Your M3 journal


Please always bring either a hard copy or an electronic version of this journal with you to each class to keep track of your progress and of your activities during our seminar.

Information about our seminar with Module 3 for BEd students (2-Fach-BA degree students can find appropriate information in the relevant OLAT folder in the companion OLAT course):

You receive a total of 6 credit points for successfully completing the seminar and passing the M3 module exam. Our M3 seminar has 4 credits with 1 credit representing 30 hours for the average student. You receive 1 credit for attending the seminar. Allowing an additional credit for preparing for the module exam after passing the seminar leaves 2 credits for homework and preparation during the term outside of class, which is approximately equal to 6 hours preparation for each and every session for an average student. Some students with weaker English skills might require more time.

Please use this journal to keep notes (in whatever way you like – keywords, mindmaps, detailed notes, outlines) about your preparation for each session. You can devote one or more pages for each session as you like. The table belowis just one suggestion for how you can organize your studying and preparation. Regardless of how you decide to organize your journal, please remember to always note how much time you’ve spent completing the regular homework reading assignments from the course book as well as the time needed for the additional assignments within your task groups and for any course material reports that you may have volunteered to give. I’ll be asking you to submit the electronic version of your journal to me at various times during the semester. Please also feel free to share your thoughts and preparation with your fellow students during the seminar with the hope that everyone will profit from sharing.

for date of session / preparation for the session in keywords (in addition to the weekly regular reading assignments from the course book) / time spent per task
2nd session
3rd session
4th session
5th session
6th session
7th session
8th session
9th session
10th session
11th session
12th session