Syllabus 2015-2016
Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations
(Credit Recovery & SAT Preparation)
Mrs. Suggs/Ms. Jones
Room 205
Course Description: Plato is a web based program designed for self-paced learning that allows students to work ahead, remediate, or study. It is also used for recovery credit for students who are behind schedule for graduation. Plato is designed to begin each unit with a pretest. The pretest determines what the student doesn’t know in each unit. The program then teaches the students ONLY that information. It exempts them from the information that they know and rewards them with a grade of 100. The program teaches by using modules. Students must master these modules with an 80 or better to move on. Each unit is culminated with a post test.(Working out of order without permission will cause student confusion since the units were designed to be completed in order.)
Any student who completes their course by the end of first semester will receive their credit and will be put in a different class for second semester.
1.There is NOsearching the web without teacher permission.
2.The ONLY website students are to be on is Plato.
3.There is NO cell phone usage. No texting, listening to music, etc.
4.Students are assigned a computer and must work only on that computer. You are NOT allowed to alter the computer settings in any way.
5.Students are ALLOWED TO make notes, but not to share notes. YOUR NOTES ARE YOUR NOTES ONLY! Your notes must be turned in daily to the teacher to place in your folder.
6.It is thestudent’s responsibility after completing a grade, to raise his/her hand and show the teacher (Ms. Jones/Mrs. Suggs) what grade was earned.
*Failure to comply with any of the Plato rules will result in immediate suspension of computer and equipment use, which will inevitably result in a failing grade for the class.
Classroom Guidelines 2015-2016
(Credit Recovery & SAT Preparation)
Mrs. Suggs/Ms. Jones
Room 205
1. Restroom privileges are provided only in the case of an
2.Students will work bell-to-bell to ensure success.
3. Students will come to class each day ready to work with:
(1) a legible ink pen and pencil
(2)some loose-leaf paper.
Discipline Procedures
- Verbal Warning
- Formal Warning (Student Signature Stating Offense)
- Parent Notification
- Referral
*Please be aware that any referral resulting in ISS will result in a conduct grade of N; a second referral will result in a conduct grade of U.
Parent Signature______Date______
Parent Email ______
Parent Telephone Number ______
*Parents: My email address at school is . Feel free to use this as a mode of communication. Otherwise, you will need to notify your student’scounselor @ 706-554-6691 to schedule a conference.