C. Spyrakos Curriculum Vitae
Professor & Director of Laboratory for Earthquake Engineering at NTUA (
- Civil Engineering Diploma, NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens, 1978.
- M.S.C.E., Civil Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, USA, 1980
- Ph. D.,Civil Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, USA, 1984.
- Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, W. Virginia University, USA, 1983-1987.
- Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, W. Virginia University, USA, 1987-1993.
- Professor, Civil Engineering Department, West Virginia University, USA, 1993-1995.
- Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens (NTUA), 1995-2002.
- Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens (NTUA), 2002-2007.
- Professor, School of Civil Engineering, NationalTechnicalUniversity of Athens (NTUA), 2007-
- Professor, GraduateSchoolAcademy for Engineering, Military Officers, Athens, 2005-
- Director of Laboratory for Earthquake Engineering at NTUA, 2007-
- C. Spyrakos, Finite Element Modeling in Engineering Practice, Algor Publishing Division, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1995 (Also translated in Arabic).
- C.Spyrakos and J.Raftoyiannis, Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element
Analysis in Engineering Practice,Algor Publishing Division, Pittsburgh, PA,
USA, 1997.
- C. Spyrakos: StructuralStrengtheningandRehabilitationforSeismicLoads, Greek Champer of Civil Engineers, Athens, 2004. (In greeek, currently translated in English).
- Design for Seismic Loads
- Dynamic Analysis of Structures
- Reinforced Concrete Design
- Advanced Analysis and Design of Structures for Seismic Loads.
- Dynamic Soil-Structure interaction
- Finite Element Analysis of Structures
- Seismic Strengthening and Retrofit of Structures
1."Soil – Structure – Fluid Interaction by Hybrid FEM-BEM"
XuChaojin, Ph.D., (WVU,USA).
2."Study of Jointless Bridge Behavior".
Konstantinos Siros, Ph.D., (WVU, USA).
- "Non-Linearities Due to Soil-Foundation Separation in Dynamic Soil – Structure Interaction"
Patel Pratic, Ph.D., (WVU, USA).
4. “Seismic Behaviour of Structures to Near-Source Seismic Motions”
Ch. Maniatakis, NTUA, Greece.
Supervised over 100 MSCE and Diploma Thesis in USA and Greece.
5.1Distinctions- Awards
- Organizing and Scientific Committee Member for 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods (COMPDYN,) Phodes, 2009.
- Scientific Committee Memberfor National Conference of Steel Structures, Ioannina, 2008.
- National Advisory BoardMemberof the “Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering”, (COMPDYN), Rethymnon, Greece, 2007.
- International Scientific Advisory Committee Member for the 6th International
Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (ERES 2007), Bologna, Italy, 2007
- Invited Speaker of J. Paul Getty Museum to Specialty conference on the “Seismic Protection of Museum Artifacts”USA, (2006), Turkey (2007), Greece (2008), Japan (2009).
- Co-Chairman of the Conference on “Seismic Protection of Monuments and Historic Structures, Athens, 2006.
- Earthquake Engineering Editorial Board Member of Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT) Press, 2005 –
- InternationalConference co-Chairman of 5th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (ERES 2005), Skiathos, 2005.
- International Scientific Advisory Committee Member for the 4th International
Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (ERES 2003), Ancona, Italy, 2003.
- Invited speaker of the Workshop on: “European Experience with Seismic Disaster: Resilient Design, Assessment Technology and Historical Building Rehabilitation Workshop” Taiwan, 2000.
- International Editorial BoardMemberof the Scientific Journal “Engineering Structures Journal (The Journal of Earthquake, Wind and Ocean Engineering), Elsevier , Editor in-Chief: P.L. Gould, 1995 – 2000.
- International Scientific Advisory Committee Member , 6th International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact, Cambridge University, UK, 2000
- International Scientific Advisory Committee Member , 2nd International Symposium
on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, (ERES 99), Catania, Italy, 1999.
- International Scientific Advisory Committee Member, for the 5th International Conference on Structures Under Shock and Impact (SUSI 98), University of Thessaloniki, 1998
- International Scientific Advisory Committee Member, Earthquake Resistant
Engineering Structures Conference, University of Thessaloniki,1996.
- Outstanding Researcher Awardfrom theCollege of Engineering of West
VirginiaUniversity, 1992-93.
- Outstanding Researcher Award from the College of Engineeringof West Virginia University, 1991-92.
- Visiting Professor, Ruhr - Universitat, Bochum,Germany,1986.
- Visiting Professor, Brauwswick Universitat, Germany, 1985sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
- Sommerfeld Scholarship, University of Minnesota (1978 - 1983).
- Outstanding University Student Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Greece, 1975-1978.
1.Engineering Structures Journal (International Editorial Board)
2.Wessex Institute of Technology (WIT) Press Earthquake Engineering (Editorial Board)
3.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
4.ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
5.ASCE Journal of the Structural Division
6.ASCE Journal of the Bridge Division
7.ASCE Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division
8.ASCE Journal of the Aerospace Division
9.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
10.Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
11.Journal of Sound and Vibration
12.ASME Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design
13.Computers and Structures Journal
14.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
15.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
16.Technical Champer of Greece, Scientific Journal.
- National Science Foundation, USA.
- Stimulation Action, E.C.
- Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece.
4.Foundation for the Enhancement of Scientific Research, Cyprus.
1.Greek Seismic Code for New Structures.
2.Greek Seismic Code for Rehabilitation and Structural Strengthening.
1. Member of Committees of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Post Earthquake Investigation Committee (TCLEE)
- Seismic Effects Committee
- Dynamic Effects Committee
- Technical Council on Computer Practices (TCCP)
- Contact member of the Shock and Vibratory Committee (1986 - 92).
- Methods of Analysis
- Consulting Member της ACI - ASCE Committee 343, Concrete Bridge Design.
2.Member of the AmericanAcademy of Mechanics
3.Member of the 2nd Permanent Committee on Seismic Response and eismology for the Greek Seismic Protection Agency.
4.Member of the Scientific Committee on the Seismic Behavior of Structures, Greek Technical Chamber .
5.Member of the National Mechanics Committee.
6. President of the National Institute for Concrete Structures Rehabilitation and Repair (Member of the InternationalConcreteResearchInstitute - ICRI).
- 5th International Conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures (ERES 2005), Skiathos, Greece, 2005.
- Seismic Protection of Monuments and Historic Structures, Athens, Greece, 2008.
1. Soil – Structure and Fluid - Structure Interaction, ASCE Structures Congress, Orlando, Florida, 1987.
- Damping in Structural Systems:Prediction and Enhancement,
ASCE EMD Specialty Conference, Virginia Poly. Inst., Blacksburg, Virginia, 1988.
3.Composites in Structural Engineering:Research, Development and Applications. 1990 ASCE Structures
Congress, Batlimore, 1990.
4.Soil – Structure – Fluid Interaction IV,
European Conference on Structural Dynamics - EURODYN '90,
Bochum, Germany, 1990.
- Dynamic Soil – Media Interaction, 1991 ASCE
Structures Congress, Indianapolis, 1991.
6.Vehicular Impact and Wind Response of Bridges,
1991 ASCE Strucrures Congress, Indianapolis, 1991.
7.Soil – Structure Interaction Effects on Bridges,
1992 ASCE Structures Congress, San AntonioTexas, 1992.
8. Seismic Hazard Mitigation of Bridges in the
Eastern U.S.A. , ASCE Structures Congress, Irvine, CA, 1992.
9.Continuous Dynamic Monitoring of Structural
Systems, ASCE Structures Congress, Irvine, CA, 1992.
10.Seismic Bridge Design and Studies for Eastern
United States, ASCE Structures Congress, Atlanta, GA, 1994.
11.Non Destructive Testing Evaluation: Research to
Practice, National Science Foundation, CrystalCity, Virginia, 1995.
12.Reinforced Concrete Structures,
Earthquake Resistant Structures Conference, Thessaloniki, 1996.
Note: Prof. Spyrakos’ work has been referred over 300 times by other authors in Scientific Journal Publications
- SPYRAKOS, Finite Element Modeling in Engineering Practice, Algor Publishing Division, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1995 (Page No 325), Also translated in Arabic, 2009).
2C. SPYRAKOS and J. RAFTOYIANNIS, Linear and Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Practice,Algor Publishing Division, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 1997 (Page number 497).
- C. SPYRAKOS, Seismic Strengthening and Rehabilitation of Structures, Technical Chamber of Greece,AthensGreece, 2004 (Pagenumber 288) (Under translation to English).
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Strip-Foundations, Chapter 5 in Boundary Element Techniques in Geomechanics, Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 147-176, 1993.
- ANTES H. and SPYRAKOS, C. C.,Soil –Structure Interaction, Chapter 6 inComputer Analysisand Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures: A Handbook, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 271-332, 1997.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C., Soil Structure Interaction inPractice, Chapter 5in Boundary Element Methods for Soil-Structure Interaction,Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.235-272, 2003.
- SPYRAKOS,C.C. , KOUTROMANOS, I., and MANIATAKIS, CH., Case Study: A Review of Seismic Mitigation Efforts for Museums in Greece, in Advances for the Protection of Museum Collections from Earthquake Damage, The J. Paul Getty Museum, L.A, USA.
- Papers in Refereed Journals
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and BESKOS D.E., Dynamic Response of Frameworks by Fourier Transform, Computers and Structures, V. 15, pp. 495-505, 1982.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and BESKOS D.E., Dynamic Response of Flexible Strip-Foundations by Boundaryand Finite Elements, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 5, No. 2, pp. 84-96, 1986
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and BESKOS, D.E., Dynamic Response of Rigid Strip-Foundations by Time Domain Boundary Element Method, Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 23, pp. 1547.-1565, 1986.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and ANTES, H., Time Domain Boundary Element Method Approaches in Elastodynamics: A Comparative Study, Computers and Structures, Vol. 244, No. 4, pp. 529-535, 1986.
- GANGARAO, H.V.S. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Vibration of Tapered Beams, ASCE Journal of the Structural Division, Vol. 112, No. 12, pp. 2716-2717, 1986.
- GANGARAO, H.V.S. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Closed Form Series Solutions of Boundary Value Problems with Variable Properties, Computers and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 211-215, 1986.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Transient Analysis of Viscoelastic Tapered Bars and Shafts by Laplace Transform, ASCE, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2. No.1, pp 53- 67, 1987.
- TAMMA, K.K., SPYRAKOS, C.C. and LAMBI, M.A., Thermal/Structural DynamicAnalysis Via a Transform Method Based Finite Element Approach, AIAA Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 219-226, 1987.
- GANGARAO, H.V.S. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., A Series Solution Algorithm for Initial Boundary Value Problems with Variable Properties, Computers and Structures, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 581-585, 1987.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Dynamic Behavior of Foundations in Bilateral and Unilateral Contact, Shock and Vibration Digest, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 561-587, 1988.
- PRUCZ, J., KOKKINOS, R. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Advanced Joining Concepts for Passive Vibration Control, ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 193-205, 1988.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., PATEL, P. and KOKKINOS, F., Assessment of Computational Practices in Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, ASCE, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 143-157, 1989.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and CHEN, CHING-I, Power Series Expansions of Dynamic Stiffness Matrices for Tapered Bars and Shafts, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 259-270, 1990.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Assessment of SSI on the Longitudinal Seismic Response of Short Span Bridges, Engineering Structures, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 60-66, 1990.
- PATEL, P. and SPYRAKOS, C. C., Time Domain BEM-FEM Seismic Analysis, Including Basemat Lift-Off, Engineering Structures, Vol. 12, pp. 195-207, July, 1990.
- FOTOS, P. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Evaluation of Orthodontic Forces Generated by an Arch Wire Appliance Utilizing the Finite Element Method, American J. of Orthodontics: The Angle Orthodontist, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 277-281, 1990.
- PATEL, P. and SPYRAKOS C.C., Uplifting-Sliding Response of Flexible Structures to Seismic Loads, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 8, No.4, pp. 185-191, August, 1991.
- KOKKINOS F.T. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Dynamic Analysis of Flexible Foundations in the Frequency Domain, Computers and Structures Vol. 8, No.5, pp. 473-482, 1991.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Seismic Behavior of Bridge Piers Including Soil-Structure Interaction, Computers and Structures, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 373-384, 1992.
- CHEN, C.-I., MUCINO, V. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Flexible Rotating Beam: Comparative Modeling of Isotropic and Composite Material Including Geometric Nonlinearity, J. Sound and Vibration, Vol. 178, No. 5, pp. 591-605, 1994.
- SIROS, K.A. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Creep Analysis of Hybrid Integral Bridges, Transportation Research Record, No. 1476, pp. 147-155, 1995.
- CHEN, H.L., SPYRAKOS, C.C and VENKATESH, G., Evaluating Structural Deterioration by Dynamic Response,ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Vol. 121, No. 8, pp. 1197-1204, 1995
- XU, C. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Seismic Analysis of Towers Including Foundation Uplift,Engineering Structures, Vol. 18. No 4, pp. 271-278, 1996
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and XU, C., Soil-Structure-Water Interaction of Intake-Outlet Towers Allowed to Uplift,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16, No 2, pp. 151-159, 1997.
- GUAN, F., MOORE, I.D. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Two Dimensional TransientFundamental Solution due to Suddenly Applied Load in a Half-Space, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 17, pp. 269-277, 1998.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C., KEMP, E. and VENKATERREDY, R., Seismic Study of a Historic Covered Bridge, Engineering Structures, Vol. 21., pp. 877-882, 1999.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., KEMP, E. and VENKATERREDY, R., Validated Analysis of Wheeling Suspension Bridge, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 1-7, 1999.
- ΧU, C. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Seismic Analysis of Lock – Soil – Fluid Systems by Hybrid BEM – FEM, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 21, pp. 259-271, 2001
- VLASSIS, A. G. and SPYRAKOS, C. C., Seismically Isolated Bridge Piers on ShallowSoil Stratum with Soil – Structure Interaction,Computers and Structures, Vol.79, pp. 2847-2861, 2001.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C. and VLASSIS, A. G., Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Seismically Isolated Bridges, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.6, No. 3, pp. 391-429, 2002.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C. and IOANNIDIS, G., Seismic Behavior of a Post – Tensioned IntegralBridge Including Soil – Structure Interaction (SSI),Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.23 ,pp. 53-63, 2003.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C. and XU, C., Seismic Soil – Structure Interaction of Flexible Strip-Foundations Embedded in Layered Soils by Hybrid BEM - FEM,Soil Dynamics andEarthquake Engineering, Vol.23, pp. 383-389, 2003.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C., ERMOPOULOS, J. and RAFTOYIANNIS, I., ConditionAssessment and Retrofit of a Historic Steel-Truss Railway Bridge, J. Constructional SteelResearch, Vol. 60, No 8, pp.1113-1225, 2004.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C. and XU, C., Dynamic Analysis of Flexible Strip – FoundationsEmbedded in Layered Soils by Hybrid BEM – FEM,Computers and Structures, Vol. 82, pp. 2541-2550, 2004.
- SPYRAKOS, C. C. and NIKOLETTOS, G., Overturning Stability Criteria for Flexible Structures to Earthquakes, ASCEJournal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 131, No 4, pp. 349-358, 2005.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and ERMOPOULOS, J., Development of Aluminum Load-Carrying Space Frame for Building Structures, Engineering Structures Journal, Vol.27, pp. 1942-1950, 2005.
- ERMOPOULOS, J. and SPYRAKOS, C. C., Validated Analysis and Strengthening of a19th Century Railway Bridge, Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 783-792, 2006.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C.,TOULIATOS, P., HAMPESIS, A., PATSILIVAS, D., PELEKIS, G. and MANIATAKIS, CH. A., Analysis of masonry building for near-source ground motion and recommendations for retrofit, Technika Chronika Sci.J., Vol 1(3), pp. 93-105, (2006).
- RAFTOYIANNIS, I., SPYRAKOS, C. C. and MICHALTSOS G., Behavior of Suspended Roofs Under Blast Loading,Engineering Structures Journal,vol 29,No1, pp 88-100,2007.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C.,MANIATAKIS, CHA., and TAFLAMBAS, J., Evaluation of Near-Source Seismic Records Based on Damage Potential Parameters. Case Study: Greece, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 28 ,pp. 738-753, (2008).
- RAFTOYIANNIS, I., SPYRAKOS, C.C., A Study of suspended roof for Near-source Seismic Motions,Computers and Structures, Vol 86, pp. 1633- 1642, 2008.
- TAFLAMBAS, I.M., SPYRAKOS C.C., and KOUTROMANOS I.A., A New Definition of Strong Duration and Related Parameters Affecting the Response of Medium-Long Period Structures, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Vol. 29, pp. 752-763, 2009.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C.,MANIATAKIS, CHA., and KOUTROMANOS I.A.,Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on Base-Isolated Buildings Founded on Soil Stratum, Engineering Structures Journal, Vol. 31, pp 729-737, 2009.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C.,MANIATAKIS, CHA., and KOUTROMANOS I.A., Seismic Response of Base-Isolated buildings Including Soil-Structure Interaction,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol 29, pp 658-668, 2009.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., KARABALIS, D.L. and BESKOS, D.E., Dynamic Response of Rigid Foundations by the Time Domain BEM, Proc. of the Fourth Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference, Purdue Univ., May 1983.
- KARABALIS, D.L., SPYRAKOS, C.C. and BESKOS, D.E., Dynamic Response of Surface Foundations by Time Domain Boundary Element Method, Proc. of Int. Symposium on Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, Univ. of Minn., Sept. 1984.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and BESKOS, D.E., Dynamic Analysis of Embedded Rigid Strip-Footings by Time Domain Boundary Element Method, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Boundary Element Methods in Eng., Como, Italy, Sept. 1985.
- GANGARAO, H.V.S. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Fourier-Polynomial Series Solutions of Initial-Boundary Value Problems, Proc. of 11th IMACS World Congress, Oslo, Norway, Aug.1985.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., PATEL, P. and BESKOS, D.E., Dynamic Analysis of Flexible Embedded Foundations: Plane Strain CaseProc. of 3rd Int. Conv. Compt. Meth. Exper. Meas., PortoCarras, Greece, 1986.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and ANTES, H., Boundary Element Procedures for Transient Analysis of Soil-Structure Interaction Problems,Proc. of Engineering Mech. Conf., Athens, Greece, 1986.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Torsional and Axial Vibrations of Viscoelastic Non-Uniform Elements by Laplace Transform, Proc. of 23rd Techn. Meet. Soc. Engng. Scien., Univ. of Buffalo, August 1986. (Invited paper).
- FOTOS P.G., SPYRAKOS, C.C., BERNARD, D.O., PATEL, P. and PHILIPINO, V.P., Parametric Analysis of Orthodontic Forces Generated by Titanium-Nickel Alloy Arch Wire, Proc. of Journal of Dental Research 65, 230, 1986.
- PATEL, P. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Geometric Nonlinearities in Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction, Proc. ASCE Engng. Mech. Spec. Conf.,Univ. of Buffalo, May 1987. (Invited paper).
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and PATEL, P., Significance of Foundation Soil-Separation in Dynamic SSI, 58th Shock and Vibration. Symposium., Huntsville, AL, pp. 495-506, 1987.
- ANTES, H. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Dynamic Response of Massive Block to Transient Rayleigh Waves, Proc. of "Dynamics of Structures, ASCE Congress, Orlando, pp. 512-518, 1987.
- PRUCZ, J.C. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Performance Enhancement of Passively Damped Joints of Space Structures, Proc. AIAA/SOM and NASA, Space Station Symposium, Williamsburg, VA, April 21-22, pp. 650-667, 1988, AIAA Paper No. 88-2296.
- PRUCZ, J.C., SPYRAKOS, C.C. and HENDERSON, B., A New Concept for Efficiency Enhancement of Adhesive Joints, 4th Japan - U.S.A. Conference of Composite Materials, Washington, D.C., June 25-27, 1988.
- GANGARAO, H.V.S., SPYRAKOS, C.C., KUMARJIGUDA, S., DICKSON, B. and KALOMALLOS, D., Rating Study of Timber Deck Steel Stringer Bridges, Proc. Intern. Conf. on Timber Engineering, Pullman, Washington, 1988.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Critical Modeling and Computational Aspects in Dynamic BEM-FEM Formulations, Proc. 12th Canadian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Carleton Univ., Ottawa, Canada, May 28-June 2, 1989.
- KOKKINOS, F.T. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Hybrid BEM-FEM Analysis of Flexible Strip- Foundations in the Frequency Domain, 2nd National Congress on Mechanics, Techn. University of Athens, Greece, June 29-July 1, 1989.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Methods of Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems, European Conference on Structural Dynamics, Germany, June 5-7, 1990, Vol. 2, pp. 771-778.
- FU, S. H., PRUCZ, J.C. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Structural Performance of I-Beams Made of Fiber Reinforced Plastics, ASCE Structures Congress 1990, Baltimore, Maryland, April 1990.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., CHEN, H.L., STEPHENS, J. and GOVINDARAJ, V., Evaluating Structural Deterioration Using Dynamic Response Characterization, Intern. Workshop Intelligent Structures, Taipei, Taiwan, July 1990. (Proc. Intelligent Structures, edited by Chong, Liu. and Li, Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 137-154).
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. and IOANNIDIS, G., Seismic Behavior of Post-Tensioned Integral Bridge Including SSI, ASCE Structures Congress, San Antonio TX, April 1992.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C. (as member of ASCE ST Committee on Seismic Effects), Seismic Strengthening for Structures in Regions of Low Seismicity, ASCE Structures Congress, Irvine CA, 1993.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., Seismic Fluid-Soil-Structure Interaction: Locks and Dams Computer Meth. & Advances in Geomech., West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV, May 22-28 1994.
- SPYRAKOS, C.C., KEMP, E. and VENKATAREDDY, R., Seismic Study of Historic Bridges in Eastern United States,ASCE Structures Congress XII, Atlanta, GA, April 24-28, 1994.
- SIROS, K. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., A Study of Jointless Bridge Behavior, ASCE Structures Congress XII,Atlanta, GA, April 24-28, 1994.
- XU, C. and SPYRAKOS, C.C., Seismic Analysis of Towers Including Foundation Uplift,10th European Conf. Earth. Engng. Vienna, Austria, Aug. 28 - Sept. 2 1994.
- VEDULA, N.P., SPYRAKOS, C.C. and KLINKACHORN, P., A Non-Destructive Evaluation Instrument for Axial Load Measurements, National Science Foundation, Research into Practice, Crystal City, Virginia, June 15-16, 1995.
- SPYRAKOS C.C (as member of the ASCE Performance of Full-Scale – Subcommittee on Seismic Performance of Bridges), Seismic Evaluation and Retrofitting of U.S.