Step 2
Processing YBP Purchase Orders
For Acquisitions Assistants
Section I. No duplicates or invalid funds:
1)After the Purchase Orders from YBP are loaded into Voyager, you will receive an email notifying you as such. The most important information in the email is the purchase order number, the duplicates, and invalid funds (circled below in red*):
EOD Vendor Loads - Week Ending 3/14/2008File Loaded: /m1/voyager/yaledb/local/EOD/prebulk.YSEN-A.20080310.pre
Output File Name: log.imp.20080312.1645
I am 24972. I will be doing all of '/m1/voyager/yaledb/local/EOD/prebulk.YSEN-A.20080310.pre' for you.
Discards: File /m1/voyager/yaledb/rpt/discard.imp.20080312.1645
Errors: File /m1/voyager/yaledb/rpt/err.imp.20080312.1645
Load Summary:
Processed: 22
Added: 22
Discarded: 0
Rejected: 0
Errored: 0
Replaced: 0
Merged: 0
Deleted: 0
Mfhds created: 22
Items created: 22
Purchase Order Number: 211002
Number of PO Created: 1
Number of Line Item Processed: 22
Number of Line Item Rejected: 0
Number of Line Item Inserted: 22
Wed Mar 12 16:45:19 2008
Selected import rule is for use with loading embedded order data.
Warning:No cat_control_barcode profile found for [YSENG].
Duplicates To Clean Up From awk VENDORREPLACE:
Invalid Funds From awk NOTVALIDFUND:
*Please Note: The example above shows that there are no duplicates or invalid funds indicated by the word “None” under each heading. For an example of an email that contains duplicates or invalid funds, please see section II on page 4.
- Open the Voyager Acquisitions module and navigate to Search Orders. Be sure that the “Search By:” drop-down menu reads “PO Number” as displayed in the example below.
- Copy (Highlight + Ctrl + C) the purchase order number from the email and paste (Ctrl + V) it into the search box in the Acquisitions module and click “Search.”
- When the search returns a hit, click “Edit” in the bottom right-hand corner and the Purchase Order will open. Verify all of the order details, such as: order type, locations, and account to be sure the information is accurate.
- Carefully look at each line item to make sure there are no unwanted duplicates and approve the purchase order.
- After clicking “Approve,” be sure that both the “Check for duplicates” box and the “Transmit via EDI” box are checked and click “Yes.”
- After the purchase order has been approved email ith the number of purchase orders that have been approved, the purchase order numbers, and the number of line items per purchase order.
Section II.Purchase Orders with duplicates:
1) After the Purchase Orders from YBP are loaded into Voyager, you will receive an email notifying you as such. The most important information in the email is the purchase order number, the duplicates, and invalid funds. This section explains what to do if you find that there are duplicates.
Processed: 31
Added: 31
Discarded: 0
Rejected: 0
Errored: 0
Replaced: 0
Merged: 0
Deleted: 0
Mfhds created: 31
Items created: 31
Purchase Order Number: 211093
Number of PO Created: 1
Number of Line Item Processed: 31
Number of Line Item Rejected: 0
Number of Line Item Inserted: 31
Fri Mar 14 11:00:09 2008
Selected import rule is for use with loading embedded order data.
Warning:No cat_control_barcode profile found for [YSENG].
Duplicates To Clean Up From awk VENDORREPLACE:
22(22):Duplicate Bibs above threshold: replace 1, warning 0.
BibID & rank
8129188 - 100
Adding Bib record 8131539.
Invalid Funds From awk NOTVALIDFUND:
2)First, identify the duplicate by retrieving the bibliographic record in the cataloging module using the bibliographic record ID number from the email. This is the number found after the words “Adding Bib record.”
- After retrieving the bibliographic record, copy (Highlight + Ctrl + C) the main title from the record and search Voyager for another copy of the book.
3)If another YBP bibliographic record appears (YBP records can be easily identified because all of the writing uses capital letters), determine whether the book was purposely ordered twice by the selector or if the order was placed in error. If you are unsure, check with the selector.
4)If the book was ordered in error, the line item, item record, MFHD, and bibliographic record can be deleted. If you do not have authorization to delete a bibliographic record, please contact the appropriate staff member in your department and provide him/her with the bibliographic number of the record that must be deleted.
5)If a second copy of the book was purposely ordered:
a. Copy (Highlight + Ctrl + C) the bibliographic record number from the email.
- Retrieve the bibliographic record using the bibliographic number you just copied from the email by going to “Record” – “Retrieve by record id” – “Bibliographic” and paste (Ctrl + V) the number into the box labeled “Enter the record id.”
- Copy (Highlight + Ctrl + C) the title in the bibliographic record.
- Paste the title into the search box to do a title search. From the title index, highlight the YBP title (obvious because of ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) and select “OK.”
- From the YBP bibliographic record, click “Get Hldgs.” From the MFHD, click on “Record” then “Relink holding to bibliographic…”
- Go back to the email you received from YBP and again copy the bibliographic number as was done in Step a. Then paste (Ctrl + V) the bibliographic number into the box in Voyager and click “OK.”
- Next, get the purchase order number from the email and open the purchase order in Acquisitions.
- Identify the line item of the book and click “Quick Line Item.” Then copy the quick line item screen (Ctrl + Alt + Print Screen), paste (Ctrl + V) the quick line item screen into a Word document, and print the document so you can use the information to create a new line item.
- You may then delete the line item by clicking “Delete Line” while the line item is still highlighted. Then click “Add Line (Bib Search).”
- You must then do a search for the title of the book and create a line item for the bibliographic record you wish to keep (i.e. not the provisional YBP record).
- Highlight the new line item and click “Quick Line Item.” Then fill in each field from the printout you made earlier.
- After entering all of the information, click “Save” in the quick line item. You may then proceed to Section I of this document to approve the purchase order.
- After approving the purchase orderyou must go back to cataloging, look up the title again, and delete the provisional YBP bibliographic record. If you don’t have permission to delete the bibliographic record, write down the bib record number found at the top of the screen and notify your supervisor/department head that it needs to be deleted.
- Finally, make a note that the YBP bibliographic record for this title that will be loaded after the books are received must be deleted. Make this note in the space provided on the checklist.