The Torridon - ManagementApplication Form

Name: / Preferred to be called: / Contact telephone number:
Contact email address:
Skype Address:
Nationality: / Are you 18 -21
Yes  / Are you 25 +
Yes 
How did you hear about the job? Torridon website Gumtree Friend/Relative Staff already working at The Torridon, Other:
Start date and duration?
My preferred start date is: (please tick )
Feb / Mar / Apr / May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov
Do you have any holidays booked or specific time off requests over the next 6-12 months?
Do you require accommodation? / Yes  No: 
What type of accommodation are you looking for? /  - Single room
 - Double (for couples only)
I am looking for a permanent position  / Are you a UK/EU citizen or have a valid permit to work in the UK for at least 12 months.
Yes  No 
If Applicable - Expiry date of Visa?
Is English your first language? Yes  No: 
If no, how would you describe your level of English?
Fluent  Intermediate beginner 
What job position in the company are you looking for?: / What salary are you looking for?
What management experience do you have?
Experience /  / Duration –months/years / Experience /  / Duration –months/years
Team Trainingand Development /  / Guest and Quality Management / 
Managing Budgets and Targets /  / Performance Management / 
Pastoral Care Management /  / Disciplinary Management / 
Communication Skills /  / Managing Meetings / 
Coaching Skills /  / Planning and Monitoring work / 
Recruitment & Selection /  / Health & Safety Management / 
Why do you want to work at The Torridon? / What is the reason for you leaving your current job?
What is the best piece of advice you have been given? / What management skill9 do you want to develop at The Torridon?
What have you done to motivate your team as a manager? / What have you done to inspire your team as a manager?
What is your management style in 3 words?
1. / 2. / 3.
What type of people do you like to work with? (PLEASE ONLY PICK ONE)
straight-forward, tenacious and purposeful / dynamic, creative and energetic / capable, analytical, reliable
 / Supportive, detailed and perceptive
What type of situation(s) are you uncomfortable dealing with?
What motivates you? / What gets your stressed or demotivates you?
Whom is your role model and why?
Do you smoke? / Do you have a drivers license? / Are you vegetarian/diet reqs.? If yes what are they?
Yes  No  / Yes  No  / Yes  No 
Diet is:
Office Notes:

Thank you for taking the time to complete our job application form

We will be back in touch shortly. In the meantime if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me:

Tel: +44 (0)1445 791242-