CIMA Development Scheme Application Form
Organisation details
Company NameAddress (where accreditation to be held):
Number/ block/ department/ floor/ building
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post code
State/ County/ Province
Switchboard number
Nature of the business
Other information
Existing CIMA partner(please click on the relevant box) / CIMA Training Partner
CIMA Training Quality Partner
If known what is your Account ID?
Number of employees (please click on the relevant box)
1-1011-20 21-50 51-100 101-250 251-500 501-1,000 1,001-2,500 2,501-5,000 5,001-10,000 10,001 +
Number of finance staff
Number of qualified finance staff
Number of CIMA members
Number of CIMA students
How did you find out about CIMA Development?
Cimaglobal.comBrochure mailing
Picked up leaflet at an event CIMA e-mail
Advert in Excellence in Leadership CIMA e-newsletter (Synergy)
Web banner on
Other (Please specify)
Contact Information
Finance contact name (FC/ FD/ Head of Finance)Job title
Contact address (if different from above)
Number/ block/ department/ floor/ building
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post code
State/ County/ Province
Direct telephone number
Email address
CIMA member (please click on the relevant box) / Yes
If yes, what is your Contact ID?
Human Resources/ L&D contact name
Job title
Contact address (if different from above)
Number/ block/ department/ floor/ building
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post code
State/ County/ Province
Direct telephone number
Email address
Contact details for correspondence (if different from above)
Contact nameJob title
Contact address (if different from above)
Number/ block/ department/ floor/ building
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post code
State/ County/ Province
Direct telephone number
Email address
Accreditations/ awards from other professional bodies
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)Chartered Institute of Accountants in England and Wales (UK)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland (UK)
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (UK)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (Rep of Ireland)
Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (UK)
Chartered Management Institute (UK)
Financial Services Authority (UK)
Investors in People (UK)
Institute for Chartered Accountants in Ireland (Ireland)
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (US)
Chartered Financial Analysts Institute (US)
Institute of Management Accountants (US)
Certified Management Accountants Canada (Canada)
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (South Africa)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore (Singapore)
Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Malaysia)
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Accountants (Hong Kong)
Certified Practising Accountants (Australia)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (Australia)
Type of Accreditation
(please give building number and post codes of all multi-sites)
Single site (department only) / Department name:Single site (multi-departmental) / List departments:
Single site (across site)
Multi-site (department only) / Department name:
List sites:
Multi-site (multi-departmental / List departments:
List sites:
Multi-site (across organisation) / List sites:
Regional (department only) / Department name:
List region/s or countries
Regional (multi-departmental) / Department names:
List region/s or countries
Regional (across organisation) / List region/s
Global (department only) / Department name:
Global (multi-departmental) / List Departments:
Global (across organisation?
Member information
CIMA will provide you with a list of members who have identified your organisation as their employer and have given us permission to share this information with you.
Please note that this means not allCIMA members working within your organisation will be on the list.
Please remind members that in order to be covered by the scheme they need to make themselves known to both you and CIMA.
Supporting documentation
Please provide the following supporting documentation with your application (please tick to show that you have included these):
- Sample personal development plan (showing evidence of all
the areas of the CIMA Professional Development cycle)
- Sample appraisal form
- A Learning and Development policy and/or Professional
Development policy
- Code of conduct/ ethics - where this does not exist, please
provide each of the following:
- Statement of Business Principles
- Information on whistle blowing
- Information on money laundering
- Information on Anti-fraud/corruption
- Information on conflicts of interest
Data protection
Please tick if you do not wish CIMAto publish your company
name and details
Please tick if you do not wish to receive details of other CIMA
products and services
Please tick if you do notwish to receiveinformation about CIMA Mastercourses
Once you have completed this application form please send it, by e-mail, together with the completed Assessment matrix and required supporting documentation to the CIMA Development Manager at