible, are the reasons for decisions shared with stakeholders affected by the decisions?
- Do all stakeholders feel they are welcome to ask questions and to receive reasonable answers? How do you know?
What processes and or practices best show how you have helped stakeholders to understand decisions? / How could you be more transparent and/or communicate more effectively so that stakeholders understand the basis of your decisions?
What processes and/or practices most clearly indicatethat you have involved a variety of stakeholders in making decisions? / What stakeholders could providea diversity of perspectives that might better inform decision-making? How could you involve these stakeholders?
Domain 6: Political, Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Context
Do you have an effective working relationship with leaders in your district, community and state?
- To what extent have you advocated for all students and their families in forums where decisions are made or where implementation strategies are determined? What has that looked like?
- To what extent have you analyzed new initiatives and trends to determine which parts are non-negotiable and which can be modified to fit local situations? How was the analysis accomplished? How effectively did it help you determine negotiable vs non-negotiable?
- How have you helped stakeholders in your school to understand new initiatives and trends so that they can accept what is non-negotiable and give input where modifications might be possible?
- How have the needs of students and their families affected the way in which you have handled new trends and initiatives?
What processes and/or practicesbest illustrate your involvement in district, community and state agencies? / What opportunities do you have to become more involved with district, community and state agencies whose policies affect your students and their families?
What processes or practices most clearly show that you have anticipated new trends and managed new initiatives so that they have a positive effect on your students and their families? / What might you do to ensure that new initiatives and trends have a positive effect on your students and their families?
© 2013 Communities for Learning: Leading lasting change® and Learner-Centered Initiatives, Ltd.
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