CADI Community Linkages Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 15, 2013

2-4 pm

Attendance by phone: Donna Vandergraff, Bethany Daugherty, and Rose Flinchum

Attendance in person: Michelle Shippy, Mike Gravett, and JoBeth McCarty-Jean

Staff: Temi Ekiran

1.  Introductions

a.  Members in the room introduced themselves and Temi took phone attendance.

2.  Approval of last meeting’s minutes

a.  Mike mentioned to approve and Michelle seconded.

3.  Community resources and information catalog

a.  Mike shared the programs at IU health on diabetes and cardiovascular health screening. He will send more information to Temi to include in the catalog.

b.  Michelle shared with the group the cardiovascular screening & education program (Heart Alive) at the Marion County Public Health Department. Heart Alive is a free program that is open to people with cardiovascular disease and individuals at risk.

i.  JoBeth asked if goal setting is included in the program, NO but attendance is used for evaluation.

ii. Michelle will send Temi more information on Heart Alive to include in the catalog.

c.  JoBeth shared her work with community health worker and suggested CADI partner with the community health worker coalition.

d.  Bethany talked about one of Purdue extensions programs. This program incorporates heart health activities such as nutrition education, physical activity, smoking cessation, health literacy, stress management, deep breathing, identifying a support system, and setting smart goals. This program is currently in 3 counties, but will extend to other counties across the state. The program is targeted towards people with cardiovascular disease but is also opened to people with family history or other risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

i.  JoBeth asked if there will be any connection between the electronic medically records or any connection with providers? NO, JoBeth suggested getting the office of community health and primary care involved.

ii. This program will be implemented in June/ July

iii.  Bethany will send Temi more information about this program to include in the catalog.

e.  Bethany-Dinning with diabetes another program by Purdue Extension. It focuses on people with diabetes, what is diabetes, risk factors, physical activity, nutrition , and evaluation sections. These classes are done in a couple of counties around the state.

i.  Donna added that dinning with diabetes is trying to partner with dietician, and nurses.

ii. Michelle asked if the program is open to individuals at risk for diabetes since is focus more on disease management? YES.

f.  Rose shared IU Health LaPorte’s diabetes education program, community outreach programs, out patient education programs. Rose will send more information about these programs to Temi.

4.  How to implement the information

a.  Add it to the Indiana indicator resource

b.  State fairs/ Health Fairs

c.  Website- social media

d.  Newsletter

e.  Tabling/ Booths

f.  Health expo- at the end of the month

g.  Through community health worker’s events.

5.  Workgroup goals and objectives

a.  The group decided to wait till after the quarterly coalition meeting (strategic planning session) on 6/26 before creating goals and objective for the workgroup.

6.  Immediate focus

a.  Michelle suggested we continue to work on the catalog information

b.  JoBeth suggested we shouldn’t meet in May and wait till after the quarterly meeting in June, Bethany seconded this.

c.  The group decided to cancel the May and June meeting, the group will met back in July.

7.  Individual interest in this workgroup

a.  Michelle- prevention

b.  Mike – disparities between health education and resources, and lack of communication.

c.  JoBeth- it’s seem very unfair to put all the responsibility on the providers , we need to provide community linkages

d.  Donna- the extension of being in the community and partnering with others, providing educations.

e.  Bethany- partnering with other organization

f.  Michelle- will like to know more about other programs.

8.  Community linkages priorities for the strategic planning session

a.  Health disparities across the state

b.  How do we measure our impact- Evaluation

c.  What is our target population

d.  How do we share information

e.  Making sure the education information is consistent all around the state.

9.  Leadership

a.  The group decided to have a couple more meeting before electing workgroup officers.

10.  Meeting was adjourned at 3:54pm

a.  Next meeting will be Monday, July 15, 2013.