February 21, 2002
7:30 P.M.
Stewartsville, NJ
The Township Committee of the Township of Greenwich held a regular meeting on the above date, with the following members present: Mayor Deborah Pasquarelli, Deputy Mayor Dominick Esposito, Committeeman Greg Blaszka, Committeeman Guy Fleming, Township Attorney Peter Jost, Township Engineer Michael Finelli and Township Clerk Kimberly Viscomi. Absent from the meeting: Committeeman Gurneak
The Flag Salute was repeated.
The SUNSHINE LAW was read as follows: “Adequate notice of this meeting was given in accordance to the Open Public Meetings Act by: 1. Mailing a schedule of this meeting of the Township Committee to the Phillipsburg Free Press, Express-Times and Newark Star Ledger newspapers, 2. Posting a copy thereof on the Township bulletin board, and 3. Filing a copy thereof with the Township Clerk.”
All matters listed below under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Township Committee and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will not be discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
1. Approval of Minutes of: December 28, 2001, January 01, 2002 Minutes
Committeeman Fleming made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Committeeman Esposito.
Voting in favor:Fleming, Esposito, Pasquarelli
2.Receive, and File Monthly Reports
Tax Collector
Planning BoardMunicipal Court
Police ReportBuilding Department Report
3.Receive, Charge to Various Accounts, and Pay Monthly Bills
Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to approve the above listed Consent Agenda.
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Fire Chief Joseph Mecsey discussed with the Committee a tuition project for volunteers. He informed that approval is needed from the Committee, however it would not cost the Township any money. The State has approved this program for volunteers. Mayor Pasquarelli requested that the Committee review the information and place on the March agenda for approval. Also, Chief Mecsey informed that the Fire Company started a Cadet Program. He stated that presently he has two applicants for Committee approval. The Committee requested time to review the applications. They will review the applications later in the meeting and take action.
First Reading
Ordinance 2002-03
Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Second Reading / Public Hearing
Committeeman Esposito made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to open the meeting to the public regarding Ordinance 2002-02
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
As there was no comment regarding Ordinance 2002-02, Committeeman Esposito made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to close the public hearing regarding Ordinance 2002-02
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Committeeman Esposito made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to adopt Ordinance 2002-02
Voting in favor:Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Stryker’s Road Update
Engineer Finelli informed the Committee that he met with the Township Attorney and Mayor and discussed some of the issues related to this project. At this time, nothing has changed regarding the status.
Future Dedications
Greenwich Chase, Phase 9
Greenwich Hills, Phases II & III
Greenfields @ Greenwich, Section III
Wyndham Farm
North Side (Sections 2B, 4 & 5)
South Side (Sections, 1,2A & 3)
Engineer Finelli informed the Committee that the above listed are close to the point of dedication.
Greenwich Center Update
Engineer Finelli informed that Target store is under construction, the project is ahead o schedule for the most part. He also informed that the work on Route 22 will begin in the near future.
Wyndham Farms / Installation of Street Trees
Engineer Finelli informed that if there are dead trees or missing trees, they will be replaced by the developer. He stated a policy needs to be in place as to the responsibility of the developer and also of the homeowner. Committeeman Esposito stated that in the future this issue should be stated in the actual contract. Attorney Jost recommended that if the homeowner doesn’t want the tree in their yard, they should have to sign a waiver. Engineer Finelli discussed the option if the homeowner does not want the designated street tree of having the developer donate the tree to the Township.
Committeeman Esposito made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka that a waiver must be signed by the homeowner who does not want to have trees planted in their yard.
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Boy Scout Troop 63 Conservation Project for Beatty’s Road
Engineer Finelli informed that he received documents guidelines. He recommended that the Committee decide if they want to move forward with this project. He also informed that there would be annual costs associated with this project. The Clean Communities grant currently is $605. There was discussion regarding liability of the Township. Attorney Jost informed that the Boy Scouts carry their own policy which would cover this project. Committeeman Blaszka questioned if this was a fund raiser or project for their troop. Committeeman Blaszka stated that this should be an Environmental Commission project for them to review.
Washington Street Speed Limit Reduction
Washington street speed limit reduction - 25 mph all the way up to Willow Grove road.
Greenwich Street / Wyndham Farm Boulevard Pedestrian Crossing
Engineer Finelli discussed with the Committee the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Greenwich Street and Wyndham Farm Blvd. He stated that there are two options for the Committee to consider. The first is a full blown traffic signal, with an estimated cost of $130,000-$150,000. It would take approximately 9 months for the entire process. The County would have to petition the State and they would have to prioritize the signal to the State. The signal would be a full signal, a button to cross, all the electronics at a cost of approximately $120,000 with additional fees for engineering, etc. The second option is a warning beacon, which would be manually activated, a crossing guard would have to man this signal. This is a much quicker, simpler, cheaper approach the cost would be $30,000 and that is the complete cost (solar powered). The time frame to have this done is 3-4 months.
Route 173 Weight Limit Restriction
Engineer Finelli informed that the Mayor and Committeeman Gurneak brought this to his attention. He stated that on 78 East going toward Rt. 173 there is no sign indicating of the weight restriction. He stated that he would write a letter to the State DOT requesting to have the sign installed.
Rinehart Property
Engineer Finelli discussed with the Committee regarding the availability of 50,000 cubic yards of fill material. He suggested that the Committee consider bringing some of this material to this site. He stated that a tracking pad would be needed. Soil Conservation would have to grant approval. He will talk with the Contractor regarding the costs associated with receiving the material.
Fulmer Street Vacation (Kevin Treich Subdivision)
Engineer Finelli suggested to the Committee that they consider introducing an Ordinance vacating Fulmer Street. He confirmed that it was never formally vacated. He stated that the road did exist. Attorney Jost stated that this was known as a paper street. He stated that the Committee needs to confirm before we vacate any road that the Township will never have any potential need in the future. Once a road has been dedicated, you can not take it back. Engineer Finelli stated that he didn’t think it was ever used as a municipal roadway. Engineer Finelli stated that there is no reason why we shouldn’t move forward to grant this request. Attorney Jost stated that it is a simple request to prepare an Ordinance to vacate. Engineer Finelli stated that the Planning Board is having a circulation special meeting if they don’t have a problem with this we can have Attorney Jost prepare an Ordinance for first reading for March meeting.
Mayor Pasquarelli
- Weigh Station
Mayor Pasquarelli informed that since the February meeting there was a meeting held with representatives from the DOT to review some design aspects of the plan. We took the position in that meeting that we are looking to acquire as much information as possible and also to renew our protestations regarding the siting of this in the Township. Further investigation in this matter have revealed something very interesting. As much as the DOT has attempted to proclaim this a done deal, in fact the only aspect of this project that is a done deal is the fact that they have managed to secure an agreement with the utility company to relocate a pole. We are continuing to do investigation on this. Actions taken in the last month during special meetings as a result of the fact that DOT seems to be moving forward on this and we have to act as quickly as possible. We have hired Special Counsel to advise the Township on this matter. We have also appointed a Weigh Station Steering Committee, purpose of which is to advise the Township Committee and take action as necessary, to urge the DOT to reconsider it’s location of this in the Township.
- Smart Grant
Mayor Pasquarelli informed that this started in 1999. The County was putting together a grant proposal which was eventually was granted by the State, to develop a County wide Strategic Growth and Transporation Plan. The grant was awarded to the County, the County is moving forward in developing such a plan, we received a notice and myself and Committeeman Blaszka attended a meeting with other municipalities and County officials to begin the process for attempting to develop a County wide plan to provide some direction for growth in this area.
Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to approve Resolution 2002-24
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
- Budget Update
Mayor Pasqurelli stated that the Committee has conducted four budget meetings in the last month. We are moving forward and are getting closer to putting the final touches on the proposed municipal budget. Our plan is to introduce the budget at the March meeting. We have not received as of this date how much money we will be receiving in State Aid. Committeeman Blaszka commented to the residents to attend this meeting. The next budget meeting is scheduled for 2/28/02.
- Larken Proposal
Committeeman Esposito excused himself from the meeting regarding any discussion regarding this topic because his property is within 200 feet of the proposed development. Mayor Pasqurelli informed the Committee that they have received correspondence from Larken to review. The letter is a request from the developer to amend the WWMP to extend the sewer service area to permit building of homes to be provided by public sewer. They presently have an application for approval of this subdivision before the Planning Board, their application was deemed incomplete. The Committee received correspondence from our Special Sewer Counsel indicating difference options that the Committee can take with regard to this. She stated in a future meeting the developer has requested an opportunity to come in and present there request formally.
- Playground Safety Grant Award
Mayor Pasquarelli informed that in the fall of last year the State announced a new program called the Safe Kids Playground. She stated that we had conducted a survey of the park equipment this fall and had received a report indicating areas were we should make some changes due to safety. We prepared an application in September of 2001, with the help of resident Lisa Brady. The Township recently was notified that our application was accepted and will be receiving a $10,000 grant from the State. This grant will have to be matched with our own funds, which actually will be matched $12,000 combination of out of pocket costs. We will be putting in a new slide, surfacing material, merry-go-round, etc. The Committee needs to approve Resolution 2002-26 which authorizes participation with this Safety grant .
Committeeman Esposito made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to approve Resolution 2002-26
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Resolution 2002-25 Tax Lien Redemption
Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Esposito to approve Resolution 2002-25
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Fire Company Cadets
Committeeman Fleming made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pasquarelli to approve the applications of Joseph Mecsey and Jeffrey Stone for Fire Company Cadets
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
- New Athletic Fields
Mayor Pasqurelli informed that plans are moving forward in acquiring new fields. The Recreation Commission has reviewed all their needs, Committeeman Blaszka is working with the Open Space Committee reviewing options. Mayor Pasqurelli also informed that she has initiated letters to landowners about acquiring land.
Deputy Mayor Esposito
- Old School Committee
Committeeman Esposito informed that Dawn Marie Kondas has been working on an application to the State for funding through the Historic Preservation. The Committee is researching different funding sources.
- Website
Committeeman Esposito informed that presently work is being conducted on a link to the Recreation page. He informed that Cheerleading registration is this Saturday, and also Softball registration is currently underway. The Recreation Commission had a special meeting this past Monday to review a five year projection regarding facilities and fields.
- Sewer Subcommittee Meeting
Committeeman Esposito informed that one of the topics of discussion at the meeting was regarding the sewer interest. He informed that some residents were never charged since moving into their homes. He recommended to the Committee that the interest should be waived. He informed that a resolution will be prepared indicating that the interest should be waived to the residents effected because of the Township’s error.
First Reading
Mayor Pasquarelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka to approve for first reading Ordinance 2002-04
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
- Planning Board
- Committeeman Esposito informed that the Planning Board will be conducting special meeting to review the Circulation Plan for the Township. The current plan is dated 1990. The meeting will be held on 2/26, 3/26, and 4/3 at 7:30 P.M.
- Professional Contracts
Committeeman Esposito informed that he received contracts for special sewer counsel and special sewer engineer. He has reviewed the contracts and recommends that the Committee authorize the Mayor to sign them.
Mayor Pasqurelli made a motion, seconded by Committeeman Blaszka authorizing the Mayor to sign contract with Maraziti Falcon & Healey, Special Sewer Counsel and Kupper Associates, Special Sewer Engineer.
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
Committeeman Blaszka
- Board of Education
Resolution 2002-22 – Recognition of School Board
Committeeman Esposito made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pasquarelli to approve Resolution 2002-22
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
- Environmental Commission
Committeeman Blaszka informed that the Commission is moving along, they are starting on some projects. He stated that they are working with the Boy Scouts regarding the adopt a highway program, and they are also working with different kids groups on different projects.
- Green Acres Grant / Enabling Resolution 2002-21
Committeeman Blaszka informed the Committee that the Township submitted a Green Acres Grant application. He thanked Dawn Marie Kondas, Bill Mcarthey, and Hunterdon County Freeholder Marsh Carro for all their help in this project.
Committeeman Blaszka made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pasquarelli to approve Resolution 2002-21
Voting in favor:Fleming, Blaszka, Esposito, Pasquarelli
- Merrill Creek Sirens
Mayor Pasquarelli informed that in the late 1980’s a consortium of power companies built a reservoir in Harmony Township to pump water into the Delaware River if necessary to maintain the water level relative to the operation of a power plants downstream in Philadelphia. The Township has been told that there is no State law that requires any kind of warning system to residents in the event of a dam breach. Seven municipalities are effected by this reservoir. Merrill Creek has made a decision to abandon the siren system and replace it with the CAN System. The CAN System notifies residents via the telephone of any emergency relative to flooding. Six of the municipalities including Greenwich have taken the position that we find this unacceptable. They have a moral obligation to provide both systems. She stated that she will be working with the other municipalities in fighting the removal of the sirens.
- Safe & Secure Grant Resolution 2002-23
Mayor Pasquarelli informed that this resolution is for the grant application to be submitted to the State. This grant has been awarded annually for $30,000, which is used to offset a police officers salary.