Annual Report for the Committee on Committees
Faculty Senate Standing Committee
Emily Batinski, Foreign Languages/Arts & Sciences
Paul Bell, Agronomy/Agriculture
Quang Cao, Renewable Natural Resources/Agriculture
Robert Downer, Experimental Statistics/Agriculture
Caye Drapcho, Biological Engineering/Engineering
Denise Egea-Kuehne, Curriculum & Instruction/Education
Alan Fletcher, Mass Communication
Stacie Haynie, Political Sciences/Arts & Sciences
Ray Isaacs, Landscape Architecture/Art & Design
Gerry Knapp, Industrial Manufacturing-Engineering/Engineering
Faik Koray, Economics/Business Administration
Kelly Blessinger, LSU Libraries
- To nominate persons to the Executive Committee for appointment to the Faculty Senate committees, ensuring appropriate adherence to committee makeup restrictions mandated by the Bylaws, and representation across colleges, as well as among sexes, races, and creeds, when not explicitly mandated;
- To recommend replacements when vacancies occur, using similar constraints.
In Fall 2002, new committee members were contacted via e-mail regarding their appointments to the Faculty Senate Standing Committees. The designated chairs of the committees were also contacted in regard to the new committee members. Committees without chairs were encouraged to meet to designate a chair for the academic year.
The Committee on Committees worked to fill vacancies that occurred during the academic year. A list of volunteers that wished to be on committees was kept in case these openings occurred.
Spring 2003-
In March a memo was drafted and sent to all faculty regarding openings to committee appointments available in Fall 2003. All members whose terms were expiring were notified, and encouraged to nominate colleagues for committees or to volunteer for other university committees. Chairs of each of the committees were contacted as well, to let them know how many outgoing members they should expect.
A letter was sent to the members of the Faculty Senate requesting that members solicit names of volunteers or nominate faculty from their departments, and an announcement was made at the Faculty Senate meeting. Members of the Committee on Committees were requested to obtain names of volunteers and to nominate candidates from within their departments. The committee needed to recommend 44 new members to three-year terms. The 48 members broke down as follows:
Specific Requirements- 8
2 Engineering
1 Education
2 Basic Sciences
1 Library and Information Science OR Mass Communication OR Music and Dramatic Arts OR Social Work
1 Agriculture
1 Mass Communication
The Committee on Committees met on Friday, April 26, 2002 to discuss the nominees and volunteers and to suggest members for positions that remained open. After confirmation was received by all of the faculty members that were nominated during the meeting, the list was finalized and sent to the Executive Committee. After final approval from the Executive Committee, the new members and chairs of each committee will be contacted regarding their committee membership.